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Why can’t more survivors be like this?

Yesterday I had only one killer match and it was surprisingly good. The survivors weren’t hot garbage or toxic to the bone that it could melt your face off if you got to close. I got a smooth 2/4 and we both respected each other. Why can’t all survivors be like this, this is how the game was intended to be after all.

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  • Member Posts: 1,488

    I don't like losing because its my favorite game. But I don't resort to toxicity unless the killer camps or tunnels.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    Sadly there is a large group of players that feel the only way they can have fun is if they are winning. Even if that involves cheating. That's how you get hackers and CoD players using aim bots.

  • Member Posts: 2,744

    The point is not everyone is that way simply those who in their mind believe this game is esports and that ranks actually makes you good players with this mindset are usually the most toxic.

  • Member Posts: 251

    Because 95% of killers play dirty maybe ?

    Killers are the one who decide if the game will be good or bad, they can tunnel and camp = bad game or play properly without tunneling/camping = good games.

    You know what ? 95% of killers prefer to use cheap mechanic to get kills son SWF are toxic. My SWF is super toxic and i'm proud of it cause most of killers main are trash.

    You want more friendly survivors ? Then tell your killer friends to play properly.

  • Member Posts: 451
    edited September 2020

    I don't play toxic in dbd but I am one of those people in fps games that 7/10 times will get pissed upon death and maybe 1/10 in dbd

    The fps part is largely due to the fact that gaming is what I spend most of my time doing, thus why I am very competitive about those kinds of games.

  • Member Posts: 3,142

    I understand that.

    For me, DbD has no clear and concise win-loss indicator, so I take this game extremely casually. They all escaped but the match went long enough with enough chases and destruction that I got a decent amount of BP? Cool, good game.

    But in Overwatch, when I see DEFEAT after defeat because my teammates feed enemy ults, can't track enemy ult charges, don't know how to turn their camera, and pick someone like McCree but couldn't hit someone five feet in front of them emoting? Yeah, I get a bit irritated.

  • Member Posts: 451

    Yeah the fps games I play, the level of irritated i get is dictated by my general skill in the game, so in CoD or R6 I'm not that good so it is cool. But Apex, ohh Apex, yeah that gets me.

  • Member Posts: 530

    People play swf because thier solo teammates hide in a bush or leave them to second stage.

    And Yes he can talk about killers playing dirty as long as you guys talk about survivors doing it. :D

  • Member Posts: 1,013

    The worst are Sore Winners.

    I been on a achievement kick for awhile now so I'm not really trying to get kills in to 4k. Or even 3k. But by all means. Sure Survivor. Go ahead and act like you're making me eat it. Then proceed to messege me telling me I'm trash and whatever. Whatever makes you feel great about your win (you really didnt deserve).

    It would truly be a miracle when players just played the game and moved on anymore. 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 2,327

    I think it just comes down to the players. I notice SWF are more toxic that way mainly because they're showing off for their friends and acting like they're amazing. Not all SWF before someone screams at me for it. Hell, even some solo are this way too. The way I see it is, if the killer shows respect, not tunneling from hook or camping, then I show that same respect back. I've done it as killer a few times too. Show them you're just wanting a friendly match and they become the nicest team you meet. I'd rather they go to their next match knowing that not everyone is an ass and treat that killer/survivors with some respect too.

  • Member Posts: 3,142

    I played Apex solo during its first six months of release. Nope, nope, nope. I thought the general Overwatch population has poor game sense? Ha! I had to uninstall Apex. Solo there is almost the hell of Solo Survivor here.

    Now, don't get me wrong. I've been in Overwatch since late beta, but I am no top player. I'm about to hit 48 years old, and when it comes to twitch-reflexes, my best days are long behind me. I main Tank and Support over there for a reason. Though I can play DPS and can main Soldier 76 or Ashe in Plat rank when I played competitive, I'm well aware that I will not hit Masters or above . . . ever.

