Dear console players. . . It gets better!


I'm writing this post with a heavy heart due to the wave of dc's that have been plaguing our beloved game. From what I've gathered from in-game experience and reading this message board, the culprit seems to be a portion of the console base that are convinced that it is unfair that they are required to play against "superior" pc players. I'm here to tell you that you severely misunderstand the situation and your "protest disconnects" are only ruining the health of the game.

How can I say this you may ask? It's because I've been playing DBD on pc for 15 months now and . . . I've only ever used a CONTROLLER!!! Yes, I know this is sacrilege but frankly I don't care. I switched to pc gaming from consoles several years back because controller support had become so widely adopted. I'm sure I'm not the only one. It's the best of both worlds really. You get the granular control over fps and such but you can sit back and relax with a controller in hand. I sit in a computer chair all day for work. I don't want to have to when playing games at home and that's why we live in a world with options.

Because of this I can tell you that, aside from framerates, pc players do not have an overall advantage over console players. I've only ever used a controller and I've managed to be able to learn how to loop killers well and escape as survivor. I've also managed to hold my own as a controller killer and secured many 4k's over pc survivors. I think too many console players have heard the phrase "pc master race" too many times and have taken it to heart when it was really a phrase born of a time when pc's and consoles were completely different beasts with very few overlapping titles.

I know this is a long post but my point is this recent wave of disconnects is not proving any point and only damaging the health of the game. You're just going to have to learn to adapt to some new playstyles. It's no different than having to learn to adapt when a new killer comes out or a killer is reworked which is something we all have to deal with every few months or so.

TL;DR: The playing field is more fair than you think, you just have adjust to different play styles. I can say this with confidence because I've only played on pc and never used m/k, only a controller. Please stop dc'ing. You're ruining the game experience for everyone.


  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    And as someone who has only experienced killers with that type of turn, it's how I learned to loop. I feel like people (not you) are acting like the game is impossible now when they just need experience playing against new players. That's why I don't understand the dc's. If you dc, you aren't getting any practice against new types of players so how do you get better?

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    That's fair. And I have seen posts about fps problems. I guess I didn't realize how bad it is. Is it worse for killer though? It seems like most of the survivors I've had dc when I'm playing killer (on a controller mind you, but they don't know that) have been 1) Immediately after down, 2) Immediately after being picked up, or 3) Right as they are being placed on the hook. Those don't seem to be technical issues.

  • ast2astRegMgr
    ast2astRegMgr Member Posts: 124

    from what I’ve seen some equipment dc’s faster than others. Player could have dc’ed as you downed them but didn’t register until you got them to hook. I had a survivor dc one time that ran across the entire map sideways while I was still chasing hit the wall stayed there a sec and poof gone. So I don’t think there waiting for you to get them to hook to dc

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,407

    The frame drops are much more of a problem for killers, but effects us all. Things like being Exposed, hit with Sloppy, searching Chests, Myers teiring up, all come with serious fps drops, and is worse indoors.

    But to your point, those first down and first hook dc's are bs and i hope the DC penalties when back up give those survs the time they need to go play Civ or whatever.

  • Jyn_Mojito
    Jyn_Mojito Member Posts: 515
    edited September 2020

    Yeah, the fps really IS that bad on console. True story: Last night I played a different F2P game I'd recently downloaded. My SO, who has watched me play DbD, walked into the room and just STARED at the screen.

    Then said, 'The graphics on this are WAY better than DbD. It's like this is a different console.'

    Nope fam, still same console, just playing a game with awesome optimisation. DbD, please catch up!

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833

    tbh console survivors dont have that much of a problem... are console killers who have problems.

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    That might be easier to do except the dc problem only started again on pc after crossplay. Also, the game shows us who is on crossplay and it's not the pc players who are disconnecting in my experience.

  • InsidousEqualWin
    InsidousEqualWin Member Posts: 36

    Console and pc players aren't diffrent. I am a console killer and constantly get 4ks. People just need something to complain about.

  • ScienceGirl
    ScienceGirl Member Posts: 92
    edited September 2020

    I’m seeing it from multiple platforms. I’ve had over 5 PC killers rage quit from matches, 3 of whom were on Twitch so I knew for a fact they were PC. I’ve also definitely had PC survivors DC as console players are obvious to spot by their usernames.

    I recently had a match with a 3-man who all had the exact same username, minus slight differences and they just screamed PC. 2 of them DC’d as soon as things didn’t go their way.

    I wish these types of threads would end. I’m getting sick of the narrative that every console player is a cry baby who will DC at the slightest inconvenience and that we’re completely helpless against PC killers. I am yet to go against a killer where I think “this is harder than normal” and I’ve gone against a few rank 1 Nurses, who is apparently the Queen of PC.

