Make Notification Bubbles transparent in the middle

This is something that's been super annoying since the very first time I touched the game. It's equally terrible for both Killer and Survivor when you can't see the only area you need to be able to see because of those notification bubbles. When a Killer hooks another survivor you can't tell if he's going towards you or doing something else and as a killer you can't see what's going on at the spot of the notification either.
It's just stupid and frustrating that it doesn't seem to get improved.
I would suggest something like a ring of fire, so the inner part of the bubble should be completely transparent. This would at least party fix the issue.
Another idea would be a firebubble starting at the spot and then quickly rise to the sky, maybe as a fire to make it look more appealing. This way it doesn't block the only vision you currently care about.
Maybe you guys have other nice ideas, as long as something is done about this finally.
Edit: Another fix that should be really easy to implement is to show auras of survivors or Killers who are currently hidden by the bubble. Would do the job easily
Yes, i can't tell how many times notification from spies from the shadows made me actually unable to see the survivor.