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Is NOED toxic?

Recently I played around with a couple of perks and since I don’t really know much about them I just got a perk called NOED. My first match I got a 3/4 and was wondering if using it was toxic, since much of the community seems to think so. Then again survivor will be survivors.

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  • Member Posts: 2,948
    edited September 2020

    No, not at all, if you're using an end game build it's great, if you just use it to secure kills cause you can't do nothing in early or mid game you're a noob, if you obliterate survivors and you use NOED for end game too you're just a deuchebag.

    BTW, they can always do totems

  • Member Posts: 2,065
    edited September 2020

    I feel it largely depends on how it's used. Most people regard NOED as a Crutch Perk bad players lean on because they can't win any other way.

    Which prompts the question to me of how many of those 3 kills were specifically because of NOED. But even if all three were, it's not an inherently toxic perk, nor are you toxic just for using it.

    If you did nothing the whole game and onlyb started attacking and downing people after NOED activated, or rage quit if the Survivors cleansed its Totem, that I might regard as toxic.

  • Member Posts: 22

    BTW forgot to mention only 1 of those kills were from NOED, so i'm not complete trash.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    NOED is basically a 'second chance' perk for killers. It can be quickly countered but has the potential to be impactful if survivors didn't cleanse bones or end up in an egc hook trade scenario.

    I use it from time to time but given how often I don't get to the end game usually there is at least one gen left at the 3k it doesn't come into play that often and I feel there are better things to take.

    There is nothing 'toxic' about it, but it can rob someone of an expected escape which leads to post game upset. So you can see where the bad reaction to it comes from.

  • Member Posts: 331

    Winning endgame with NOED is still winning. I had an endgame build with Myers with NOED where the team got all 5 gens done. Then I slugged them all and got a 4k. People just get salty over endgame wins because they were so close to escaping and they didn't 😆

  • Member Posts: 393

    No, but it can be a horrible crutch. It can also reward toxic play.

    NOED is a great perk for some builds. If you are running a killer that snowballs late in the game, say Trapper, and you put together an end game build, NOED is a key part. If you are a camping Bubba who is going to face camp each hook, NOED is rewarding a toxic pos. If you are running every build with NOED because you can't stop them from escaping without it, you are using it as a crutch.

    It's that simple.

  • Member Posts: 2,948

    Winning end game without an end game build using NOED is just a noob move where the survivors were noob"iers" than you, they really did 5 gens without one dying and they didn't think you were bad enough to have NOED and prevent it from popping.

    Yes, nice W against noob survivors.

    Again, that was not my point, NOED is not toxic, it's just useful and a valid strat in any ways, but if it's an end game build OMG, if it's a pro killer that brings in NOED just to troll cause he didn't even need it DAMN! And if it's a random build bad killer who uses it to secure kills at the end game, it was the survivor's fault, no shame for the killer

  • Member Posts: 331

    Don't worry what this community thinks. This community can't make its mind up on anything. Ask yourself though if YOU think NOED is toxic. If you find it toxic you can unequip it and if not you can keep it because at the end of the day its you who has to play the match.

    Although eventually when you get better perks and get better at the game overall I'd ditch NOED. Since you seem new though I'd say its a great starter perk. :)

  • Member Posts: 69

    Bad survivors don't plan for it. It breaks their routine and they just want an EZ game where they gen rush and t-bag at the exit and win, then whine about it on the forums how there's no time to do bones. Well its either losing 1-2 minutes in EGC when the stakes are high or losing 1-2 minutes when the pressure has not buitl up. Choose.

    Experienced survivors clean totems and still finish gens and can still get 2-3 escapes consistently without SWF.

    Pro survivors keep track of where the totems are, but don't cleanse them unless they need to (it is in fact a Hex totem or they're running Inner Strength.) As soon as the last gen is finished, they rush to the totems to find which one's the NOED and clean that one only, making the most efficient use of their time, unhook the first and only guy to ever get downed by NOED, and go for 4 escape.

    A lot of survivors forget that NOED doesn't technically require you to clear ALL totems, it lights up one of the Dull totems during EGC. I've seen survivors still cleansing Dull Totems during active NOED which wasted precious time for her.

    NOED is suboptimal for high mobility and high pressure killers, though, as well as most killers who can already insta down. (might have a usecase for billy without addons, but if you're running NOED as Myers you planned that wrong and should have 99'd your Evil Within II at the last gen)

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    When i see a killer using NOED i automatically downgrade his skills. NOED got no activation requirement and got no real risk.

  • Member Posts: 674

    NOED is a perfectly fine and acceptable perk to use. It helps killers excel just a little bit more in the end-game by giving up a perk slot in the early game. Survivors have a counter to it by cleansing dull totems throughout the match, and it punishes those who only do gens.

