It should be the championship and I tunnel a penalizing act in the games

DiiaNaRF Member Posts: 1
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

Although some hide in that it is a form of game and that they do it because they are low ranks and they are learning to play lately I have come across rank 1 assassins who roam and tunnel throughout the game and for tunneling and playing one as a survivor He cannot point and a murderer earns more than 30,000 blood points for competing and tunneling this is not fair and should be penalisable in points or creating something to avoid this since tunneling and camping either if the murderer spends more than 1 min next to A hook with someone hanging, move it from linking to another hook when grilling on the map and if when lowering a survivor he throws it again, he cannot raise it again in a minute to avoid tunneling, tunneling and camping is not a form of game to this added the memento instead of the 2 hang up is something that spoils the experience of the players

Post edited by Mandy on


  • First of all, what?

    Second of all, whoever told you tunneling only happens in low ranks is either new or kind of dumb.

    People will abuse tunneling and camping in every rank.

    People will read situations and use tunneling and camping appropriately in every rank.

    Example for appropriate camping: staying by the hook in EGC to use the survivor as bait or not going far when the last survivor was unhooked in under five seconds.

    Example for appropriate tunneling: Two generators left, all four survivors alive, and one person on death hook who was just unhooked. Best play there is to kill the person on death hook. The unhooker might be there, but in that situation they are not a viable target. You gain literally nothing from hooking them. If you chase, down, and hook them and you lose a generator, you lose the game.

    If you do that to the person on death hook you have a chance to turn the game around because there are only three survivors to deal with.