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Thorough Cleansing Challenge (Tome III) : How did you do it ?

Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

Hello !

So now that i completed all tome IV challenges, i'm slowly doing the challenges from Tome III and i'm stuck.

For many games i tried, but it seems impossible to complete it : the Thorough Cleansing challenge.

"Finish the trial with no more than 0 totems remaining and escape"


I tried some games with Small Game and some with Detective's Hunch.

With the latest i found myself escaping without seeing any totems left, like i cleaned an area and finished a gen on the other and there was no more totem aura so i escaped and still didn't complete it.

The founding/cleansing totems part is actually the easiest, i mean it's hard coz there is no way to keep count (maybe it would be a nice Small Game buff to have a count, like ToTH ?). No the hardest is actually to survive while doing it.

Many times i died early, didn't care. More times i knew i cleansed all totems, and died (only one killed most of the time, or sell out by my teammate that then get the hatch even tho i did all the gens and saves) It's one of those frustrating challenge.


So my question to you is : IF you completed it, how did you do it ? (as solo survivor, of course as SWF it's an easy one)


Thank you for your future answers and see you in the Fog !


  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    I used Detective's Hunch and a a green map with add-ons for hatch and exit gates. Detective's Hunch procs will add totems to the map regardless even without a red twine if it's a green map.

    For the rest, I ran meta perks of preference and after finishing the gens we got a 2-man escape.

    If your issue is that you cleanse totems but end up dying because solo q lovely experience, then I suggest you run Left Behind, then Detective's Hunch or Small Game, and finally a key or Plunderer's to try to plunder one.

    Good luck.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    oh left behind is a good idea ! i usually ran kindred/unbreakable/spine chill with detective hunch/small game but it's not enough ahah

    I'll try that ! i found some nice survivors to help me on the cleansing last time i tried (they brought a green map to show me the totems) and i ended up being the only one dying...

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    Small game is good choice.

    My story don't help because I actually complete this challenge when everyone else was doing it. Killer was chasing my ass whole match and I was sad because he didn't let me cleanse. But I was surprised that random teammates cleanse all totems for me so I got it done. Challenges like this is better to do while current tome is active for everyone.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    yeah :( sadly i was on a break from the game at this time (from the end of the tome II to the part IV of the tome III) but since nex hex perks are coming tomorrow maybe more people will cleanse totem ?

  • I ran Detective's Hunch to find the totems, and then ran DS / Adrenaline / Unbreakable to give myself as many second chances as possible. I got it on my first try because the randoms I played with were decent.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,004

    I didn't use any special perks. Just did every totem I saw, ran around the map after the gens were complete to cleanse any surviving totems, and then hoped for the best. After about four or five tries, it was done.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    Welp yeah it's kinda luck base, like you need to have decent teamates but also a killer that isn't playing the best killer and isn't too good either (not saying bad, just not being the best killer you faced). I finally got it it was hard but it's finally over ahah