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited September 2020

    It isn't toxic, but it is a wasted perk slot imo.

    With noed, you have a perk that survivors can control - aka. doing totems.

    I don't know how others see it, but no matter how good a perk is - I perfer perks on what I can count in certain situations.

    The simple fact that survivors can take this perk out to any time - if they want - makes it unattractive for me.

    Edit: Also, yeah... What @NursesBootie says is also a bit of my opinion, I just tried not to be rude :)

  • Member Posts: 1,841
    edited September 2020

    Honestly, I couldn't care less about the insta-down aspect of NOED. I primarily use it for the haste bonus. It's like having PWYF without having to worry about losing stacks because you attacked.

    NOED is no more toxic than Decisive Strike or Head On. The way you use the perks determines whether or not your behaviour could be considered toxic.

  • Member Posts: 176

    everyone is giving you non-answers. saying "use what you want, people cant tell you a perk is toxic"

    you CAN use noed, but if you do, a majority of survivors you play against will consider it toxic or unfair. you may feel invalidated out of a win you would normally feel good about because the survivors blame youre win on noed. personally i feel its more satisfying to win without feeling like a perk got me free downs at the end of the game and eliminated the altruism aspect of the late game. also, it doesnt do much against a swf and destroys solo q, which is just counter productive.

    so yes, i would consider it toxic, but i guess you can use it. you just might not feel as good winning some games

  • Member Posts: 674

    What survivors think of the killer is no concern to the killer, survivors will think whatever they want.

  • Member Posts: 475

    No, NOED is for tbag teams ! And teams like that there is a lot... it's either that or your frustration !

    I just out exit door now. My member teammate was too busy to tbag the Huntress, she hadn't hit anyone yet so NOED wasn't visible, she one shot him ! And I won't pity him, lesson !

    So no, NOED is not toxic, it assures a kill.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    The thing is that survivors have it in their control to disable noed, a lot of them just chose not to do it.

    I play mostly survivor, and if it becomes relevant, the killer is mostly struggeling anyway. Its fair to me that he has a "comeback-perk".

  • Member Posts: 3,772

    I don't think so. If you down someone a minute in camp them to death and than bank on noed netting you another kill or two, maybe. I think because newer killers who aren't confident enough to risk leaving the hook use it that way people assume everyone does.

  • Member Posts: 1,118

    No, NOED isn't toxic. Anyone who tries to justify around it by calling it a "Crutch Perk" knows they can't call it toxic but they want to. Play how you want, use what you want. If people get mad at you using it, they're obviously just as bad as they claim you to be because they don't know how to DO BONES.

  • a good perk for an extra advantage. perks are not toxic, toxic comes from player. NOED is a back-up perk that can be good if you did not have better perks.

  • Member Posts: 64

    NOED sucks if you are a survivor, that's for sure. I think of it as sunglasses. People have them, but only ahem deu*es use them inside. Everyone has noed, but not everyone uses it in-game. It emits a certain type of sweat. Sure if you, as a killer, use noed you will get kills (and probably laugh while doing it). But as survivors who think the game is over, it becomes the knockout round. Noed isnt a instawin, in a sense. Devour exposes as well, but there is a buildup to it instead of basically adding a second boring chapter to the game (its like trying to get thru a math book. It kills you inside but your have to go thru it. And who likes that?). Please feel free to add or discuss.

  • Member Posts: 3,142
    edited September 2020

    ^^^^ this.

    You know why some of us will run NOED? Because Survivors seem to have a severe allergy to totems.

    Just wait until Hex: Undying and some people running Hex builds. They better get over that allergy right quick.

  • Member Posts: 482

    The perk isn't toxic, how you use it determines if you're toxic.

    If you're tunneling a person whole game and then use NOED to slug/camp them to death, then that's where it's toxic.

    Otherwise it's just a cheesy perk to rob survivors of a win, so naturally they get pretty salty at that.

  • Member Posts: 891

    I've been a red rank killer and a red rank survivor--and I get the appeal of NOED but I see it 90% of the time on people who didn't do well all match and then got a second chance at getting a kill. I ran into a match last night where a Wraith spent the entire match trying to catch people, couldn't, then got one hit with NOED at the end. He lost his survivor on hook even though he was camping it and couldn't catch anyone else, then stood cloaked in front of the exit gates waiting for people to come by. He didn't catch anyone, of course, but -that's- the kind of people who use NOED. Lol.

  • Member Posts: 832

    No, and don't listen to people who think it is.

  • Member Posts: 3,001

    Not at all, I consider it a waste of slot but to each their own.

    You paid for your game, you use what you want.

