Recommended, unwritten Code of Conduct in Dead by Daylight

As we all know, Survivors dont like how Killers play, and Killers dont like how Survivors play. Something is to OP here, and others are too toxic there, you all know what i mean. So i tried to create some kind of codex, creed, Code of Conduct
- unwritten, of course.

Nobody is forced to play like this creed but i think SOME of this points will help to get better matches with more fun for both sides. And everybody here likes funny and "fair" matches in DBD, but they are hard to find ("Fair" is a biiiiiig word in DBD and everyone as antoher understanding of "fair" - of course)


  • Try to leave hooked survivors. You dont need to camp until they are dead. Too much gens could be finished in that time. Take "Make your Choice" or "Devour Hope" with you if you need a reason to go away. If survs got unhooked you cant hunt them once more and get additional points of course. BUT: If the situation needs camping (gates opened, two survs hooked right and left from exit gate, so the hell protect them with hard camping as you want too. If theres nopthing left ot fight for, there i sno need to go away of course.

Try not to tunnel a specific player. If someone get unhooked, it should be your first target to hit/down the Rescuer, not the unhooked one. Again "Make your choice" can give you one more reason to do that. So the unhooked one get a chance to get healed and you can hunt him again for additional points. If he cant hide or is running straigth into your Line of Fire, well, yeah. Choose your way. Beat him or run away from him to give him a chance. Again a BUT: If the hooked one is a respectless T-Bagger or is destroying event hooks for no reason, tunnel his a** out of the game. (Or if you are running dying light of course)

Protect the Gens! Your main target in the game is to protect gens from being repaired. One possibility is Three-Gen-Tactics. Check the Map you are playing on, look for three gens that are close to each other or in a line, and protect them with all you have. Let Survivors run away, dont chase them for long. Get back to the Gens, maybe another survivor is already working on it. If you are able to protect three gens on the map, the survs can finish 4 gens, and the last one will never be finished because the three remaining gens are covered by you. Also if you dont run 3-Gen-Tactics, dont waste too much time in chases, you cant win (against a good juker), just stop chasing and look for another, weaker target. The juker will run into your weapon later in another situation.

Dont "punish" other survs for the mistakes of a single toxic one. If you have a toxic T-bagger, you can throw him out of the game with all you have. Most time this guys DC when they are downed the first time. But dont punish the other 3 Survs for this guy. Just play after that creed against them ;)

Respect the 4%! If a Surv unhooks himself with the 4%, respect that. If he is the last, you can let him escape maybe or give him the hatch, or if you dont want to let him escape, and there are other survivors left, just dont tunnel him directly.

If you played "fair", some survivors also will, and if you are a community mate, just give the last remaining surv the hatch, if he deserves it. (If he played good, Fair, you couldnt find him whole game and so on)

Dont get angry about some surv perks. If theres a DS in game, hunt the obsession, took her up, wait for the strike, and you can be sure its our of the game and the surv will play the rest of the round with 3 perks. good for you. Same with insta heal. All that perks are gone once used and next time the surv will be down. If you are good in hunting, the strike and the insta heal and even dead hard just give the surv who used that only a few seconds. nothing to worry about.

Hatch Stand-off: Hell guys, when you are in a hatch standoff, you already killed 3 ppl. Just let him go and start next round. Its better for everyones Bloodpressure. Just wasting time at that hatch.

Optional: Dont slugg. I see lots of nurses slugging around like hell. I dont know why, but its no fun for survivors. So I dont do it, if there is no situation that make it necessary (hooks destroyed etc.) - maybe its possible to avoid slugging.

Of course we dont talk about Hacks that are not allowed by the Game. Just dont use them.

Most imortant: You objective is not to kill 4 survs, your objective is to get points and pip. In fast rounds you hook 4 survs that die directly and you just got safepip and some points. In good rounds you kill 2 or 3 survs and pip or even double pip already. In perfect rounds you kill all, have damage and hunting and brutality full and end the round with 32000 points. not possible with camping btw. If you deal with that, there is no win and no loose . Its just about points.

If you got pwnd by a 4 swf, get away from your computer, take a deep breath and get bakc after a few minutes for the next round. New round, new situation. Just stay chilled.


Dont T-Bag: The most respectless thing you can do to a killer, is T-bagging - especially for no reason. It dont give you points or an advantage in the game/match progress. So if you want fair killers, the first thing is to not disrespect them.

Dont DC: If you are a mate just deal with everything you get faced with. Lots of ppl DC'ing when they recognize a Doc as Opponent. Or when they were downed first time/hooked first time. Why? Just grow some balls mates :D That ppl bring the other 3 Survs in a bad situation. If you really want to avoid killers or matches, just let you hook and die there. Just think about it.

