Too much cheating with pc players.

I am on ps4 and i can see when a pc player cheated i know cnets a pc with the name, dbd does something against cheaters. Thank you


  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    See I dont even get why someone would cheat like that, the ones I've seen personally atleast make sense to me, a Jake that dead harded 5 times in a chase, very likely making up for his mistakes. But why would you just sabo and DC.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    permanet sabos including basment and i donth think that was a dc i think they got banned if yoy cheat to break the basment immeadiate red flags as they are unbreakable

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    The devs do deal with hackers. Not as fast as most of us would like, but I imagine they get a lot of player reports to sift through.

    Allow me to assure you that as of 2k hours I've only seen maybe a half dozen hackers tops. They're always blazingly obvious about it too because they know they only have a limited amount of time to use their paid hacks before they get banned.

    How do you define 'cheating' anyways?

  • DeeJHansen
    DeeJHansen Member Posts: 81

    His friend was still in game so idk, he said, "He did'nt cheat but he had to leave for...reasons"


  • OllieHellhunter
    OllieHellhunter Member Posts: 703

    Makes a bit more sense then I guess. Still all the ones I've seen personally were all chase related, stuff like the Jake I mentioned in the previous reply, and a bubba that somehow managed to have nurse's power.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    so opt out of crossplay

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    In my ~430 hours playing DBD on PC, I can't say I've ever faced a legitimate hacker. Anything suspicious I have encountered might be more easily explained by a bug or latency issues than actual cheating.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    ive seen clips like that bubb revs there saw then insta downs everyone

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I’ve reported three hackers via tickets on the site, and to be fair to the devs at least 2 of them were banned from what I can see on their Steam profiles (third is private). They do actually ban people for it if they get reported with evidence.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    You didn't even try and share what 'cheats' you witnessed.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    The devs and Easy Anti Cheat is trying to do something about it, but anti-cheat is a very tricky business. It's a neverending arms race where there will never be a "decisive victory" for anyone.

    But yes, most cheaters will be on PC as you can't exactly run epic_cheats.exe on a PS4 or something. I'm still confused about how people see so many cheaters, in my 3200 PC hours I can count the amount of blatant cheaters I've seen on two hands. My hands and feet if we include pre-dedicated server lagswitchers. Compared to most other games I've played that's very low.

  • BeyondDisbelief
    BeyondDisbelief Member Posts: 69

    The "smart" cheaters are much more subtle and don't do it in your face like that. Couple weeks ago I was playing killer chasing a meg. I injured her first, and there's literally no pause and no time for her to heal. At one point she jumped off the temple and dived into the basement, i was like, "Really?" as I went after her she rushed out, fully healed - it didn't register in my head at first until after I struck her on her way back up the stairs.

    No white glow (not MOM), no one suddenly became broken (not For the People). I was confused and pressed on the chase and eventually downed her.

    I figured it was Anti-Haemorrhagic Syringe just not sure when she used it (she was in the basement less than 16 seconds) but during post game, it showed she only brought a green med-kit with additional charge add-ons.

    My only conclusion was that she must've hacked the game, but subtle and not egregious enough that one can't be sure if its reportable.

  • Tricks
    Tricks Member Posts: 957

    My PC nurse /wall_hacks hard.

    All day every day.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117
    edited September 2020

    Funnily enough, I encountered and reported what I believe to be my first cheaters today.

    And from what I could tell, it was a full Xbox group (globe icon, but spaces in the name) and if it was cheating, it was the weirdest cheating I've ever seen.

    So, match starts. A poor guy spawns like 30 yards from me, not even behind anything. Probably one of the unluckiest spawns I've ever seen. I go over and hit him immediately, it seems like he hasn't even loaded in fully yet or maybe isn't at his game. He starts running after the hit, though. He runs about 15 feet and my Tinkerer pops. If you don't know, Tinkerer makes you undetectable when a generator hits 70%, as well as notifying you of which generator is at 70%, the generator pops almost instantly after the Tinkerer notification. The generator is actually right in front of me, and this dude is running towards it, but I can't quite see everything around it. I get there less than 2 seconds later and see some REALLY faint scratch marks, the dude stops and points for some reason, there's no one ANYWHERE by the gen, and it's a big open field in the direction he's pointing, with no big line of sight blockers or anything, not for quite a while at least. Maybe they're just stealthy or something.

