Make events great again (maybe a long post, but hear me out)

I want to make a constructive feedback topic, so if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all please. Let's make a change for the better and give constructive feedback and hopefully it will recieve the devs attention.
WARNING: first bit it introduction, later you can find the summoning with suggestions.
Also, I've been playing this game since August 2016 on PC and on PS4.
So, in the past, we had some great events. For the first year anniversary, we had a week or two week long communtiy event that when we hit a certain BP goal, we unlocked a few skins and ultimately a new map that is known as the Groaning Storehouse.
We also had the putrid vials (the sucky sucky plants like some people called them), the margarita event (with the BBQ hook and the slushpuppy machine gens) and the moonrise event (with the lantarns). Those were all in the span of like October 2016 to Summer 2018, maybe 2019. Events where a lot of people were hyped about, gave something nice to do and gave some extra BP when you burned the offering.
It was always nice to see when there were 5 BBQ invites and the killer and survivors bonded together to get the most out of it for eachother. Of course, killers and/or survivors weren't obliged to work together, people could still play the game normally and that is totally fine. And of course, some people go out of their way to make the game misareble for others, but you always have those people, so I always just moved on to the next game.
Then, in the summer of 2019, the summer event was cancelled because of the store and since then the events has gone down in hype, because since then, every event is tied around the rift. For me personally, that is a huge let down. I used to get really hyped for upcoming events and when they cancelled the summer event, I wasn't really mad because I understand they needed to work on the store. But when they also cancelled the rest of the events and made them a shell of what they used to be, it made me think: How can we make events great again?
What I have in mind is the following:
- Make the events COMMUNITY based again. It doesn't matter that way if someone wants to play extremely toxic or just really relaxed, EVERYONE contributes towards a certain goal, set up by the devs. We can track the amount of, for example, vials collected with the plants/hooks and see how far we are for a goal.
- When a certain goal is reached, gift out an amount of vials to use in the store to EVERYONE. New players, veterans, casual players, everyone can have a piece of the pie. That way nobody can be left out of the event and we all know it is possible now because we got gifted BP in the past.
- The gifted stuff is still limited in time. When the event closes, you still only have two weeks to claim your price. After that the event is totally closed for another year (or you can buy the skins in store, of course).
- The offerings that are unemployed for 2 years already can be used again (like the BBQ invite)
How do you guys think about this? Do you like an event based around the whole community or would you like it individually? Or no events at all maybe and have it still tied around the rift?
Please, make your comments civil and constructive.
I wish good events were a thing again, I loved the bbq event which is probably the one I enjoyed the most.
Not to offend but the 4th year event was really damn bad if we consider it an event (I know that it is an anniversary).
The pestula petals thing was decent since it "forced" people to certain things in order to get X thing.
I too wish we got more community stuff, more things to do.
The rift imo is very lacky and in my opinion they can fill up the empty spaces on the free things (I do buy the pass and will probably continue to do) but that doesn't compare to real events.
Short story, I do want stuff like older events something to keep me hyped to play.
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At first, your suggestions seem all fine :) Except that I would like to have event cosmetics not be available in store. They do soooo many cosmetics and I think it will not be a neck breaker if they keep 5% of them exclusive to those who spent time explicitly to get them.
I think they should create some kind of sandbox at first with exchangeable items, so they can simply just redesign the alternative objectives and replace the old ones. Or reuse them. Including the currency system, or, especially the currency system, that you get when completing event objectives. I don't like how totally unrelated the events and rifts are and the progress you get when they put the currency into the rift.
It would of course limit the event styles a bit, meaning you will always get either event gens/hooks or event objectives that are once flowers, once lanterns or whatever that you have to collect and take out (or just collect). But for me that's fine if it helps reducing the bugs and effort to create events.
And just two things to mention: compared to the recent rift bound events, the 4th year anniversary event was again a cool event. And pls don't say "make xyz great again". It makes me shiver ;)
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An idea for an event:
a player (survivor/killer) can grap an object. during the chase, when a player is put into dying state, they will drop the object. when the killer get stuned, the killer will drop the object. there can only be one object in a match. when the match ends with the object with you, you gain an extra bloodpoints.
survivor/killer with the object, would have a glowing overlay.
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Don't know if this is a troll post or not, but this smells completely as a bullseye for toxicity tbh. I think a lot of people will go out of their way to deny the other person anything, because of fear of missing out.
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It is just an idea, the bloodpoint value is not great. a simple mini-game like that can be enough to make events more intresting.
anthor idea:
a panel that hold complex math questions that once solved it will reward few bloodpoints, however failing it, will cause an noise notification.
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i would love to see more "ambience & atmosphere" not just BP events and grind this and that.
on christmas i wanna see snowflakes and some lights on trees (im not even celebrating christmas or any of these holidays thingys, im muslim but i would LOVE to see that in DBD) just having this nice atmosphere while playing inside where its warm.
BP events = Weekly, example = every sunday for 3-4 hours a BP event instead of every 6 months that way more people would play.
on eastern eggs lying around. just simple things to have a good atmosphere in the game would be just cool.
just some thoughts of me.
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How can you make events great, if they're no events in the first place.
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I prefer new mechanics that add to the game play. for example, finding switches around the map to activate an event such as hidden musics ,event-specific items or a completly hidden room in the basement.
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i like it around the community but maby have some tied to the rift or even the tomes like if you max out the current tome shown you get a unique skin realted to the characters for that tome (I.E tome one you get a skin for trapper and claudette or even the blight since he was shown in tome one)
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just on the very first part of the post dbd didnt release for ps4 until like may or june 2017 if im not wrong
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Your Numbers are wrong if you believe folk will want to do math homework just for a game event 🥴
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it is optional anyway with little rewards, but I believe it could be fun for people that love maths. we can replace it with puzzles if you want.