Haemorrhage and it's associated addons

Hello everyone, I don't think this is the first time that this topic has been brought up but I think it's one that gets overlooked and deserves some more attention and that'd be the haemorrhage status effect and the killer addons that use it. It's not a secret to anyone but haemorrhage isn't a particularly useful status effect for many players, while I'm not saying it's completely useless you can get value out of it by using the perk bloodhound but the problem is that sloppy butcher is a perk that inflicts both haemorrhage AND mangled which makes it an infinitely more attractive choice over using addons that just apply haemorrhage only. I've heard the arguement before that these addons add a bit of "flavour" to killer addons but unfortunately the "flavour" is so minimal I honestly find a hard reason to even use them since it's so hard to get any real value out of them. This is especially a problem when it comes to killers like Pyramid Head who have a purple addon that literally just inflicts haemorrhage on survivors for a limited time if they're injured and afflicted by torment. He's not the only one that's guilty of this but he's the most egregious example considering The Pig has an addon that does the same thing and it's only yellow rarity.

That's why I've proposed a few suggestions in regard to haemorrhage and it's associated addons, these are only a few ideas I've spitballed but if anyone else has anything they'd like to share by all means please.

1) Haemorrhage and mangled are combined into a single status effect, all associated addons and perks that inflict it are reworked to be given new effects. Some can be easily replaced with minor amounts of oblivious but for others like Pyramid Head they might need something else since there's already oblivious addons for them.

2) Haemorrhage itself is reworked into something a little more than what it is. I'm not entirely sure what you can do with it but I think making it work like Freddy's Z block would be a minimum I could live with. Having it persist through healthy survivors for the duration of the addons would give it a little more percieved value if anything else.

3) The addons that already currently apply haemorrhage could have an extra effect tacked onto them to make the addons look more attractive to use. Again I'm not entirely sure what could be added onto them and it'll have to be done a killer by killer basis but a little something extra would be nice.