    Would I be a stronger player on PC? Maybe so. But as it stands, I’m doing completely fine. And I often only die if I’m the last one left and the exit gates are close together and I don’t really count that as a legit loss, as I let the entity kill me lol. I’ve also done quite a lot of killer matches recently and again, I’m yet to notice a massive difference. I even had one guy who was using the stretched PC resolution and he still got beat by my Legion. It was fun watching the match back on his Twitch. 😂

  • Lost_in_the_Fog
    Lost_in_the_Fog Member Posts: 452

    I never claimed the console players know who they are playing against. Sadly, many of them just assume they are playing against pc if they get downed quickly and then they dc. I make that assumption based on the fact that there are people on this forum making the argument that it's ok to dc because it's unfair for console players to play against pc killers. I understand how this game reveals the players so I understand that they are making an assumption.

    That is who my original post was intended for and maybe I should have made that more clear. But I would have thought the whole reason I brought up my experience using a controller would have gotten that point across. Thanks for reminding me that a lot of people can't make those sort of logical connections. Clap clap

  • Shenanigan
    Shenanigan Member Posts: 208

    Ah you too with that first bit?

    For me it happens at the worst moments too

  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    It's funny because my wife plays on xbox and over the course had only 1 disconnect and that was as a killer and was instant. It seems the people who dc are high ranks rage quitters or people in the bayous with satellite internet on a rainy day.

    Unfortunately you'll have those people who find any reason to blame anything but their lack of skill because "he's on PC" is a common one or "laggy console"

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    Regardless of what platform you use. There are tons of people who rage quit for pathetic reasons or no reason at all.

    Personally I think consoles frustration stems from the fact that this game was made for pc and console was an after thought. Hence why the console version has issues the PC side does not. Also because this game came out on PC first we have already gone through boot camp so to speak. If this was the military, console is the army and PC is the seals. Now that cross play is a thing the army is going through Hell Week.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    I mean, I started out on DBD using a controller exclusively (for survivor, not being able to do a 180 in an instant as a killer is basically neutering yourself) and it's totally fine. It's not as good, you definitely have way better control and speed with a keyboard and mouse, but frankly unless you're in a 4-man SWF, most of the time you've got bigger factors contributing to whether you'll win or lose, like the the map you get, the tiles that map generates, whether it has 8 pallets or for some reason up to double that at 16 pallets, what killer you're going against, whether your teammates are loopers or are even decent, etc.

    Basically there's so many random factors that go into a DBD match, performance and control type, while important, are just more noise in the static.

  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    @EvilJoshy Yeah it's sad people are like that. Well hopefully the growing pains of crossplay will smooth out. It's the reason I got the game in the first place.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,454

    I tried crossplay for a week now in red ranks as a Xbox player and it's the same as playing with console survivors..I'm almost all the time the one that gets most BPs in the game. I feel I'm better than 95% of the solo console or PC-survivors. And playing with Xbox Nurse I took down a red rank SWF team, but they might have been PS4 also I can't tell really. But very seldom play killer these days but I can't really tell any difference from crossplay and non crossplay gaming, they are as bad as each other 😀

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    I'll admit that I have DC'd myself, it's not often but it's also not because of PC players. It's that I don't want to be playing survivor, but I have to for challenges (so many survivor challenges in this tome), and the other survivors on my team are either hiding, or are making bad decisions like unhooking in front of the killer without BT, etc..

    It seems like the MMR system is still in place in some form. It seems like if I have a bad streak as survivor I get stuck with players that are just bonkers.

  • xavyq_
    xavyq_ Member Posts: 6

    This is not true. The DC issue is only happening more now because the devs took out the DC penalty roughly around the time crossplay came out. They didn't take it out because if crossplay it was for different reasons it just so happened to be around the same time. Also, it could be switch players, window players if your on steam or steam players if your on windows, it's not just console.

  • Suiv
    Suiv Member Posts: 35

    People dc on console and pc until someone gathers data to back up your conclusion I will take your info with a grain of salt. I play both pc and console and rarely have DC's when there are it's either because they stuck in hill or they get tunnelled or something. Usually when I ever dc it's because of me being stuck in hill. Or for example I had a game last night were I was last alive and the ghostface downed me and just sat there and tbagged me for 2mins until I dced.

    Regardless until there are factual data backing your statement taking it with a grain of salt. Because you keep throwing " pc master race" and other comments in, but it seems you are kinda chanting the same thing in a non verbal way.

  • Nvsbl_1
    Nvsbl_1 Member Posts: 11

    Where did I say I "need" this? I simply stated that the rate of turn is a lot better on mouse and keyboard lol. It is. A lot better. You don't know who you are playing but it becomes clear as the match goes on. And a 180 or 360 drops framerates? Even if it does, a PC's 40 or 50 is still a hell of a lot better than console's 20. Lmao. Play against a doctor on console. Miserable experience. Personally, I don't care. I'll play whoever. Doesn't matter to me. I'm not a sweaty tryhard. I play when I can play. So, in other words, I guess you can call me a casual. I play in reds solo mostly. Get done what I can get done. If I get out, I get out. If not, oh well. But, idk if you misunderstood or just wanna fire shots, but all I was getting at is rate of turn is definitely noticeable. The rest is about the same.

  • Nvsbl_1
    Nvsbl_1 Member Posts: 11

    Exactly. It sucks to get downed off of a hit that looks like it isn't even close to connecting, but DC'ing isn't the answer. I'll be the first to tell you I'm not the best looper, but the challenge of a really good killer is welcomed. I've been working on looping, and if I get downed it's gg. It happens. Some people take these games too seriously.

