Lag After Graphic Update

Unfortunately after the last update my game is absolutely unplayable.

I have constantly freezing,stuttering and microlag every second,especially when i'm close to the killer or to other players.

Does the update changed the minimum system requirements? Because i was already "at the limits" with the requirements and i used to play on LOW settings,but afterall the game was absolutely playable and enjoyable.But now with this update everything changed,is arrived the time to uninstall the game for minimum requirements users like me ? 🤕

I've heard that also people with the most recently harder configurations are having some issues.


  • It begins...

    Im still downloading, probably will have performance issues aswell now. GG I guess

  • Stinky
    Stinky Member Posts: 45

    It's a superbug

    I disabled vsync via console and ran an "optimize" through Gforce Exp'.

    The vsync disable helped a little, but game is still unplayable.

    I'm running the game at Ultra and that's Optimized. But it makes no difference even on lowest setting. Still laggy.

    I'm guessing it's because of a "new gen consoles" optimization or something like that. Eitherway, ######### isn't working atm.