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Whats so hard about not being toxic?



  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,956

    I mean some people think flashlighting a killer breaking a pallet is toxic

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Some people think using *insert perk name here* is toxic.

    Thus - "whats so hard about not being toxic?" isn't the question that needs to be asked. The question that needs asking is "why is everyones definition of toxic stupid?".

  • ugDUST
    ugDUST Member Posts: 51
    edited September 2020

    Sometimes, as killer, I feel the urge, nay the need, to play extremely toxic. I'll put on franklins, put it on swamp or glenvale with devour, or a Mori, throw on a couple metas, basically play to make you wanna throw your controller. I even ask myself "what would get me so angry as survivor"

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited September 2020

    Dbd will never lose its toxicity. You can even see it on the discussions about it.

    People come along and start talking about how terrible survivors are, or killers, or the one or other tactic and then they have found their own excuse why they start to act like this.

    Until the people not understand that there is no excuse for this behavior, we will have to live with it and well... personally I think we will never see this :).

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    toxicity here to stay sady both sides are toxic survivors more then killers but that maybe because there 4 survivors only 1 killer.

    when there going to be mode 2 killer 8 survivors?

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    Turn on the news. The world is flooded with toxic people right now. They lack empathy. They lack the ability to bridge the difference of opinions. They lack the ability to understand and care for the pain they cause in others. (See the empathy part)

    When you think about it, our world is a direct result of multiple behaviors. We have 2 generations growing up behind the shield of a monitor and keyboard. Those 2 generations have a very disengaged adult group around them. Those adults are highly engaged in a world that went from cruise control to hair on fire. The world moves fast now. If you are sitting around, you miss it. So in order to climb the economic ladder, or just stay afloat, you have to be on the go. That leaves those kids to be on the net without monitoring. Add in a shoddy education system more focused on social engineering than Reading, Writing and Arithmetic and you have a perfect recipe for a world filled with angst and frustration combined with a lack of the ability to empathize with those we are frustrated with...or those we THINK we should be frustrated with.

    That was a bit deep for a simple question about in-game behavior. But, that is just the state of the world lately. It gets worse every year. When online gaming first started, bad behavior got you on an exemption list. People would know who you were and would not let you join in. The Realm, Everquest and so many other games had tight-knit communities. I remember kill stealers in Everquest having their names blasted on the forums. When enough people saw the person involved continuing the behavior, the community started blacklisting them. That player tries to change their name because they can't get in a guild or get xp groups and Varrant Interactive would post all name changes....uh oh. That's not to say bad things did not happen, but they usually got worked out.

    Now......even the developers don't count toxic behavior as bad. They pass it off as "legit" gameplay. Why? They'd have to ban 60% of their community for it. If camping and tunneling were bannable, half the killers in this game, most between ranks 8-16, would be banned. That's not giving survivors a pass, their numbers would be significant as well. Players who don't care as much about the objectives as they do frustrating the other players. That's perfectly ok in this game...which is not ok.

    Enough rambling. Went way deeper than I intended to. People suck, instead of remembering the names of the azzholes, just remember the names of the good ones. The azzholes don't matter.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Survivors are toxic at endgame chat cause they feel like devs dont care. Reading the forums i kinda feel like the devs dont care. Biggest example, console frame rates. As someone who plays both sides. Only one killer makes me legit fear them and that is spirit. This is why im hugely against a spirit nerf. When im killer survivors dont fear killer. From all the second chance perks, to just doing the gen infront of your face. Its crazy.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    I wish people took the time to be toxic at this point. Its been gen rush city all week and im over it

  • struckyomama
    struckyomama Member Posts: 18

    its an entitled, uneducated, tough until confronted, mob mentality society.

    i meant real life. but dbd a microcosm

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    I feel you. This is the most toxic multiplayer game that I have ever played, and for that reason alone it's why I have a hard time playing killer matches. It's easy to say, "shrug it off and move on", but when you're constantly being barraged by insults, teabagging, and a piss poor matchmaking system, continuing to play this game becomes more of a chore than anything else.

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515

    I gotta say I think it's the opposite- the older you get, the less you worry about what other ppl are doing.

    Those players playing clickity-clack on flashlight, or t-bagging at the gates? Listen sweet summer children, when I have a mortgage to pay and a toddler screaming because I gave them the WRONG color of goldfish're not even blipping on my radar.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited September 2020

    Best answer. Even she does not wash out the problem dbd has, but I see it more as a social problem, as a problem that is releated to dbd.

    The people in dbd are just maybe the first people toxic guy nr.1 sees at his day and because his live is crap, he jumps on the throat of the first person he sees -_-. Or also is being toxic towards his survivor mates/the killer because he don't know how to solve his rl problems.

    And because I see the source of this behavior outside of behavior's game (sorry I couldn't resist :) I believe that we have to live with it^^.

    That said... I had never a really toxic endgame chat how I have sometimes read here it in those forums and my most active time in dbd was, as the real Legion still existed in dbd. So... Just from my background I should have seen a ton of toxicity, but without the dbd forums I would even not know how strong the toxicity in dbd really is.

    Edit: What I wanted to say with the last lines... Sometimes toxicity can also come from toxicity... A fair gameplay and good behavior in the endgame chat can safe everybody for some headaches.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Well said. A whiny, teabagging gamer can't hold a candle to a screaming toddler. I can put up with a lot gaming-wise, but I'd still prefer a fun and relaxing experience at the end of a full day of working and parenting.

  • DeeJHansen
    DeeJHansen Member Posts: 81

    Because people don't do it. It takes multiple reports of the same person to get anything done. As it should.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Nah, 90% of tge stuff that people report on isnt a bannable offense. The other 10% you need to report in game AND send in video evidence. And of the people that go through all that a lot are ignored. I reported a lag switcher months ago, never heard a thing back on my ticket thats still sitting in pending