    But when my random teammates with hundreds of account levels play so poorly that they make me look like a GM player? Good grief.

    I had to step away from that game for a few months. Nowadays, I only play if the Friends & Family group is on, and stay the hell out of Ranked. We just relax in Quick Play, Quick Play Classic, and Mystery Heroes anymore.

  • Member Posts: 451

    I’m still on apex PS4 and do solo frequently. The people I get are half and half in skill and I get a lot of good plays in my best games to push the team forward. I swear that game is trying to train me to be a leader. We should cut this conversation for the sake of being on topic

  • Member Posts: 251
    edited September 2020

    Ppl crying because SWF.

    SWF means you rely on the skill of your teammate. It's a group of 4 survivors, 4 individuals that have to work together to go out. It means :

    • teamwork
    • communication
    • individual skill to the service of the team

    So it means it requires skills. If one fail, all the team can fail.

    A killer relies only on himself and its add-ons + perks, if the killer fails, it's his fault and only his fault, the game cannot be ruined because a teammate didn't do his/her job.

    Really strong premades are annoying i know it as i also play killer at high rank. But honestly, how many great SWF do you encounter ? By great i mean that you can't do anything against them. It's like 10% of the red rank games...

    And this only if you play a pallet loop "sensible" killer.

    If you play a Tier S/A killer, you 3K 95% of the time...

    Don't tell me it's wrong, as i have said, i play killer aswell. So now, if you need to win 100% of the games you play to stop complaining cause you guys think you are high skilled... it's sad cause most of killers i encounter do nothing but camping and tunneling, SWF or not, items equiped or not.

  • Member Posts: 3,142

    I'm exclusively PC. I haven't played Apex since its first year of launch, but at least back then Solo was hell.

  • Member Posts: 832

    Because people like to make good clips and upload them to their 3 subscriber youtube channel.

    If they don't win, they don't have good clips.

    If they have no good clips, they get dislikes.

    If they have dislikes, people stop subbing.

    If people stop subbing, their motivation to make content diminishes.

    If their motivation to make content diminishes, they stop making videos.

    If they stop making videos, they lose subs.

    If they lose subs, they lose viewers.

    If they lose viewers, nobody watches their videos.

    If nobody watches their videos, they have to quit youtube.

    If they quit youtube, they start streaming on Twitch.

    If they start streaming on Twitch, their gameplay fails will be on showcase.

    If their gameplay fails are on showcase, nobody will watch them.

    If nobody will watch them, they have to quit Twitch.

    If they have to quit Twitch, they do Facebook gaming.

    If they do Facebook gaming, they don't do Facebook Gaming.

    If they don't do Facebook Gaming, they do TikTok.

    If they do TikTok, they vomit.

    If they vomit, they get sad.

    If they get sad, they decide to stop trying to do gaming.

    If they decide to stop trying to do gaming, they turn to other ways to get followers.

    If they turn to other ways to get followers, they do stupid "challenges".

    If they do stupid "challenges", they overdose on pain relievers.

    If they overdose on pain relievers, they die.

    If they die, they're dead.

    If they're dead, why are you still reading this?

  • Member Posts: 2,914

    imagine being someone who actually cares about what Reddit thinks

    as a human being with more then 1 functioning braincell and a IQ over -10, can't say I relate

  • Member Posts: 451

    Two things 1. This was hilarious to read. 2. I personally don't like people who upload only their best games. This just makes other people feel bad about themselves when in reality, the person uploading probably sucks more than the viewer could dream of. imho the best content creators show their bad games too and can laugh it off. This is also my goal to grow when I start uploading content when I get a pc.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    We all have that one person we know, who we don't want at board game night because they are sore losers and bad winners. Making it negative overall. With random online gaming that choice is made for you, so you get to play with the people you wouldn't normally game with at any other time.

    The forums are a little similar just look at all the "I had a bad game", "I overreact to game mechanics or outcomes" rant posts.

