You kill all four survivors, but...

Entity: No, thats not merciless. Go play civ five, ruthless noob. :D
I think ranks and that final message should be separate. :)
I’ve gotten 25k BP in a match and gotten Entity Displeased.
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The Killer rating system can really suck a lot of the buzz out of a good match right at the end. It doesn't mean anything, but it still bothers me, y'know?
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BP has nothing to do with pipping as your emblem points can fluctuate up and down depending on how you are playing.
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I know exactly what you mean. You get a good intense match with lots of value and somehow you get scolded at the end despite a base of high BP. It’s like being scolded for making a B on your report card when you’re a kid.
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That much is obvious but it just shows the disproportions between the two systems. You would think that based on a performance of getting that many base BP would at least show no loss of a pip. You chased X amount. You hooker X amount. You kept survivors from healing and off gens X amount. It’s just a snide comment from a decent play on the Entity’s part.
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You hit many survivors? You loose points because they were healing.
Survivors know how to do gens? You loose points.
Survivor was looping near the hooked person, while other 2 were doing gens? You loose points for camping and not protecting gens.
You killed all 4 survivors with billy instantly? You will barely blackpip.
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I mean both ranking systems sucks. a 5 gen chase isn't pip-worthy for the game, for example. as well as a tight killer game can be screwed cause the last survivor gets hatch (and instead of a iridescent you get a silver)
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I dont mind to not rank up, if I get 4k using a mori or a dirty trick, but if all 4 survivors are dead, it is merciless. I didnt let anyone go, lol.
I dont think that bp should be connected to merciless message, because bp is connected to farming tho. :^)
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Look the sole reason Entity even does this is because she got a score pad for Christmas. Let her give you marks as she feels fit!
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I just played a match as Demo and I was making good use of MYC. Id hook someone, drop a portal, leave, if I didn't find anyone before the save I tunnel back and tunnel the rescuer. Half of my downs were from Expose so my chaser was only like a silver despite hooking everyone 3 times each.
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They need to get around to just fully removing the visual emblem system along with that "Entity Please or Displeased" line if it really bothers folks since it isn't even taken into Matchmaking as of right now already given what the devs have said. Though obscuring more information from the players really "won't" stop the whining and flaming opposed to what BHVR is hoping for... not sure why they're trying to hide more of their match making means and even disseminate it across all killers per player.
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I try to tell people that last point all the time. Like... you're not going to get any points if you insta-kill the entire team.Last night I had a match where the killer slugged two people, I was on a hook, and she was following the last person around while he was trying to unhook and it was like................. Why? Why are you denying yourself the points/emblem points of being able to hook people more than once? Just hook your slugs and let the last guy do his unhook. No one is going to get gens done because we're a mess, you're going to win, but you're going to get a lot more points if you hook everyone more than once & the survivors will be a lot less salty because they'll get some altruism in and might be able to safety pip.
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The only reason I'd want the ranking system changed is for killer adepts. Couldn't care less about how I rank but merciless killer is sooooo dumb. Like imagine getting punished for playing well? It's why I don't want to ever try for killer adepts, you have to play in such a stupid way with some killers. If they changed the merciless to 4 sacrifices again I might go for adepts. Hell a better solution is to change the adept achievemebts to "get 4 sacrifices in a match as X"