Did this killer's behavior warrant the in game report?

I got into a match with a rank 8 Leatherface running Insidious. I was the unlucky first to be found and downed. They went out of their way to hook me in the basement, then proceeded to stand still behind the wall and lockers that face the stairs and wait there until someone came to get me, and then instadown them with his chainsaw. Rinse and repeat until all survivors are dead. Camping is one thing, but this I just felt was beyond toxic, so I used the in game report system. Was I wrong to do so?


  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    Maybe you are new to the game but that's called basement bubba my friend.

    You can't ban a player for camping/tunneling, because that's a strategy of the game.

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    Why would anyone fall for this after the first guy attempted a save? I've seen this happen in a match. Person goes down to save instantly downed.

    Nope, not going down there, I think to myself.

    Boom! Some new clown headed down them steps and downed.

    There I stand in the fog watching my mates writhe on their hooks together. All that's left is hope for hatch. πŸ‘πŸ‘„πŸ‘

  • SentinelCaptain
    SentinelCaptain Member Posts: 234

    I've been playing for a decent bit. I've dealt with Tunneling and Camping before, but nothing that bad.

  • sad_killer_main
    sad_killer_main Member Posts: 785

    As I said, that's basement bubba.

    It's a solid strategy using specific perks, that only works if the teammates of the hooked survivor are dumb enough to go there.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    As the others have already said, this is clearly a style of play the Bubba is known for employing. Camping is a strategy that the DEV have validated time and time again. If you look at various Killer Perks you will see there are even Builds clearly intended to encourage it. Let me make a polite suggestion, purge the word "toxic" from your vocabulary. It is a meaningless word. It means whatever anyone WANTS it to mean. The only things you should be reporting people for is Hacks, excessive salty behavior, the many idiotic "isms," i.e. racism, sexism, etc., Exploiting bugs, and rage quits and disconnects that screw up the game. In fact, the reporting system kind of gives you a guide to what you should be reporting when you are in it.

    Camping, tunneling, slugging, and the Mori are NOT something you should be reporting. I find people clicking their flashlights excessively and tea-bagging annoying, but I'm not reporting that either. Most of the time they have a tactical reason for doing it, i.e. they want me to chase them so their buddies can get something done. So forget about trying to interpret "toxic" behavior, and only report specific actions which clearly violate the game's rules. For example, I think people who post endless screeds and complaints here in the Forum or report people for normal game play are toxic. See how subjective it is? You are now toxic. Get my point?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    As other's have said, no, it is not a reportable offense, please do not report that!

  • SentinelCaptain
    SentinelCaptain Member Posts: 234

    Fair enough. You make a lot of valid points, and have done so in a manner more eloquent and polite than a lot of others, which I greatly appreciate. I see the point you're trying to make.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    It's a dick move, but not reportable. There's a lot of dick moves for both sides that the devs dont address. Just move on and hope your team does gens next time, instead of feeding him.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    The first one has my sympathy who tried to safe his fellow survivor. But the others?

    Why they have move in the basement?

    Weren't they aware what was happening? You can't go on with the same behavior in every match -_-.

  • Toybasher
    Toybasher Member Posts: 921
    edited September 2020

    What Leatherface did wasn't reportable.

    IMHO insidious camping with generators left is pretty "Scummy" (Very frustrating to play against, well more like be camped since there's not much playing going on when you're on the hook) and an ineffective strategy if survivors realize it and punish it, but it doesn't break any rules.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278
    edited September 2020

    It sucks being the first one on that basement hook when this is done.

    It sucks being that first survivor falling for it when going for the basement save.

    After that though the remaining 2 survivors are just being idiotic if they don’t clue in to what’s happening and simply do not stay away from the basement.

    You do what repairs you can, maybe get lucky, otherwise it’s just hoping for the hatch.

    It’s wise to know where the basement is the moment it is known the killer is LF, and avoid repairing any gens remotely near it. (Same could be said for Trapper & Hag).

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I should, ethically, be crystal clear about my own bias and conflict of interest here. I like to play Spooky Myers Builds (also known as Jump Scare Myers). That means I'm SLOW but I can wall hack. I love the basement because it offsets my greatest weakness while playing into my greatest strength. I can camp the Basement without even being in it, the building, or that close. I can appear to leave and watch people head for the rescue. I can usually time my entrance to make a successful grab and put the would be rescuer on their own hook.

    If I get two people on the hooks in the basement at the same time, the game is usually over. The others either come try to rescue too and get nailed, or they realize the situation and try to do Generators but with their reduced numbers (and by the time they make the choice to write their pals off) I can safely leave the Basement and keep the pressure I need up without too much trouble. All that being said, it is possible to get people out of the Basement from me and from those crazy Bubba builds too. It isn't easy but it is doable. It requires coordination and timing. And if it were easy, there wouldn't be much point to the game.

    My helpful tip is to stay away from the darn basement. Survivors seem to have a strange obsession with running toward its vicinity in chases, wanting to poke around down there early when they assume the Killer isn't watching to check out the chests, and for some reason fixate on any Generator nearest to the Basement. And if there is a Totem spawned near it, Christmas has come early. They will come back again and again. Like I said, I only need two on hooks in there at the same time and the game is usually over. So, as a Survivor it behooves you to figure out where the Basement is and take that into account when you choose your Generators as well as the direction you are running. Most Basement Dweller Builds can be severely curtailed simply by avoiding that area of the map.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    SoRey but you don't deserve hatch. It ruins killers points. You have to suffer and even if you dont find it, exit gates exist without gens finishing so no matter what surv has free escape and the game rewards bad play (according to killers)