    We all need to just chill out and play the game, killers and survivors alike. A fun game where everyone has a laugh at the end regardless of outcome is the best game.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    But even if killers camp or tunnel there is still no point to being toxic about it just move on.

  • Member Posts: 682

    This sums it up, a vicious cycle of toxicity that is so easily returned to because "they started it!"

  • Member Posts: 451

    The rant posts on here are understandable, I haven't made one(yet) but the intent is fine. Some people have their ways of blowing off steam. Some will mori or bully killers, others come on here to share their experience. The rant one is healthier as it prevents toxic play and has the added bonus of people with good heart, though that may be rare, coming to support the affected.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    True I neglected the cathartic element of it. (Heck I've done it). We're all a little bit guilty and even for all my "don't take it seriously" there are some times when I say to myself phew log off you are getting antsy.

  • Member Posts: 5,598

    So true... so players default to 4k's and 4e's to declare a "win"

    And every so often the statment of 2k/2e balance comes up even though the game has no real balance

  • Member Posts: 1,181

    I'm going to strongly disagree on that one. I've had games as survivor where the killer tunneled me to death and smacked me on the hook for no reason. On the flip side, I've had games as killer where survivors put in Ormond offerings and teabag and flashlight click every chance they get when I neither camped nor tunneled. Can we stop with this us-vs-them stuff? Both sides are guilty of being toxic to each other.

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited September 2020

    In general, after my experience, are the most people friendly if you are by yourself behave friendly.

    That means, no bs in the endgame chat, no facecamping or hardcore tunneling (I say hardcore tunneling because the word tunneling is already in use for almost everything in those forums).

    Of course there will be still toxic survivors, but those are either getting facecamped in the game, or talked down by other survivors in the endgame chat. The last one I had several times in my endgame chats.

  • Member Posts: 919

    There will always be conflict in any type of competition. Some people respect their opponents win or lose others do not.

    Given that we are anonymous, people have less incentive to be respectful.

  • Member Posts: 2,744

    Oh i 100% agree but there are people who actually care about that stuff lmao.

  • Member Posts: 785

    The title of this video answers that question.

  • Member Posts: 684

    Im solo survivors, i see 100% more trash killers than toxic survivors for sure

  • Member Posts: 1,488

    Well if you're only toxic to the people who do it then its not a vicious cycle its when you start to everyone because of an experience

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Because when someone loses, it's perceived by that individual that they would be weak to admit the opponent outplayed them in that round.

    Rather than look at their own game, they would rather complain about others. The anonymity also doesn't help.

    Those individuals need to stop making excuses and start focusing on what they can do to play better. I've complimented Killers who were exceptional, and even have asked for tips once or twice and got some useful advice!

    People can play competitively within the game, but once the trial's over remember the other person/ people were just playing a game and are human with their own problems and lives to deal with.

    Just be conscientious of others.

  • Member Posts: 251

    Tea-bagging and flashlight don't help to win a game and it's not taking in hostage the game. Some still do gens and one is in chase with you, T-bagging you, whatever, his choice, he doesn't run faster with this.

    You can also use Franklin perk.

    A killer camping and tunneling is taking in hostage the game, period. When he gets the 1st kill, if there are 2+ gens left then the game is over.

    This is ruining the game. And atm, almost every killer i play against use this dirty play.

  • Member Posts: 251
    edited September 2020

    Spamming bottles at every loops/windows, hitting surv wihtout any aim requirement.

    This video shows it all, it's totally unskilled and ez mode. Spam something to prevent survivors running, ez win.

    Can't say i made a good shot or i won the mindgame no, it's just spam spam hit spam spam hit cause the power just removes the survivor ability to run.

  • Member Posts: 251

    Lol where is the skill in this video ? Where is the mindgame ? Ye nowhere...

  • Member Posts: 1,181

    Offerings definitely help though. And tunneling isn't taking the game hostage at all. The game can still continue.

