Is there any way to slowdown the gen rush



  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Cannot overstate this enough. I see too many red rank killers with decked out loadouts just run past a gen with 2 or 3 other survivors on at 90% just because they're so dead set on downing the Nea that teabagged them at the start or something. Than they camp the hook, get 2 kills absolutely maxiumum and complain post game.

    I mean, that injured ( or maybe not injured) survivors not going to just teleport to a generator. They're going to have to potentially heal, track one down thats at 0 and start from there. Meanwhile that Dwight with prove thyself and a tool box will run away when the gen completes and have another one done in 40 seconds.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    Best advice I've seen anyone give in weeks. Well said.

  • SoShiny
    SoShiny Member Posts: 30

    The biggest mistake I see a lot of Myer's make is that they favor getting their T3 over getting hits. Monitor & Abuse is your best friend for getting a hit or a pallet within the realist valuable time limit (16 seconds). And a survivor that is healing, isn't doing a generator.

    The best time to stalk (outside of getting to T2) is usually right after a pallet has been dropped. Do the stalk, let the survivor run off, break the pallet, find your next target with your once again 8 meter heartbeat).

    Myers is a snowball killer. Just because you have a healthy survivor in front of you, does not mean that it is a good time to pop T3. The best time to use it is when you can get more than one down with it (it has a long duration even without add-ons, use it!) Examples of such times; when a survivor is going for an unhook, when you find two survivors on a generator and at least one takes bad pathing that you can down within just a few seconds then switch to the other survivor, or any other reason why you can get multiple hits within T3. If you only got one down with your T3 then you most likely made a mistake, try to identify it and learn from it.

    Myers mask is easy to spot! It sticks out like a sore thumb and even if you have an 8 meter heartbeat, he is really easy to spot. So make sure that when you are making your way to a generator that you use line of sight blockers as much as possible on your way there!

    Lastly, identify survivors running spine chill. This is a more advanced technique but it is necessary with Myers as he is not a top tier killer. If a certain survivor knows that you are coming with no visual indicator or heartbeat, there is a good chance that they are running spinechill. It is currently a very meta perk to counter all the stealth killers within indoor maps. Most of these survivors also are the easiest to catch off guard once you have identified spine chill. They often make a habit of returning to the same generator feeling safe using their comfy blanket of spine chill security. So, when you make your way towards their likely locations (or are scouting a generator) try to avoid looking at it via moon walk or even side stepping.

    Using some of these tips, I hope you find it easier to slow down the generator progress. But understand, that Myers is not a top tier killer for a number of reasons. Against the top tier of survivors, he is unlikely to reliably 4k.

  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706

    A 50ish seconds of gen slowdown at the start of the trial would prevent an early gen from popping at the first minute of the game.

    It's not as brutal as a global Corrupt, and still allow survivor to work on a objective without being forced to hide for a minute.