Dont feed the Camper. If a killer camps, just do gens. there is no need to hide with three ppl around the hook waiting for THAT ONE CHANCE to unhook. (Its recommended only when gates are open and you dont want that a mate is left behind)

Dont farm. If you want to unhook, dont try while being chased, or right after the killer turned his back to the hook. Just wait a few seconds until its safe and both of you can escape from the hook and hide somewhere.

If you destroy lots of hooks, dont cry about getting slugged. Remember that the killer would not stop to kill you, even without hooks. Some ppl think the killer will go into a corner and wait there until its done when no hooks are available.

If you are at the exit with the whole team, just get out. There is no need to troll the killer. If you are a community mate, you let him hit you twice at exit for some points. If you dont want that, just get out.

If you are trying to resuce a mate when gates are open, accept the killer will defend his hook. Maybe you call it camping, but where the hell else should the killer go when all gens are done, the gates are open and the remaining survs sneaking around the hooked mate? Again: He wont get into a corner and wait until its over. Deal with it.

If you are the last remaining survivor and the hatch is open and the killer downes you: DONT WIGGLE on the killers shoulder. Most time wiggeling bar doesnt fill until you reach the next hook. Especially if there is noone who tries to save you (flashlight, Blocking, tanking a hit) and if the killer played fair, and the round was a good one, MAYBE the killer takes you to the hatch. But he wont do if you wiggle, because if the killer doesnt know where the hatch is, he need to search it with you on the shoulder. That takes more time then wiggeling bar has to fill. So no killer will give you hatch when you wiggle (maybe if the hatch is right in the nearer area) - and if the killer doesnt give you the hatch and hook you, dont be sad, he also would if you had wiggled ;) Not wiggeling increases your chances for the hatch.

Both: Pls be gentle in aftergame Chat. Respect the work, the other side did. Most rounds played after that creed (I am killer main and play like its written up here) the aftergame chat is empty. An empty chat is great for me so i didnt give the survs something to put salt on. Sometimes there also is a gg or a gg and a question how i knew that the surv is in that locker or how i spotted a player and other aftergame analysis questions, but almost no toxic salt! And before you want to get salty in aftergame chat, take a deeeeep breath and try to calm down. Maybe you dont need to be salty anymore after that and just quit to start next round ;)

To be continued....(if necessary)

I think.... no i HOPE that lots of people are reading this and just try to pick some points out of that creed and play it like that. We are all here for Fun and competitive gameplay. This game lives from the community and we all know it has strengthes and weaknesses. But its still OUR game, isnt it?

And as long both sides are respecting each other, it will stay our game.

See you in the Fog ladies, and gentlemen.
Kind regards,


  • S0ckenSchuss
    S0ckenSchuss Member Posts: 110
    edited September 2018

    That are (think so) the main reasons for that what makes the community toxic.

    sub-optimally is a point to discuss. As said, what is optimal and what is not? If your points are good at end of round, both could be optimal. And survs dont have many options to do something against this toxication, just not beeing a**holes =) As killers dont go to a corner and wait, so survs dont wait for being catched. And all tools they have are pallets, windows, flashlights, toolboxes, medikits and perks are common tools to use. Flahslight saves are more difficult now, DS and things i already wrote about. They dont need to stop running, maybe they could stop looping the same object, ok, but the long infinite loops are also patched next time. And if the killer is not stupid, he wont chase someone in an infinite loop.

    Of course camping and tunneling are officially "tactics" and ways to play, but its about the fun.

    You have additional ideas?

  • Unit
    Unit Member Posts: 190
    Orion said:

    Why are all the Killer "recommended code of conduct rules" playing sub-optimally, while most of the Survivor ones are "don't be an #########"?

    I mean what else are they supposed do
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Unit said:
    I mean what else are they supposed do

    Killers? I dunno, maybe kill Survivors instead of letting them go?

  • Unit
    Unit Member Posts: 190
    Orion said:

    @Unit said:
    I mean what else are they supposed do

    Killers? I dunno, maybe kill Survivors instead of letting them go?

    Yeah,  I'd rather take an L then let this game be toxit so I don't know.
    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    I've let survivors win in the past only to be bombarded with the same old trash. Play the way you want to play without the worry of that endgame chat. Close it and then try and never open it ever again.

