Ruin used to be auto include to compete in red ranks

Now you need to run corrupt+pop+bbq.
Thanks for shaking up the meta bhvr.
You don't need many gen slow-down perks. I just either run PGTW or Surge and im perfectly fine thanks to the many gen speed nerfs lately.
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Why is it only the killer perk meta that ever needs to be shaken up? The meta survivor build literally has not changed since I started at Huntress' release.
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For me its corrupt, trilling tremors, pgtw and surge like that all my perk can hurt the gen
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Corrupt is enough by itself, I never run pop or bbq anymore, I personally prefer discordance over bbq but that's just me
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Hex undying and hex ruin. Yes its two perks but those together will be absurdly strong. I theorize hex undying will be nerf or reworked because as it stands the perks is crazy busted. If your getting the dlc anyway make sure to take advantage of the perk I'm getting the feeling its gonna get the MoM treatment.
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You can run zero perks on survivor and still win most of the time, unlike killer.
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tbf the strong part of the perk is allowing hex perks to respawn so theyd have to remove the Undying part of Hex: Undying if they were to MOM it.
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Even with old Ruin those Perks were used. Ruin, PGTW and BBQ were pretty standard. So not much of a change.
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The Ruin nerf led to the downfall of many killer mains.
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For one, corrupt+pop is superior to old ruin and, even if it takes up two slots, it's actually worth its weight.
Secondly, I only use the combo on some killers and mostly as insurance against bad map rng. Most of the time I even forget I have pop.
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well its not really because of the ruin change but because of devs showed killer mains that they dont care about them and how mindless they are by nerfing a perk that literary made the game playable and last longer than 5 minutes
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I play huntress with no slowdowns and seem to 4K pretty much every match, idk why you guys are obsessed with pretending perks are mandatory.
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Old ruin disproportionately affected less skilled players. It made bad and mediocre survivors play worse while better survivors that could hit greats basically bypassed the perk. Perk kinda sucked ass when you needed it most
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You dont need many but you do need something at least.
I dont think the people making these balance changes actually play their own game. I've heard the guy in charge of game balance thinks Clown is an S tier killer. That worries me.
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why run surge? 8% for a down that may not even proc, or 25% for a hook?
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Lol what are you talking about? I got up to red ranks on killer without any meta perks. I pretty much only had Legion's base kit. I can still own up to about rank 7 without any perks equipped.
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Surge is actually quite underrated. Sure, PGTW is 25% and Surge is only 8%, but Surge can proc on multiple generators and it saves time having to go kick them yourself. On newer maps and smaller maps Surge can actually outperform PGTW (at least from my own personal experience).
Plus, Surge is a much more enjoyable perk to go up against and to play with. I highly recommend it on killers who primarily use their M1 to down if you haven't tried it out yet.
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yer if not we could.have dh noed toth and ruin all combo
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the dh and ruin could get swapped for mori town or sloe game
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Surge works on multiple gens, potentially, and is based on a m1 down. Which means I can down someone, proc surge, then slug to either run people off gens, chase someone else or wait out a DS timer.
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For me, the current Ruin is way more powerfull.
Old ruin was only good against Survivors who couldnt hit great skill checks.
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You can't actually believe that the devs don't care about killers, not with all the positive balance changes they have gotten in the past, or?
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legion is that one killer who just pips all the time because of his power
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i mean, look at what a ######### state the game is for the killer, there are some many simple changes that could have been done to make it good but they just wont do it no matter what
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I think they just need to remove the Aura reading from it. But then they need to have something to put it in tiers. Maybe a hex can only be moved up to 1/2/3 times.
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Maybe you are just bad?
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It might can hit multiple gens.. but I just can't put much stock in that 8%. If it procs while a survivor is still on it, that 8% is negated in 6 seconds..
now you may rebuttal that you're supposed to slug and get the other survivor off.. what if you proc it on 2 gens that have a survivor on each? I'd rather just take the 25% on one gen, you keep wrecking the same gen it's got a psych element to it IMO.. "we had this 90% done now it's 0% :( "
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right, that the argument everyone uses when someone gives them a fair point and no im not bad
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The best change they've made in a very long time
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Ähm,did you forget that they actually fixed almost all maps and their infinites soon after the ruin change?
They do care about the balance of this game.
The devs are just really slow regarding balance and some of their decisions are a bit of a hit or miss.
But the ruin change wasn't really that bad,it just needs planning on the killers end on how to use it the best.
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Believe it or not,but the game is overall in a pretty good state balance wise.
I agree,that the devs are frustratingly slow when it comes to simple buffs or nerfs (trapper getting 2 traps at base is a perfect example) but that's just the way they are.
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it is in a good state vs decent solo survivors, very good solo survivors can wreck you and then you have swf...
what i hate the most though is that every survivor runs the same perks all over again and so do killers because devs are scared like ######### to make a decent perk without 10 negatives like most of the kill perks are
also i dont understand their brain when designing add-ons
and also im scared when i hear that some devs believe clown is an S tier killer
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And isn't it cool that that isn't the case anymore?
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well the problem with it is that its still hex perk and not even close to be as powerful as before
hex perks should be high risk / high reward but instead they are extreme risk / medium reward
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I agree,that we really are in need of major perk changes to shift this meta that has been sooo stale for years.
Yeah,so many killers have absolutely terrible addons it's pretty sad :/
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BBQ is a perk that only gives extra bp and show aura for 4 seconds, its good but definetly not a most you have far so many better options.
discordance, sloppy, nurses, new ruin (its good actually), STBFL, thrilling thremores, survelliance (amazing synergy with new ruin)
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The old Ruin was stupid as hell.
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I've figured out something if you want to try to counter this "speedy meta" we have.
Use Corrupt+NOED.
A little bit of slow down at the start, and punishes extreme gen rushing at the end.
The last 2 slots, you can take pop and the perk you want.
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What does BBQ have to do with the ruin nerf ?? BBQ isnt even that good of a perk, most people just run it for the double BP. And if you need 2 gen slowdown perks that's just you being bad tbh
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The issue with balance (including ruin nerf) for me at any rate boiled down to the game just being a pain to play. I love playing killer but im not that good, dont have the time to get 700k hours and master every glitched out pixel on each map. So when i play against people my level i like it to be similar skill, but instead of playing the game I have to sweat so hard to make anything work because the game is fighting me.
I am never fighting the survivors in the game, I am fighting clunky controls, an unspoken 5 minute timer because gens are done so fast, perks that are completely changed because the game was too "unfun" for the survivors.
Yes, infinite loops were removed, however what they were replaced with (which noone likes to bring up) are incredibly strong loops that can run the killer for 25+ seconds. When looping is SO easy to pull off that even I can do it with minimal experience, its kind of stupid.
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I dunno, with crossplay on, I've been hovering around rank 1 using Agitation + Iron Grasp + Mad Grit + Surge. This is just anecdotal evidence on my part though, so take it with a big grain of salt.