  • Member Posts: 5,304

    because people think this esports game which it never be like people playing smash.

  • Member Posts: 1,157

    I had my first Hillbilly game a while ago. It was terrible, since I've got to do it on the red ranks. All of the 4 survivors escaped but at the end a Zarina told me that I did good for my first match with that killer. At first, I thought it was irony but then when I realized that she was real I got really happy to see that there are some nice people on this community that respect their opponents and try to be nice now and then.

  • Member Posts: 251

    Spamming bottles at every loops/windows, hitting surv wihtout any aim requirement.

    This video shows it all, it's totally unskilled and ez mode. Spam something to prevent survivors running, ez win.

    Can't say i made a good shot or i won the mindgame no, it's just spam spam hit spam spam hit cause the power just removes the survivor ability to run.

  • Member Posts: 251

    The game can continue, but taking a game in hostage it's not about blocking it.

    Firstly, camping and tunneling is taking a survivor in hostage, he can't play objectives or anything as you are still on his back, so you ruin the game for him.

    Secondly, when you are done camping/tunneling and then killing this guy, sure the game can continue but if you have an efficient killer, there will still be 2 or 3 gens left with 3 survivors. They won't be able to finish it.

    Tunneling and camping till killing is a dirty strategy that works too well. As i have said, if you use a tier S killer and use this strategy, it's a 3K 95% of the time, unless you are a really bad killer.

    It's an EZ win, no mindgame or skill involved, just using a cheap mechanic to win. It's like using a wallhack on Valorant.

    But hey, not to be rude, but you are defending a strategy for low skilled killers, so i don't expect anything good from you.

    Whatever, good killers in this game are really rare. Players that can 3k+ playing properly, without tunneling or camping are few, less than 5% of killers i encounter in red ranks.

    All other killers are trash, can't even use their brain at a pallet loop, so they use cheap mechanics to win their games and they think they are good lol...

    The main problem in this game is not really the balance, it's the community. Everytime it's possible to use a perk/add-ons that will give a too big advantage for one killer, most of players use it.

    Exactly the same than IRL, Masks are compulsory but i still see dumb ppl wearing it under their nose. IQ lower than 80, might be the average IQ on DbD aswell.

  • Member Posts: 600

    The main problem in this game are people who create a set of rules in their twisted mind and treat other people as trash if they don't follow it.

  • Member Posts: 2,002

    The real question is why can't both sides be like that. Most killers will cry about survivors being OP if they left the game with 2 kills even though that should be the ideal outcome

  • Member Posts: 1,181

    Taking the game hostage IS about blocking it. It's literally if the game is in a position where it cannot continue unless one side allows it to. Like if the killer body blocks two survivors in the basement and goes AFK. Tunneling is not taking anyone hostage. Does it suck to be tunneled? Yes, but it isn't bannable. It's the killers job to keep survivors off their objective. So if he is keeping you from doing the objective, he's doing what he is supposed to.

    If there are two gens left and three survivors, they definitely are able to finish it. Having two gens left and three survivors is pretty standard. And if the killer is able to kill someone so early without a mori and there are four of five gens left, the killer kinda deserves the win. The only way a killer can tunnel someone that fast is if the other survivors essentially farm someone in front of the killer or saving someone and stealthing away, not taking the aggro. If the killer is camping, the best thing to do is to just rush gens, not farm the other survivor. Not to say there aren't broken things Killers can run. Iri Head, Infantry Belt Huntress is one.

    And a lot of the things you say here can be flipped around for survivors. I see survivors using broken crap all the time. DS, Unbreakable with an Ormond offering. Running Haddonfield with Balanced Landing. Any farm map offering with a key. I can just as easily say, "Most survivors are trash. They just use cheap perk combos and bad map design to win. Less then 5% of them are good at the game." Without providing any real evidence to support it.

    How about instead of putting all the blame on one side, we balance things for both?

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