General Discussions

General Discussions

Open Letter to Certain Survivors

You guys know who you are, but don't worry. I'm not going to be mad at you, I'm merely going to be giving my thoughts on the matter. Far be it from me to tell other people how to play the game.

You know the ones I'm talking about - the ones that are a popular talking point. The 'toxic' survivors. The ones who killers hate to see and hate to face (sometimes). The ones who click their flashlights in an unnecessary fashion, teabag at every pallet, and have their life goal to be that juicy, succulent killer DC. They're also the topic of many 'bully fail' videos and posts, and the reason that I see so much vitriol directed at the survivor side from my observations of the game.

While I can understand the frustrations of killers, I can also understand why survivors do it too. Allow me to explain.

I'll openly admit this - I'm not the best at this game by a long shot. Let's just get that out of the way. K? K.

I've been playing both sides of the aisle to get the most out of DbD. Started off killer, but decided to play survivor too, and haven't regretted playing both sides (btw, to all those who haven't tried playing both sides of the aisle, I implore you to do so). And for the most part, interacting with the killer is the most fun part about trials, as a certain Scott Jund has pointed out before. Additionally, as he has also pointed out, toxic behavior can benefit the killer. Clicky clicky to get the killer's attention? It lets them know where you are. Randomly vaulting something repeatedly out of chase? Awareness and one person not doing generators. Chasing the killer around? Again, a person not doing generators. So ultimately, playing 'toxic' is a double-edged sword.

I'll be honest, holding M1 (or R, because I'm a Switch player) isn't a very fun experience. If these so called 'toxic' survivors play the way they do because they wish to interact with the killer, I'm not going to complain. That's their playstyle, and it's not my place to tell them to play in a different way. I've always had the philosophy of 'If it was put in, it was intended to be used.' These tools and setups are available to the players, and therefore were meant to be used, which is exactly what happens.

Which brings me to the conclusion of this - is it tilting to play against 'toxic survivors'? It can be, yes. But am I going to DC because I'm having a bad time? No. I came into this game with a promise that I'll never willingly pull the plug if I'm in a bad situation no matter what. If it's tilting, does that mean I'm going to come in here and cuss out 'toxic' survivors? No. You guys can play however the heck you want, but the main takeaway here is if you're going to do that, prepare to not be the most popular folks in the Fog.

Tl;dr - Play however you want, and I won't think any less of you for it.

(P.S.: Yes, this did partially come from a tilting three man flashlight brigade, but coming in here and screaming obscenities over one match isn't a very professional thing to do.)

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