Blights lunge needs a fix

I really like blight and after his fixed he seems a bit better but i cant fantom the reason why his lunge at the end of his dash is still turnlocked. You already have the requirment of needing to hit a wall once before attacking, having his lunge range locked is incredibly stupid as you can do a sudden turn and there is nothing he can do to hit you as its physically impossible to turn enough. Let him lunge flick like the oni in his dash and he should atleast be ok


  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    I think it needs a bit more time to tell whether the lunge is not good enough or if it is. But that's the one worry I do have: That survivors can get a guaranteed dodge against his lunge if played correctly.

    I have noticed that you can kinda strafe while lunging, and you don't collide with walls during the lunge, which helps with hitting survivors around objects.

    If the lunge does need a buff, they just need to increase the turning a bit. I don't think it needs full turning like a normal lunge, and I personally don't think it should be a flick as well. The Blight actually seems quite strong in my opinion.