You don't need to play dozens of matches to see Blight's issues

Because many of them are the same issues he had on the PTB.

bumping into random objects? yep

sliding off walls you were meant to hit? yep

Being super clunky in general? yep

Being far too map-dependant? yep

and now you can't even use his power on certain hills, because the floor is so bugged it will just push you back.

I'm glad they fixed his add-ons and made some changes to his power, but he honestly still feels very unfinished and I'm disappointed. when everyone said the version of PtB was "unrecognisable" to the version the devs were working on, this was not what I expected.

if they fixed his bugs and made him less clunky I would be happy, but for now I'm only bothering with him for the perks.