Which Perk in your Opinion needs to be Buffed or Reworked first?

Imagine if you will, that the developers have agreed to put up a poll listing every perk available for both Survivor and Killer that we have before the release of the Blight. Which perk in your opinion would you like to be changed first?
Feel free to elaborate and include more than one perk if you wish, and please let us keep this discussion civil and reasonable. Thank you π
All the second chance perks are at the top of my list.
While there are a ton of perks that need buffs/reworks, the abusively strong and unhealthy second chance ones actually hurt game play while all the bad perks just need their changes to create more diversity. Obviously abusive and unhealthy game play is the higher priority.
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i would love to see the bad killer perks get reworked: coulrophobia, furtive chase, insidious, monstrous shrine, over whelming presence and all of huntress's perks get buffed enough to be usable
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Survivor: Auodidact, Babsitter, Buckle Up, Camaraderie, Lucky Break, Object of Obsession, Slippery Meat, Sole Survivor, Up the Ante, Vigil.
Killers: Cruel Limits, Deathbound, Furtive Chase, Gearhead, Hex: Retribution, Hex: The Third Seal, Mindbreaker, Monstrous Shrine, Overwhelming Presence, Predator, Remember Me.
These are the perks I believe require the most attention. There are other perks I'd want to tweak the numbers on, but those at least work well enough.
I had an idea for Remember Me the other day that I think could work. "Every successful basic attack grants this perk a token. Each token collected adds 1/1.5/2% more time needed to open an Exit Gate. This perk cannot collect more than 50 tokens."
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Cruel Limits & Monstrous Shrine for killer.
NOLB just needs a slight tweak so that it activates once gates are powered rather than open.
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If it showed more gens, how could it be used to avoid a 3 gen situation?
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Probably MoM and Forced Penance. MoM sounds like the perfect Ash style perk to me if it was reworked right. Forced Penance punishing altruistic survivors sounds amazing but really isn't all that good.
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Reworked? Every second chance/late-game perk in the game. Buffed? All the BP-gaining perks (so that the bonus BP applies afterwad, like WGLF/BBQ) and especially WGLF (it does literally nothing, I don't think that's very fair).
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We're Gonna Live Forever badly needs to have an in-game benefit to it. Doesn't seem fair that BBQ and Chili has a very good in-game benefit, but WGLF doesn't have one at all.
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i think that both slowdown perks and second chance perks need to be tuned down a bit, cause neither are really that fun or engaging to use or go against (though, slowdown perks should only be nerfed if second chance perks are being nerfed at the same time)
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When equipped, visual repair progress made by you and your cooperating teammates is suppressed (gen progress bar goes up, but gen pistons don't move)
BALANCE NOTE: killers can still kick it. They just have to walk over to it for the prompt, burning time. (Though I guess this note is optional)
When damaged sparking gens are repaired, they still appear to spark.
These effects persist for 4/8/12 seconds after letting go of the gen, and can be maintained by hopping back on the gen before the time runs out.
I feel this perk would aid itself in making stealth gameplay more viable (as much as people poke fun at it). Team stuck in a tight 3 gen? Win the game before the killer can realize it by keeping a low profile.
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DC, lets rework it into a anti tunnle perk like it should be
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I agree with the majority of your lists but I think those numbers need to be upped for your Remember Me rebuild idea. Even if you get all 4 survivors from healthy to downed for 3 hooks on 3 and 2 hooks on one, that's a 44% increase which is only 7.04 seconds more, far less than the current max of the perk.
This would force you to slug and to slug often to get any worth. And with it being limited to basic attacks, there's a handful of killers that this would be pretty much worthless to.
I think you have a solid idea at its base but the mechanics and mathematics need a little more thought.
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Yea, it could be more like 2/3/4%. And I don't see a problem with it not working for every killer. All kinds of different perks work (or don't) for different killers.
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The gen repair progression idea is good. Itβs what I was hoping for Visionary.
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All of his perks have really interesting ideas, but they are put so badly that they are borderline-useless. Take for example Babysitter, a perk that hides the unhooked survivor and tries to get you to take aggro. That's a fun and unique idea for a perk. But then the "hidden survivor" only doesn't leave their scratch marks and blood for EIGHT SECONDS MAX. I would personally have it changed to...