    That said, I am flabbergasted, as we're literally seconds into the match. I don't assume much at this point, I imagine with the right perks and 3 BNPs, you could pop a gen that fast no problem. Weird to use them on the first gen, but no biggie. Also weird that 3 of them popping a gen pretty much in my line of sight and clearly sprinting since there WERE scratch marks wouldn't result in me seeing anybody, but again, no biggie. Weird stuff happens, sometimes you think one thing is happening when they did something entirely different.

    I down him a few seconds later, he was in a dead zone so he didn't make it very far, that gen didn't have much around it. A hook is very close by. I hook him.

    Tinkerer pops twice. Two separate gens, literally across the map.

    I'm playing Oni, and at this point I've only landed that initial hit for blood orbs and the guy hasn't dropped very many extra yet, so I start hoofing it.

    As soon as I start going, the dude is unhooked. I turn around, and there are two teammates there, healing him. But... that's 3 people. And I just saw two Tinkerer pops across the map... Not "nearly at the same time," at almost the damn same frame. And the second I turn to go to them, two people are suddenly unhooking and healing this dude. At this point I'm tremendously confused. The dude again starts pointing, I don't know at what. I hit one of the people, and now have enough to pop blood fury. I pop it and they run out of my line of sight behind a wall while I'm in the animation. I start a demon rush and get around the wall and... nothing. We're still in that same open area. They're just... gone.

    Then the weird part happens. All of this was strange, but the strangest part is I see a sound notification, dunno what for, and I see a dude escape. I didn't really check the items before the match but I was so certain they didn't have a key. Whatever, I can still probably make it there in time.

    A second or two after the first guy escapes, the entire rest of the team escapes at once. When escaping through a hatch, each person has to jump through, one at a time. As far as I know it's impossible to have three people escape at the exact same moment. Maybe if you all hit the button on the exact same frame or something?

    Keep in mind, all four people were still alive, and despite my Tinkerer notifications, they only finished the first gen. I think maybe a second one might've gotten finished at some point? In any case, I'm pretty sure the hatch is only supposed to spawn for a full team if they finish all five gens, and they didn't even complete 3.

    In my report I made it clear that they MIGHT be cheating because I have no idea, maybe they somehow glitched behind a wall or the hatch broke or something. But that really bizarre behavior before that makes me pretty sure there was some funny business going on.

    And yes, I checked everyone's items after the match. No map, no key. I believe there was a single flashlight and I think a brown toolbox? Other two didn't bring anything. So I guess technically they could've found a purple or pink key in a chest, and then maybe the hatch glitched and spawned early? There's way too many coincidences for me to just let it go.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    You don't need to equivocate so much. These cats were 100% hacking.

    I've seen vids of a PC hack that let survivors clip through walls. They could escape the match any time they wanted just by running through the closed exit gate. I've also heard of hacks that let people insta-complete gens, but I've never seen them.

    Are you saying these guys were Xbox players because you were playing on Steam? THey might've been PC gamers playing on Games for Windows, or whatever it's called.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    I know there hacker in this game from video but I don't see them much I feel for the most part they rare.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    You don't need to equivocate so much. These cats were 100% hacking.

    I've heard of some hacks that allow you to instantly complete gens, but I've never seen them. I've seen youtube vids of hackers who could clip through walls. They can escape the match at any point by just phasing through the exit gate. But of course mostly they'll just run around underground beneath the killer trying to be annoying.

    Are you saying they're on Xbox because you're playing on Steam? They might have been PC gamers playing on Games for Windows, or whatever it's called.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    I'm a PC killer and I'd actually had that happen in three different matches last week. Each time with a PC survivors.

    In my cases they were injured in a chase, used the speed burst to get to and drop a pallet, moved out of my sight, and by the time I broke the pallet they were fully healed. Only thing on them were brown or green medkits on the post game screen.

    I looked at the screen like #########?