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How often do you downvote after a match?

I feel I have liberty to report any grievances I may have during the game such as NOED, camping, trolling, and any other in-game actions that affects your real life mood. I see myself doing this more lately. Whether it be dwight unhooking me in front of killer twice in a minute, or teammates that camp a certain hiding spot letting me die, or anything unsightly of a teammate. I do not think that the down votes really affect anything at times unlike dc's, but nonetheless it is a venting spot for me. How do you guys use this?

Best Answer


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    What do you exactly mean though?

    reporting players for unsafe or using Noed is itself bannable since those are just part of the game. Griefing is defined as one person targeting only you over multiple matches. You can report for ‚unsportsmanlike‘ or what’s it called, at least I think that’s for those things you mentioned.

    if you mean that match rating where you can give 1 to 5 ‚stars‘, that’s also fair game not for individual players though and being frank, I don’t think that does anything.. I use it often and somewhat regularly report for that unsportsmanlike behaviour..

  • Inji
    Inji Member Posts: 1,096

    If the downvote you are talking about is the report system, then please do not report people for using perks or game mechanics. These reports will only clutter the system with false reports. Noed and camping are part of the game and shouldnt be reported.

    Please refer to the game rules for more information:

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    The report button is for lagswitchers, hackers, abusive chats, death threaths, bug abuse, etc not for people camping or using NOED.

    Camping and NOED aren't bannable and so by over reporting you are giving the BHVR team that look at report more work than they should for thihngs you just dislike to go against. So you should refrain from doing so ^^

    xOMNISCIENTx Member Posts: 64

    Hmm I see. Well I need a better way to rate the BHVR of the killers I face

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    I generally reserve its use for DCers, since "rage-quitting" is one of the options for using the reports. I know it's said not to, but it's the choice is specifically there and they specifically did it, so...

    Mechanics like NOED, or strategies like camping and tunneling, while I personally dislike them, are still within the scope of normal play. Now if, say, a Killer tunneled one specific Survivor to death and then went AFK for the rest of the match, hindering no other Survivors in any way, that would consider reportable (specifically griefing) since the Killer went out of their way to do that.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    I often downvote those who suicide on first hook. It's ruining the game by intentional losing and it's should be bannable.