- The unhooked survivor leaves no scratch marks, blood, and has 100% reduced grunts of pain for 18/20/22 seconds
- You and the killer see each other's aura for 5 seconds after 6 seconds you unhooked the survivor
- The HUD and noise notification of the unhook is delayed 6 seconds
I don't know how I would fix Second Wind, and my idea for Camaraderie is...
- When within 24 meters of another hooked survivor, their progression is slowed 10(%)%/15(%)%/20(?)%.
- When another survivor is 24 meters of you while on the hook, your hook progression is slowed 10(%)%/15(%)%/20(?)%.
I don't know the numbers, but it at max tier, the hook progression should be slowed 20 seconds for each hook state.
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Thanks for the input! I would like to mention I also made a post a while back based on a proposed change for Remember Me if you guys are interested? Feel free to check it out!
Remember Me used to be my favorite obsession perk when the Nightmare chapter was released π shame it's no longer as effective. Perhaps give it the bonus effect of regressing Gate Opening progression back to zero if the Survivor does not open it all the way? It would prevent the 99% Gate progression if that were to be implemented.
Thoughts? π€
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@CheeseAnton I love Steve but yea, his perks need help π₯ although Second Wind is my favorite and a very underrated perk in my opinion. Babysitter is a fun idea and I recall arguing that if Off The Record gives you Iron Will and Distortion for 8o seconds than Babysitter should have the numbers buffed to at least 20 seconds, but oh well.
The problem with Babysitter is it will always be inferior to Borrowed Time, so perhaps a rework may be in order? But as to what Babysitter could do, I do not know. I like that it has more than one effect, revealing the Killer and hiding the Injured Survivor, but the effecg for both are too short and don't help much.
As for Camaraderie, may I suggest a rework as well? The perk is meant to represent taking abuse for your friends, yes? Here's my idea!
When you take a hit to protect a Survivor, gain a 5% Haste Status Effect for 10/15/20 seconds.
If you are within 12/14/16 meters of an Injured Survivor, they gain a 5% Haste Status Effect.
Thoughts? π€
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No Mither, Distortion and maybe Wake Up!
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No Mither needs jeezuz π€£ but I got ideas for the other perks.
Distortion should allow you to gain Tokens through Safe Hook Rescues.
Wake up needs a rework, something like you charge the perk after being in the Killers Terror Radius for 30 seconds. Once activated, when you receive a Basic Attack you reveal the Killer's aura for 5/10/15 seconds.
Thoughts? π€
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Actually I preferred if Wake Up kept the exit gate opening speed, but somehow make it better. Or if they ever nerf the hatch and keys, it could also be the only perk that allows the hatch to be instantly opened instead of doing a small animation of unlocking it. Kind of like other certain perks allow small things to happen, such as Ace In The Hole allowing you to leave with your add-ons.
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Lucky break, make it permanent as iron will is.
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Slippery Meat is perhaps the perk most needing a buff. The randomness of escaping bear traps still impacts heavily on escaping, and 3 extra attempts of escaping a hook at 4% is pointless.
They'd be better off reworking its purpose. Maybe it could be a perk that reduces the time the Killer has of carrying you to the hook. Not like "Boil Over" which makes the trip more difficult, but just reduces the time the killer has. Scrap the extra attempts for bear traps and hook escapes.
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That would be a good idea...if Lucky Break were the only perk in the game, but since you can pair it with Iron Will, Quick and quiet and Lightweight, it can become kinda problematic for the killer to keep track of you. This perk should better:
Still have a 3 minutes timer, but the timer goes down only when you are running, if you crouch, walk, do an action, etc. and you are injured, the timer for this perk pauses and you still leave no blood pools.
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Can they make thana include dead survivors instead of just the hooked dying and injured ones?
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Synergy is large part of why some perks are good. If you're commiting your entire build just to be hard to track then it should be good and not just meh or temporary.
Lucky break right now is pretty much never used since the limitation on it sucks hard. Almost no one would use IW if it had similar conditions holding it back. It's not like you become invisible, killer can still predict your movement, follow scatch marks or you'll just be stuck in some open spot with little to now LOS blockers.
Most maps have a lot of grass which already makes tracking blood difficult while you run so buffing lucky break to be permanent wouldn't be as problematic as you paint it to be. It would still be off meta build, survivors wouldn't drop their second chance perks to fully commint their entire build to steatlh/juking build.
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There are so many it's really hard to choose... Mh to buff I'll say furtive chase, dying light, thana? For survivor mettle of man, tecnichian, and wglf.
To nerf ofc OoO, but imo the rest of the perks are fine