Solution to make the hatch fair for both sides

TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 345
edited September 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

We've all been there. As a killer it's annoying as hell to do your absolute best, sweat, and play to the best of your abilities only to have to slug/give up for the 4k. As a survivor however, we've also been in a situation in which you've done 3 gens, saved teammates and tanked the killer decently and only go down because of terrible teamwork.

My suggestion would be to make it so that there are certain requirements a survivor must fulfill to be able to go through the hatch. It could be tied to bloodpoints and emblems but not necessarily. If you repaired most gens or distracted the killer for long enough that a couple gens popped (or would've been completed) or simply saved/healed/protected other survivors a few times then you get a notification that you are able to get the hatch at the end of the game.

Also, it might be more oppressive but definitely much more engaging for both sides that the hatch does not open on its own, but once a survivor has gained access to the hatch, they must find a special key in one of a couple procedurally spawned chests that only they can use. If this survivor is killed and there's another eligible survivor it goes back into the chests, and they can open one of them to take the key.

Tbh I think this would be a pretty balanced change and would make the game feel less unfair for both sides, since only people with skill and who contributed to the team are able to escape through the hatch. Let me know what you think.


  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050
    edited September 2020

    It’s already fair. Or rather, as fair as it can possibly be without the rules and gameplay getting convoluted.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I think when there’s one survivor left and gens remain, the Entity should drag both the killer and survivor to a small, closed-off section of the map to face off. There are strong loops and pallets, and 1 central hook. The survivor must survive for a certain length of time, after which the Entity cages the killer in tentacles and allows the survivor through a gate (or hatch).

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    You could just simplify things and make it so that the last Survivor has to stay alive for a certain amount of time with perma-AFK crows in order for the Hatch to open but in exchange, the Killer can't close it or interrupt the escape.

  • KurburBing
    KurburBing Member Posts: 36

    I think hatch is good where it is now tbh. It’s a race to find the hatch. If the killer finds it, survivor has little chance of getting away, if survivor finds it, they gone.

  • CalamityJane
    CalamityJane Member Posts: 487
    edited September 2020

    I just think they should use the rules the old hatch used to use; hatch does not spawn for the last person if less than 2 gens are completed. To prevent holding the game hostage, the end game collapse could start once the second to last survivor dies as though the killer has shut the hatch already.

    The survivor still has the opportunity to escape by opening one of the gates, same as they do when the hatch is shut, but it no longer punishes killers for doing well. As it is, if you kill 3 survivors with less than 3 generators done, you're punished by having the hatch randomly spawn and be down to complete luck to find it which gives the survivor far better odds than if it has spawned earlier and you can find it as killer.

    This would be better for the killer because they would no longer have the decision of "slug for the 4k," "wait for terrible survivors to do gens so you can find the hatch before killing them," or "just lose a whole extra kill and several thousand bloodpoints."

    It would be better for survivors in some aspects as it would mean when you're having a particularly bad game, it's not topped off by being slugged for several minutes because the killer doesn't want to lose the other person to RNG after performing well.

    I know every time these discussions come up, it's followed by a bunch of survivor mains going "SWEATY KILLERS, YOU DON'T NEED A 4K," but that attitude is inane. When 4 survivors are about to escape, nobody ever suggests someone go throw themselves on a hook because "SWEATY SURVIVORS, YOU DON'T NEED 4 ESCAPES!" and whenever someone is on the hook, most squads will always do their best to BT and bodyblock them out the gate. So the attitude definitely goes both ways, people want to win as cleanly as possible, especially when they feel they performed well.