Is Trapper the only Killer that had a special relationship/side story with the Entity?

Do you care to elaborate?
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Trapper's addons unequip themselves after every game, while other killers will have the same addons selected again, as long as you have more of them in your inventory. As far as I know, they're the only one to have that happen.
Maybe they do have special treatment?
Post edited by GreyBigfoot on6 -
Every killer loses their add ons after a match
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They are refering to the Trapper resisting the Entity's control and was physically tortured by the Entity until he gave in.
Its also why he has hooks stuck in his flesh.
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Taking that into mind, it gives a good idea of how The Entity's relationship with other killers are. The Clown was just vibing in the fog, Plague basically worships it, and certain killers like The Doctor for example were physically mutated by it. Some are willing and some are not and it's safe to say only few were unwilling. As for licensed killers, Demo was snatched by choice while most of the rest were very willing to oblige. Michael seems to not give a damn about The Entity as he kills on his own terms, and Pyramid Head behaves as if he's still in Silent Hill. Poor Bubba is still under a controlling relationship with The Entity just as he was with his own family.
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He was tortured until he forgot he is miner and start thinking he is a bear hunter with machete.
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Trapper's story has soul. You could imagine the Trapper fighting back. Everyone else really doesn't even have the big bad of this universe (The Entity) mentioned so it was probably like 'Let's make a cool killer. Oh right Entity whatever.'
The next time you see Trapper iirc is getting experimented on by who we now know as the Blight, but a lot of other killers got experimented on too which means if they were captured, they're probably not that tough lore wise and The Blight is trading sacrifices for drugs from the Entity. answer your question only Trapper, Blight, Leatherface and kinda Hillbilly from the engravings have anything to do with the games main plot.
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This is all sad and makes me love the Killers. Don't be toxic to our poor friends in the fog...ππΈ
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Everyone misunderstood my question π
~sighs in Trapper~
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Don't worry, I understood your question.
No, Trapper is not the only Killer with Ultra Rare add-ons. ο»Ώπ€ͺ
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I think that yeah Trapper is the only one that was reluctant about killing survivors for the Entity, the others are killers drive by revenge or bloodthirst.
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Thank you π
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There is also mercy killing, like the wraith.
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yes, but i do think the Wraith is killing for pleasure no ? I mean he killed without knowing for his boss for a long time then killed his boss but afte ri think he just got the taste for blood.
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I believe more Killers fought back The Entity but probably didnt last as long as Trapper did for they are probably not as tough and obstinate as him.
For example I believe Legion arriving, being told they have to kill Survivors, not wanting to do it at first, The Entity picking up Frank and slapping him, the other 3 probably got scared and complied after seeing Frank getting tortured (especially Susie and Joey as they seem the more fragile of the 4). I dont imagine Frank being able to resist as much as Trapper nor physically nor mentally, I suppose some kind of regular beating could make him cave in, Julie may have needed some disciplining too but she doesnt seem as cocky and prideful as Frank so she probably got scared faster.
I believe Doctor, while probably being very eager to hunt people, wouldnt like The Entity approach and tried to do it his way so he had to be put in line by zapping and scorching his flesh, also giving him his power so he can satiate his thirst for giving electroshocks.
Oni may have tried to fight back by challenging to a duel only to lose easily then becoming its serf, doing the beast's will.
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The Trapper is unique amongst the killers. The only one with the bells to stand up to the Entity, and is not driven by killing.
@The_Krapper , the addon mention was not about losing the addon. We all know you lose it. But with Trapper, his addons are empty after every match.
Example: I run Doc and use 2 Calm addons. As long as I have more of each addons. After the match, the Calm addons will still be selected as long as I have enough in inventory. So I had 10, now I jave 9, but they are still selected and I can que up without selecting addons.
With Ttapper, say I use the Honing Stone and Burlap Bag. I have 10 of each. After the match, Trapper's addon selection is auto cleared. I have to select addons all over again before I que.
The person you responded to was asking if that was related to lore or was it just a glitch. As far as I know, it does not happen to other killers. I don't run much Billy, Spirit, Nurse or Wraith so I can't speak for them. (I know, I leave most of the best killers on the sidelines. Just not my style is all. I'm an unapologetic Trapper main.)
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Oh ok I see what you mean , yea I didn't know that I haven't played trapper in like 2 years lol back when they could Sabo your traps and they would be gone the whole match
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Look at the mori animation... there is no pleasure in killing.
The nurse also has a mori that looks like she is mercy killing. She snapped probably because of the mental suffering of people around her and after killing, she hanged herself not being able to withstand.
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The Blight could also have one. It seems like based on the fact that he has infinite syringes of Putrid Serum, The Entity might have obliged in giving him his serum in exchange for becoming a killer. In The Hunger Archives it even says he would rip Survivors and Killers apart just for more serum, so the Entity might've given him his serum in exchange for him becoming a killer, so kind of a mutual relationship, Blight kills for The Entity and nourishes it, while the Entity secretes its stuff early instead of all at once on Halloween, thus giving him more serum.
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Michael it says on the tombstone pieces even the entity cannot stop his lust to kill so he just grabs you and kills you on the spot. I think for ph the entity uses the actual powers of silent hill because it says in the lore ph feels a familiar feeling. Its funny because the entity wants you to kill survivors but gets displeased when you do it very fast with moris or tombstones.