Please Devs think about NOT 'Linking' all the sets if its not necessary!

For example i understand Jane's greek skin her top and bottom to be linked but why the head? or Nea's last skin her head and top to be linked but why the bottom?
Same with some killers weapons.
Please at least think about it, I know many players want that to happen too. Thank you!
From what I recall, back when they announced linked cosmetics they said it would be 2-3 pieces linked together, but it wasn't clarified whether they meant you could buy a full outfit and have just the torso and legs linked with the head available (as many want for Kate's Oktoberfest skin) or if they're planning to create some outfits that just don't have a 3rd piece (like the recolours of Nea's default outfits in the store.)
Also, my understanding of Nea's linked skin is that the pants are too high-waisted to be worn with other outfits? But I could be misinformed on that point.
EDIT: I wasn't trying to imply that the Nea recolours are linked sets, I was just trying to think of an example of an outfit that only had 2 pieces.
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I had replied to this, but it looks like I somehow deleted it while trying to edit?
From what I recall, when they announced linked sets, they described them as 2-3 piece outfits, but it wasn't clarified whether they meant they would be full outfits (of 3 pieces) where 1 piece may not be linked (as I know a lot of people want the upcoming Kate head from the Oktoberfest collection to be unlinked,) or if they planned on creating outfits that didn't necessarily have a 3rd piece (such as some of the recolours of the base outfits for Nea, Jeff, Kate, etc. that came without head pieces.)
My understanding in regards to the linked Nea outfit is that the pants are too high-waisted to be worn with other outfits as there may be clipping issues.
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I hate linked set, what's the point of cosmetics if we can't customize our characters the way we want. There's only 2 valid reasons for this, 1. They don't want to waste time and resources to fix clipping issues with other cosmetics, so they sell them together, 2. Money.