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Nerf the CampMaster 5000

Member Posts: 4,142

The Hag is just a glorified camper. Everyone of them (except the ones with a broken keyboard/controller who cannot physically hold the necessary button for marking).

I've heard mention of a possible solution, and it only seems fair: have all Hag marks within 12m of the hook be removed when a survivor is unhooked. You cannot possibly believe that a survivor is supposed to crouch-walk up to the hook, unhook, and both are supposed to crouch-walk away before the Hag returns, do you? (Wait, ofc you do; it's been like this since Hag was released)

The Trapper cannot put traps close to the hook. The Executioner cannot leave trenches near the hook.


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  • Member Posts: 3,676

    So what if she has a trap there. Use BT and do saves when healthy and both of you escape. Or even better, use a flashlight.

    There are far superior camping killers then adonless hag.

  • Member Posts: 8,814
    edited September 2020

    That's actually a pretty significant nerf, even though trapping hooks isn't a big part of her kit. It's just a thing you do to weed out the good survivors from the bad ones, which isn't that significant when you realise what it actually means. If she cannot place traps there, no-one would need to slow themselves down or play carefully to avoid one going off.

    Besides, the strongest way to trap a hook is to trap the loop/path beside the hook, so it's not like adding a no-trap radius would be even feasible. You can't remove her power in such a large and random portion of the map.

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    I usually stop placing traps near the hook after 1-2 that point the damage is done and they'll still crouch for saves :3

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    I always like to trap a gen so they think I'll do that with all gens. I love making survivors waste time

  • Member Posts: 1,174

    Played the other day without trapping any hooks and they still crouch walked to every single save.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Shouldn't be within 12 meters, but they should definitely remove her ability to place traps within say 3 meters of the hook. If Hag can't do anything outside of camping, then maybe the solution should be fixing Hag.

  • Member Posts: 350

    Most decent hag won't be placing more than 1 trap near the hook, he web might be spread round the hook vicinity but usually terrible low rank hag will always place 4-6 trap around the hook and for those seriously just don't save or crouch or flashlight them like everyone said.

    But nerfing the hag is really a bad idea.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Hag is countered by common sense and caution. That's all it is.

  • Member Posts: 288

    I'd be happy if they stopped spinning my camera around every time I run over a trap.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I've been playing a few green and purple hags recently that just do this. Unfortunately my teammates feed right into it.

    2 things happen to hags that play this way:

    They rank up from bad survivors only to get slapped the heck down when they try this on good survivors and they either drop the character because they don't want to learn or they just derank.

    A hag played properly is both fun and scary as well as very strong. A hag that camps hooks will only win against bad survivors.

  • Member Posts: 97
    edited September 2020

    As a Hag main I’ve had many people crouch past my hook trap and get away.

    Most people who complain about Hag don’t even know how to play against her. “Use flashlights, crouch, Urban Evasion.”

    Great. Those make up less than half of her counters.

    Try not walking straight from point A to point B. Don’t walk through clear paths or tiles. Move around the edge of the map. This is literally the only killer in the game you actually get a benefit from doing that against. See her carrying someone? Run around to trigger some traps. That’ll give you an idea of how and where she’s trapping.

    If you want to get good at this game, stop blaming the game and look for ways you can improve as a player.

  • Member Posts: 951

    We gotta remember, people screamed and ranted about how billy was so broken and op even when the devs said he was in a good spot, then they caved and nerfed him. So naturally they will go from one killer to another because killer is an unfair role

  • Yeah, but Hag is unique in that she got buffed because a developer experienced her issues first hand.

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    When i was a noob id line the hook with trapper traps, so yeah you can. Just not under the hook.

    Hags fine, there are plenty of counterdms to trapped hooks including crouch walking

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    Hag is seriously not that hard to counter. Just because most players can't do it/refuse to do it doesn't mean she needs a nerf. So many of my teammates do not understand that they need to be crouching as they're unhooked, or they straight up walk over a clearly visible triangle. It's frustrating, but there should be some expectation that the survivors have to acknowledge the killer's power in order to win.

  • Member Posts: 227
    edited September 2020

    Hag is actually kind of on the weak side at higher ranks, especially against SWF. All it takes is one survivor with a flashlight following her around destroying her marks with a flashlight to turn her into a mouse 1 killer with 110% speed the rest of the game. She is also hard countered by urban evasion.

  • Member Posts: 1,416

    Or you just crouch?

  • Member Posts: 13,616

    The first and perhaps only thing i'd want to see change about her is the combination of Mint Rag & any Exposed gear, namely Make Your Choice.

  • Member Posts: 415

    😆 clicked on this and thought forsure he meant the real "campmaster 5000" bubba obviously.

    Seen it was hag and didnt even read lmao

    Hag is one of the easiest killers to counter.

  • Member Posts: 1,209

    I want to start off by saying that isn’t camping if she is leaving traps and walking away at most if she is coming back it’s tunneling but you can’t nerf around that as that’s how killer is played proxying, slugging, and tunneling are as much strategies as rushing through the gens it’s not toxic it’s just playing the game I would try running things like Sprint Burst to get out of the are faster or have the other guy body block if that becomes a problem

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    I'm not saying that traps cannot be placed around the hook. I'm saying that if a survivor is unhooked, any traps within 12m of that one specific hook are removed

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    You're basically saying the same thing different ways. End result: Hags web is destroyed and she wasted all her time, which basically means she cannot place traps withing 12m even without the hard prevention, which means she effectively has hard prevention.

  • Member Posts: 4,142

    I know how to work around the Hag's traps, but knowing how to doesn't magically mean that my teammates do.

    De-rank back to yellow/brown and play against a Hag...

    8 traps around the hook. Every survivor sets them off when unhooking

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