Where are all the good teammates

Not trying to be as rude as the title sounds, but I want to know what rank good survivors are cause I’m generally in purple and red and 8/10 games the teammates aren’t...erm...competent I guess is the word. So yeah, should I derank to find people that know what they are doing or is my luck that horrible
They banded together in sweaty SWF's and left the rest of us to fend for ourselves.
I cannot wait for proper matchmaking. We will have competent teammates, killers will be buffed to compensate, SWF will lose much of their power, everyone is happy except bully squads.
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I hope to god this is true, in another subject, killer seems a lot more fun than surv rn
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Something I see a lot when I'm killer and survivor even in red ranks are survivors doing outside generators first. Survivors are so afraid to interact with the killer that they do all the easy outside gens first, leaving the more difficult important gens in the center for last, making it easier for me as a killer towards the end of the match, or very difficult for me as survivor.
General PSA, stop doing all the generators that are close together, spread them out, and also try and save outside gens for last to force the killer to travel farther.
Oh and stop using urban evasion, and self care.
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Urban by itself is not a perk that I personally use but it isn’t all bad if used correctly especially against hag and huntress
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Lower Ranks won't help you with the rng, trust me. I just left there on pc. 20-15 were a nightmare, and 14-8 were a huge slog of hoping survivors wouldn't dc/kill themselves on first hook, or just be afk. Solo experience as survivor feels worse than just playing killer imo. At least it's you making the mistakes, while you could be playing nearly perfectly all game and it doesn't matter in the end on the survivor side.
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Yeah I’ve gotten into killer recently especially with nurses on ph. Loving all the wallbangs on sc users
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Well like you they probably had terrible teammates then banded together to create a swf. You should do the same once you find a component teammate.
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Yeah I have my group that I meme with but when they aren’t on I’m solo queue then this problem presents itself. I just hope my luck gets better soon.
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I've always enjoyed killer more than survivor but the latter is growing on me as I've played more to finish the rift. I'd say you get a good mix of games with 'bad' and 'good' survivors. All I want is people who still do objectives while I'm hanging on a hook rather than just hiding in a corner.
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There will also be survivors complaining about matchmaking being broken because they are grouped with potatoes, not realizing that matchmaking is working fine...
Nah, just kidding, they will never get a proper matchmaking.
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This is sadly true, especially after crossplay came
I frequently floated between ranks 1-2 before and got at least 20k points, now I'm lucky to even stay in red ranks and make more than 10k with how quickly my teammates make stupid mistakes and die off
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It's so bad and the main reason that I went from 50/50 solo/SWF to almost exclusively SWF nowadays. Playing solo is way, WAY too frustrating- you have teammates who are horrible in chases, horrible at evasion, don't do gens, and are scared to save you off hook. It's excusable if they're low rank and somehow got into your match (and hey, one time I got a brown rank Jake Park who made every single save like a sicko and was the last one to die. He didn't do anything else but NOBODY saved like that Jake 😤) but it is pretty frustrating to look at the end and see that they're red ranks. I can excuse one or two chases per survivor per match that go horribly wrong and last very little time, but if you go down within seconds while also using good pallets... bro... BRO...
I'm cool with the survivors who are horrible at chases and play immersive who get found and hooked. I'm assuming you're doing gens and maybe totems/heals on teammates before you get found. But it seems like the majority of red rank potatoes help the killer out more than the survivor team. I want it to be harder for survivors to rank up in this game tbh.
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Same here. I've dropped back to Rank 5 and I'm not really too bothered by it, but every match seems to be the same. I get teammates that divebomb hooks or hook trade. Or the pallet slammers who panic drop EVERY pallet they can find. I'm not amazing by any standard, but I know when to try for a safe unhook and not throw pallets like confetti.
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If my mates aren't on I play killer. Helps me get better understanding the other side. Very very rarely could I ever play solo q because of them being unreliable.
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It is very rare to get decent team-mates in solo games but it does happen. And when it does, it's bliss 😌