Killers need some actions/emotes

I think it would be great if killers had some other options like emotes. Like as spirit I phase out then back in within the doorframe that I beat a survivor to, then I could have her scream at the survivor, like she does in the menu.
✨ Hag would like sniff the ground, then the air.
✨ Demi would howl.
✨. Michael might do a knife throat slit taunt.
✨. Oni would yell and point his big weapon forward.
Things like that, would make my day to immerse as a killer and actually put a little
fear into survivors. "oh crap, Run!"
which killer would get to flip the bird?
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Or even just a laugh emote, because some Survivors just asked for it once I finally get their asses on a hook. 😁
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Imagine huntress trying to hide a laugh in with her humming
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I'm just imagining Myers doing Orange Justice, and now my day is ruined.
Oh, and maybe for Wraith he does like a funeral thing with his bell?
I explained that very poorly but whatever
and what would Legion do?
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I would love to default dance someone as plague
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Legion would have one of his other legion buddies show up and high five, or quietly chat snicker then run off
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nah legions would be flipping the bird and then punching the nearest wall or survivor if downed (wont hurt them but would be funny
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haha GF would be snapping a picture of the survivors and waving
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We just need to give the survivors and killers the middle finger emote , I would gladly buy it even for auric cells
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deathslinger holds up a bounty paper to his face and points at the survivor nurse well tbh she could be weaping as her turn into a killer came from wanting to end suffering and punish the wicked so she could be sad of her role as a punishier of the innocent huntress with her humming could change her to cradaling a doll in her arms
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Pig in stealth, suddenly there's a creepy little girl voice "I see you"
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Micheals would be a head tilt
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Would be nice to get emotes, but killers don't need emotes. It doesn't affect the gameplay at all.
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Spirit: *screeching"
Doctor: Shocks himself
Nurse: squeals
Bubba: Does that chainsaw dance from TCM 2
Pig: Pulls out a tape and starts playing it. John Kramer's voice says, "I wanna play a game."
Ghostface: Call me hand signal
Myers: Breathes loudly
Hillbilly: bangs on chainsaw with his hammer
Legion: Flips the bird
Plague: barfs everywhere
Clown: Pulls out his finger box and starts observing the contents
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I would like ways to be scary/creepy in a horror game. Would be awesome 👻
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all of them shoul how a lot of game end.
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So EGC enables killer emote for the middle finger. Agreed?
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yes as soon survivor start t bagging
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Huntress juggles hatchets, but only one with iri head =)
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I also like emot of the killer kicking survivor in the A who t bag at gate.