  • S0ckenSchuss
    S0ckenSchuss Member Posts: 110

    Someone who has read the post carefully would also have read that nobody is forced to do that. Its just some ideas to increase the fun of the matches for both sides. If someone dont want that, so he can do as he want. No need to discuss about. I am happy for everyone, who took the one or the other point of that list, to meke DBD Comm a better place. (and still got points and pips!)

  • S0ckenSchuss
    S0ckenSchuss Member Posts: 110

    @Tsulan said:
    @Orion is right.

    So when i get a 4x DS deathsquad, i shall cherish them for using DS, since they gimped themselfes after using it. Great idea! I´m sure they´ll thank me with a warm "gg ez" after the match.

    Killer playing efficiently is considered toxic. I can leave the hook instantly during the whole match. If the gates are open and i stay even at a distance of 20 meters of the hook and manage to down the unhooked survivor, i´m a toxic camper and tunneler. If i don´t down that survivor and they escape, i´m just a noob camper. And if i just leave that hook, they´ll make sure to wait with the unhooked survivor at the exit gate to teabag and "gg ez".

    I had matches where i played fair, no camping, no tunneling, no BM. My reward? They gen rushed and then refused to leave for over 20 minutes. claps slowly

    I also had, and i am tired of that. I also got no reward, there always will be toxic groups out there. Thats why i also wrote a survivor section, you know? Maybe this hardcore groups will never read that, of course, but if alot of others do, then we all maybe face less groups like you described. The Killer is always in position to deal with the strategy of the survs. the killer need to react to their tactics. and if there is no way to be "fair" just punsh the shi*t out of them, (as i also wrote)

  • Unit
    Unit Member Posts: 190
    I mean if you're a good killer you can 4k without camping. As someone who plays leatherface (yes I know) I don't camp without a good reason especially if I  have ruin (like who tf does that).
  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    Let me sum up the Code of Conduct we need for both Killers and Survivors:

    Play to Win. Do not Cheat. Do not abuse Know Exploits. Have Fun.

    Yes, I have linked to Sirlin's Play to Win ebook 4 times there. Amazing read I will always recommend.

    Honestly. Play the game as it is given. Have fun. Aim to win. There nothing else we need.

  • Amelia
    Amelia Member Posts: 84

    @jiminie said:

    @Delfador said:

    @jiminie said:
    'Camping and tunneling...strategies' oh my god

    Why do you moan? According to devs they are strategies as well.

    I was the one who wanted something that will decrease camping and tunneling in the game. I said that killers had no benefits if they let survivors escape and try to choose other targets. Here is what I have said.

    I generally play survivor and tunneling is very frustrating for me. So when I play as a killer, I deliberately try to avoid tunneling but hooking different survivors rather than focusing on a single survivor and eliminating him from the match doesn't feel rewarding. Do you have any plan to reward killers who do not camp and tunnel?

    Here is the link. 5th post is mine.

    You can go and watch what devs think about camping or tunneling. They think we should not force people to do something.

    You have this clear evil killers who try to drain survivors' fun. Nope killers are generally not like that. They try to win and even though camping is not a great strategy, tunneling is the most efficient way for the killer to eliminate his targets. At the end of the day, every single player will try to play optimally.

    You sure require massive amount of skill and you doing nuclear theory in your head to be efficient while straight up looking at the Survivor on the hook, i'll say it again, camping=no skill required or 'strategy', tunneling=again, it's really hard and resourceful action to do, following the just unhooked Survivor like a mindless sheep until you catch up to him, which is most likely instantly because camping/tunneling go hand in hand

    Preach baby, preach ! ;)

  • BigBlackMori
    BigBlackMori Member Posts: 220

    @Amelia said:

    @jiminie said:

    @Delfador said:

    @jiminie said:
    'Camping and tunneling...strategies' oh my god

    Why do you moan? According to devs they are strategies as well.

    I was the one who wanted something that will decrease camping and tunneling in the game. I said that killers had no benefits if they let survivors escape and try to choose other targets. Here is what I have said.

    I generally play survivor and tunneling is very frustrating for me. So when I play as a killer, I deliberately try to avoid tunneling but hooking different survivors rather than focusing on a single survivor and eliminating him from the match doesn't feel rewarding. Do you have any plan to reward killers who do not camp and tunnel?

    Here is the link. 5th post is mine.

    You can go and watch what devs think about camping or tunneling. They think we should not force people to do something.

    You have this clear evil killers who try to drain survivors' fun. Nope killers are generally not like that. They try to win and even though camping is not a great strategy, tunneling is the most efficient way for the killer to eliminate his targets. At the end of the day, every single player will try to play optimally.