  • Member Posts: 3,344

    No. No perk (or anything else like add-on, killer, item, survivor...) is somehow magically inherently toxic.

    People might not like it, and if they can seperate their dislike of the perk from people that use it that's fine, they can discuss the perk itself. People that can't do that and shame players for what they're using are just scrubs, ignore them.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Yes, it really, really is. Free power for failure? No reasonable counterplay? It's almost as bad as DS, but at least DS can sometimes genuinely be for punishing a tunneller.

  • Member Posts: 215

    As a person who plays 95% Survivor, no it is not OP. It carries ######### killers though. Only time I get mad about NOED is if it happens as exactly as I said. If NOED starts and all Survivors are still alive it's a crappy killer who needs to rely on that one perk. That's what you call pathetic.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    no it not I use it because of the gen rushing game get to teh end game fast and survivor don't do totems.

    if they did do bones the perk be useless anyways.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    DS not anti tunnel perk it punish a kill doing really good.

  • Member Posts: 340

    Not that I disagree, but I'm going to use this quote for the next umpteenth thread about DS and/or Unbreakable.

  • Member Posts: 4,467

    Perks can’t be toxic. Playstyles and people can.

  • Member Posts: 1,454

    I had one game a while back as wraith. and I just one hit people to 8 stacks of stbfl. then slugged the one I was chasing and with blood warden when they popped the door, I hooked the slug. Little did they know they couldn’t leave they were teabagging me. and as went to the door. they tried to leave, lol I got a 4K that game and not a word out of them.

  • Member Posts: 1,454
    edited September 2020

    Umm having a dull totem up isn’t a activation requirement? And having no totems up so you don’t get to use it and having only 3 perks isn’t a risk?

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    You should. I give those threads the same response I give these. I don't complain about any Survivor or Killer Perks that are officially in the game. I get hit with DS all the time and never complain. I have no right to do so. The only thing I every bring up is the so-called 5th Perk (Comms) which SWF have. That one irks me a bit, but only because I think they belong in their own Que so the DEV can give them an extra Generator to complete and/or give the Killer another Perk to balance it. :)

  • Member Posts: 229

    The Noed is very fun to use sometimes but if you need to use all the time is not toxic but you have to practice play without it, already that you can't depend all the time of any perks is 80% your ability and 20% of any perks help

  • Member Posts: 961

    Nope, not toxic. Survivors dont like it because it's a killer second chance perk, but with the disgusting meta they have, they have no room to complain. It's pretty powerful on weaker killers and godlike on deathslinger.

  • Member Posts: 2,159

    You don't influence the activation requirement, thanks for the correction. Playing with three perks is not that bad, because NOED can give you insane value against bad teams. That's why killers up to purple use it and red rank killers don't.

  • Member Posts: 1,893

    No its not toxic. Survivors just....really like to whine about any and every little thing instead of think of ways to counter something its easier to just whine, even when the counter is presented multiple multiple multiple times.

  • Member Posts: 785

    It isn't toxic.

    It's just another perk, which actually is really bad.

    The only ones who whine about this perk are gen rushers, that's all.

  • Member Posts: 463

    No. I don't really think any perk in the game is toxic by just being used. NOED is just annoying at times, but there's a lot of perks on both sides that are like that. Survivors will complain about crutch perks yet most of the time have DH, DS, and Unbreakable so I wouldn't really let that bother you.

  • Member Posts: 266

    Dont use noed.

  • Member Posts: 994

    Look one game i was chased for all 5 gens, by a green rank ph. I only got downed cause of noed. Do i think noed is busted? No. We should of did bones, instead i was chased and they gen rushed. Did we all get out? Yea.

    Just because a killer has noed, doesnt mean its broken or op. Survivor goal is to escape. Killers goal is to kill. If noed helps them with their goal, so be it. It is counterable by either stop fking about in game and leave. Cleanse it. Or do bones. This whole "oh only bad killers need it" is stupid. Same can be said about a lot of survivor perks.

  • Member Posts: 1,192

    At the end of the day, who cares if its toxic or not. If it isn't a cheat or an exploit, then anybody else's opinion is their own and you don't have to let it influence you.

    Like DS, NOED is a perk designed to be used, some call them crutch perks and perhaps they are, but survivor / Killer rules are not the same as actual rules and the bare bones fact is; You paid for the game, you play how you wish.

    There are some good points in this thread, both for and against, but at the end of the day you do you when its within the rules of the actual game, not rules of etiquette that change from one week to the next.

  • Member Posts: 274


    For the last damn time, no.

  • Member Posts: 1,454
    edited September 2020

    So how well I play doesn't dictate if they can do them or not. if I slug 2 and they get up and maybe another goes down would not in any way effect how and if they do totems?

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