Survivor Concept - Richard B. Riddick
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Name : Richard B. Riddick
Known as : Riddick
Possible Killer DLC : Lord Marshall (The Necromonger)
Possible Map : Crematoria
Lore idea :
Riddick was born on Furya. Before Riddick's birth, a Necromonger officer named Zhylaw (who would eventually become the Lord Marshall) consulted an Elemental seer, who told him that a Furyan male would be born that would be responsible for his downfall. This prompted Zhylaw to attack Furya and attempt to massacre all male children, going so far as to personally strangle newborn infants with their own umbilical cords. Riddick was among those presumably strangled, but he survived.
In later life, Riddick repressed his memories of Furya, including those of the massacre. He came to believe that when he was born, his mother attempted to strangle him and left him in a trash bin behind a liquor store. Despite this, he periodically received visions and messages from a Furyan survivor named Shirah, which he thought were signs of mental instability.
Little is known about Riddick's childhood, save that he had no formal education and seemed to have been in trouble with the law from an early age. He claims to have been "educated" in the penal system.
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Perks :
You have a unique pair of eyes, which allows you to see clearly in the dark. You gain the ability to see the killer's aura for 4/5/6 seconds. But as you seek the killer, you will can't see any auras other than the killer for as long as you use Eyeshine. While using Eyeshine, your lose 5% of your movement speed. Eyeshine has a cooldown of 60/50/40 seconds.
"You're not afraid of the dark, are you?" - Richard B. Riddick
Furyan's Spirit
Your appearance empowers each and every one of your team. Whenever you are 8/12/16 meters away from your teammates, they gain 4/5/6 % of movement speed. Once a survivor's movement speed starts to increase, it will fade slowly for 8/10/12 seconds. Furyan's Spirit can't stack. Your movement speed is not increased by Furyan's Spirit.
"I don't play well with others" - Richard B. Riddick
Your strength in combat is undeniable as you are a trained survivalist. Whenever you are 8/12/16 meters away from the killer and and the killer gaze upon you, Combat can be activated. It allows you to block an attack from the killer. A successful block will knock the killer back and stun the killer for 1 second. Combat can be held for 4/5/6 seconds after use.
Causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.
You do not recover from Exhaustion while running.
Combat can't be used while Exhausted.
"It is always the punch that you don't see it's coming that puts you down" - Richard B. Riddick