    You sure require massive amount of skill and you doing nuclear theory in your head to be efficient while straight up looking at the Survivor on the hook, i'll say it again, camping=no skill required or 'strategy', tunneling=again, it's really hard and resourceful action to do, following the just unhooked Survivor like a mindless sheep until you catch up to him, which is most likely instantly because camping/tunneling go hand in hand

    Preach baby, preach ! ;)

    But as long as it works, Killers are still gonna do it. And you know why it works?

    Because Survivors allow it to by making bad plays. In no competitive scene in the history of ever has anyone who actually wanted to win not capitalize don their opponents' mistakes. So...too bad, so sad. Go reviewbomb the game til the devs give survivors invulnerability after being hooked or something. That always works.

  • Utna
    Utna Member Posts: 186

    I'm with you here @S0ckenSchuss. Well , I might tunnel more than you'd like to, but I don't enjoy it particullary ... and I wouldn't do it if I didn't suck as a killer, and I wonder why I can't practice and get better playing survivors with roughly the same skill level as me. Anyways ...

    Since there seems to be a lot of videogame nihilistic players out there, thinking that honor and respect are useless, I'd recommand an in game self-ban button. In real life, when you play cards in a club, no one is obliged to play with people who are rude and disrepectfull. There is no need for a written codex ; all you do is not playing at the table with rude people. In DBD there should be a button to prevent being paired with a specific toxic player. That way, there would be no need of moderation whatsoever, because rude kids would be recongnized by each players and be banned individually from their games. After some time, we can imagine those bratts having fewer and fewer people to play with, until they find themselves waiting too long for a game, and quit the game entirely.

    But this is also a double edged solution, since any self rightous player might bann too many people for no reason and slowly exclude themselves from the games.

  • S0ckenSchuss
    S0ckenSchuss Member Posts: 110
    Play to win are the magical words. What ist the Definition of winning ? Every Killer that says "4kill" now, hasnt understood the Game yet. And survs that say "4 escapes" Also didnt. Ask devs for Definition of winning in dbd.
  • Lucky57
    Lucky57 Member Posts: 14

    The emblem system is actually a good indication of what is a "win", since I almost everytime give the hatch to the last survivor if they played fair/at least not toxic and still get 2 pipe almost everytime I do it... So yeah, 4 kills isn't required to "win"

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    @S0ckenSchuss said:
    That are (think so) the main reasons for that what makes the community toxic.

    sub-optimally is a point to discuss. As said, what is optimal and what is not? If your points are good at end of round, both could be optimal. And survs dont have many options to do something against this toxication, just not beeing a**holes =) As killers dont go to a corner and wait, so survs dont wait for being catched. And all tools they have are pallets, windows, flashlights, toolboxes, medikits and perks are common tools to use. Flahslight saves are more difficult now, DS and things i already wrote about. They dont need to stop running, maybe they could stop looping the same object, ok, but the long infinite loops are also patched next time. And if the killer is not stupid, he wont chase someone in an infinite loop.

    Of course camping and tunneling are officially "tactics" and ways to play, but its about the fun.

    You have additional ideas?

    He doesn't need to do any of that. Just look at his portrait.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I'll just stick to the game's official rules.
    I mean, there was a time where i'd try to follow community made-up rules.
    Ahh, good times...not really.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Orion said:
    Why are all the Killer "recommended code of conduct rules" playing sub-optimally, while most of the Survivor ones are "don't be an #########"?

    Because killer should give extra chances to survivor on top of their extra chances.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @S0ckenSchuss said:
    That are (think so) the main reasons for that what makes the community toxic.

    sub-optimally is a point to discuss. As said, what is optimal and what is not? If your points are good at end of round, both could be optimal. And survs dont have many options to do something against this toxication, just not beeing a**holes =) As killers dont go to a corner and wait, so survs dont wait for being catched. And all tools they have are pallets, windows, flashlights, toolboxes, medikits and perks are common tools to use. Flahslight saves are more difficult now, DS and things i already wrote about. They dont need to stop running, maybe they could stop looping the same object, ok, but the long infinite loops are also patched next time. And if the killer is not stupid, he wont chase someone in an infinite loop.

    Of course camping and tunneling are officially "tactics" and ways to play, but its about the fun.

    You have additional ideas?

    Explain me how tunneling is not the optimal strategy? In a game where it is all about time management it is the most optimal way to remove 1 survivor ASAP.

    I am open for arguments if you have any

  • Utna
    Utna Member Posts: 186

    @BigBlackMori said:

    @Utna said:
    I'm with you here @S0ckenSchuss. Well , I might tunnel more than you'd like to, but I don't enjoy it particullary ... and I wouldn't do it if I didn't suck as a killer, and I wonder why I can't practice and get better playing survivors with roughly the same skill level as me. Anyways ...