  • Slywhitefox
    Slywhitefox Member Posts: 1

    Why would they crossplay and disconnect if they could turn it off? There is literally an option to turn it off.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    I get where your coming from but your totally misdirecting your frustration. In fact I believe a lot of pc players believe dcing survivors must be mainly because they believe pc killers have an advantage on them which in fairness is true but not by much. I think the controller isn't at all the problem and disagree with you that That's why people dc from console. It's highly more likely that some people you've gone against dc because of the extremely bad fps brought by cross play. I play on console and before crossplay my fps wasn't great tbh I don't think anyone had that great of fps but since crossplay it is awful and appalling. Sometimes making playing against pc players literal impossible. This is why I said your directing your message at the wrong people. Yes it's bad to dc full stop but and I know this sounds like a beaten horse but if consoles which given the proper optimisation the devs keep promising us then I bet dcs would be at least half of what they are now. Your point that people dc because of going against pc players isn't really valid when crossplay can be turned off so I don't see a point to people playing against pc players to just dc instead of turning off crossplay. Yeah there's probably some people out there who do it but to come on here to complain isn't gonna solve anything. I think it be much more effective to direct this at the devs who are the only people who can help with this. If pc players joined console players in complaining to the devs about the optimisation issues on console then maybe they'd actually listen and do something about it. I feel that pc players just blame console players instead of looking to the devs to help. Dcs are always gonna be an issue on both sides and attacking each other ain't gonna solve it. By your post I can tell your smart so hopefully this makes some sense. I'm not excusing dcers but honestly I understand when people dc because of that. Console optimisation is something that would benefit everyone.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,172

    I use a controller on both role on steam I play fine.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    The problem isn't the controller. Its the fps. I 100% would play pc with controller if I had a pc.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,503

    PC is at an advantage and that needs to be fixed.

    Their FPS is higher than Consoles. It is borderline impossible to play Legion on some maps on Console, and it is also insanely difficult to play Oni or Nurse in general because of the differences between M&K and controllers.

  • Zaitsev
    Zaitsev Member Posts: 1,285

    Although I primarily play on console, when I got DBD for PC, I use a controller. It doesnt feel right to me playing DBD without one.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited September 2020

    Console players were dcing long before crossplay came around.. when the action is push middle button close app, the sequence is like second nature to them hopefully this button sequence is different in the new console era but I doubt it. The console gamers allegiance is to Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo and won't be forced the sit and eat the bland vegetables that minute 3rd party game developers are offering no matter the amount of salt provided to them. Sad state of affairs but here's the console base, PC players, enjoy..

  • YehBoiGoku
    YehBoiGoku Member Posts: 248

    They have a HUGE advantage. Pc players have high ass sensitivity and good fps. I can see it now that a lot of console players playing blight are going to complain. If you can barely turn with him using his ability on pc, imagine on console.

  • Stinde
    Stinde Member Posts: 459

    I'm sorry, I should have been more clear when I wrote. I didn't mean you specifically, but survivors in general and I should have wrote that differently.

    It is just a very frustrating flaw in the game and it can cost you the match. It's too easy to get spun/cheesed on console and the fps problems make that even worse. If the survivor is "good enough" at abusing that, it can make the killer whiff many times before landing the attack, which is so stupid. Survivor's don't need any more second chances than they already have.

    But it is what it is because this is BHVR and you need to eat ######### if you want to play killer in this game. So, I stopped playing killer in June except for the tome challenges because of the fps and aim dressing problems. Let's see if they even acknowledge the console fps in their next Q&A.

  • rileybazan115
    rileybazan115 Member Posts: 12
    edited September 2020

    Im sure lots of other people have said this, but pc players with mouse and keyboard and turn so much faster than console players. This helps with mind games and 360s. They can also do some really nasty maneuvers like going for a window, and then somehow sliding on the wall past it (don't really know how to describe it sorry). It's hard playing legion against mouse and keyboard when they can 360 me during frenzy faster then I can 180. Granted, not everyone can do this, but I imagine if your a high red rank, most people can, and that's where things like this matter the most.

  • JLew
    JLew Member Posts: 160

    Ya dude...its not just the controller that makes console difficult...

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,037
  • imonahookagain
    imonahookagain Member Posts: 11

    I believe there is truth to this being a reason some of the mass disconnects are happening but it definitely isn't the main reason. Survivors are sick of the game being changed to only favor the killers. Killer mains flood and troll this forum and bombard it with complaints about the survivors skills and tactics we have learned over the years to survive. Instead of killers trying to learn and get better they take the easy route and come online to throw a tantrum until the developers believe it's an issue and make a change that negatively affects survivors. Even a killer main left on a comment on your thread stating he "constantly gets 4k" that right there shows something is wrong and I'm sure he isn't the only one. The disconnects are happening because survivor mains concerns get ignored or steamrolled here in the forums so it's our only way of protesting the unfairness. I hope it continues and gets worse because something needs to change. Add penalty times, even derank us it won't make a difference it's a small price to pay to be heard over the toxic people here on the forums.