    Since there seems to be a lot of videogame nihilistic players out there, thinking that honor and respect are useless, I'd recommand an in game self-ban button. In real life, when you play cards in a club, no one is obliged to play with people who are rude and disrepectfull. There is no need for a written codex ; all you do is not playing at the table with rude people. In DBD there should be a button to prevent being paired with a specific toxic player. That way, there would be no need of moderation whatsoever, because rude kids would be recongnized by each players and be banned individually from their games. After some time, we can imagine those bratts having fewer and fewer people to play with, until they find themselves waiting too long for a game, and quit the game entirely.

    But this is also a double edged solution, since any self rightous player might bann too many people for no reason and slowly exclude themselves from the games.

    Playing to win is not being rude or disrespectful. You seem to think that survivors are entitled to have infinite second chances, but nobody cares about their made-up rules. Hell, give me a ban button - i'd never play against an SWF'er again, and be happy to wait as long as I had to for quality games.

    You guessed wrong. When I'm saying "rude kids", I'm talking about survivors of course. Killer can't do much to annoy me anymore ... beside early game face camping (but I didn't seen for ages). Now what I call toxic survivors are not people playing to win, because every one tries ; Toxic people are bullying other players just for the sake of their own sadistic fun, or blood point farming while holding someone else hostage into the game.

    To illustrate what I mean, here's an example I ran into a couple of days ago:

    Playing as the clown, I succeeded into having the last generators relatively close to each other ... so I started patrolling them and kicking them with Overcharge. The problem is those generators where in cornfield and I suck at spotting survivors from a distance, but all in all, when generators are close like that, I catch at least 1 survivor eventually.

    Turns out the remaining survivors where good at hiding and they where probably SWF on voice comms, because right after each time I've finished kicking one generator, the opposite one Overcharged, letting me know that I had to run over there and stop its progression (or game over). After a while and since the the coordination between the Overcharge notifications was flawless, I figured that they didn't even tried to fully repair a generator. Those survivors where just having fun making me run around in circles while they knew exactly where I was and had plenty of time to hide out of sight. This lasted around 5-10 minutes until I decided for the first time ever to diconnect, because I 'wasn't playing a DBD game anymore ...


    So here, this is why I think ethics are important ; it is important because some people needs to be constantly reminded that trapping someone into a situation where he can be farmed, but can't do anything about it is SO WRONG. If this was us playing a boardgame in real life, someone having this kind of behaviour would be immediately spotted and banned for some time, and I hardly see why it would be different in video games.

  • Incarnate
    Incarnate Member Posts: 677

    @Utna said:

    You guessed wrong. When I'm saying "rude kids", I'm talking about survivors of course. Killer can't do much to annoy me anymore ... beside early game face camping (but I didn't seen for ages). Now what I call toxic survivors are not people playing to win, because every one tries ; Toxic people are bullying other players just for the sake of their own sadistic fun, or blood point farming while holding someone else hostage into the game.

    To illustrate what I mean, here's an example I ran into a couple of days ago:

    Playing as the clown, I succeeded into having the last generators relatively close to each other ... so I started patrolling them and kicking them with Overcharge. The problem is those generators where in cornfield and I suck at spotting survivors from a distance, but all in all, when generators are close like that, I catch at least 1 survivor eventually.

    Turns out the remaining survivors where good at hiding and they where probably SWF on voice comms, because right after each time I've finished kicking one generator, the opposite one Overcharged, letting me know that I had to run over there and stop its progression (or game over). After a while and since the the coordination between the Overcharge notifications was flawless, I figured that they didn't even tried to fully repair a generator. Those survivors where just having fun making me run around in circles while they knew exactly where I was and had plenty of time to hide out of sight. This lasted around 5-10 minutes until I decided for the first time ever to diconnect, because I 'wasn't playing a DBD game anymore ...


    So here, this is why I think ethics are important ; it is important because some people needs to be constantly reminded that trapping someone into a situation where he can be farmed, but can't do anything about it is SO WRONG. If this was us playing a boardgame in real life, someone having this kind of behaviour would be immediately spotted and banned for some time, and I hardly see why it would be different in video games.

    You nailed it pretty good though - "Toxic people are bullying other players just for the sake of their own sadistic fun, or blood point farming while holding someone else hostage into the game."

    People should play the game and not some other toxic game within the game! I agree, players who're bullying other players should be punished for it!