I think that this is the most disappointing chapter since I started playing

I started playing after Ghostface and before Bill came to consoles. Obviously Stranger things was a really high note to start on and nothing compared to it until Silent Hill. Obviously licensed chapters are more exciting, but I feel like this chapter is the least exciting since I've started playing and i really didn't like chains of hate. Obviously part of this is the fact that theres no new map, the update to the two maps looks amazing (from the survivor point of view at least) but that's what this whole chapter feels like, a quality of life update.

Felix perks in particular are so practical that I thought for sure this was going to be a free update. And the blight...I don't know. I only bothered playing one game and got badham and couldn't see #########, in a game with 2 toxic OoO. Not great first impressions but overall I don't see myself playing him much, not because he's bad but because he seems very similar to a lot of killers but with a higher skill cap, why not just use legion? Or Billy or Oni if you want to down people while going fast.

I also don't see him being a very common killer to go against in a month which is a shame because he's pretty fun to go against, Im actually pretty sure thats how they designed him, to be fun to go against first and to play as second. Which would be great except what is going to make people play him outside of an archive event?

On a positive note the backstory to both characters are two of the most compelling in the game, I feel like i know them way better than Yui, Zarina, Oni or Deathslinger. I just wish Blights power FELT as unique as Demo and Pyramid heads, even though I think Demo is probably realistically weaker.


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  • hex_fixGENS
    hex_fixGENS Member Posts: 14

    The killer needs some buffs yes but besides that I’m happy with this update new graphics and animations a really cool survivor and some good perks on both sides

  • Yet another killer thats impossible to play decently on console... When we are going to have K&M support again?

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    The most disappointing thing is no map. The Blight can be buffed and adjusted but we're never going to get a map in this Chapter. I guess I shouldn't complain, at least it's not another Paragraph pretending to be a Chapter like The Ghostface. I do agree that Felix's Perks aren't that great. I don't remember who but someone had a great idea for Visionary, change the color of the aura based on the progress of the Gen. I still wouldn't use it but it would bring more utility to an otherwise very lackluster perk.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I'd rather have no map than a repeat of Midwich.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    As it is now, Visionary acts as a less useful Better Together.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    I completely disagree. It took me many games to get the hang of him but I think this is the most fun killer to ever be released. I'm having a blast with him

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I think there will be enough people playing him once they figure him out. If they do need to buff him, they will probably increase the turning of his lethal rush lunge a bit. But I believe he actually has a lot of potential to be a powerful killer, and I don't think he really is compareable and replaceable by Billy or Oni, and I feel like he is far stronger than Legion.

  • kucerka
    kucerka Member Posts: 186

    I wouldn't say that licensed killers are more fun. Yes, I agree that Demogorgon and Piramidhead both have pretty neat and exciting powers (even though I terribly suck at playing both of them). But lets be honest, these powers could be put on any original killer as well. Plagues is pretty unique too in my opinion.

    On the other hand, yes...this year's original killers turned out to be very...uncreative -> at least their powers. I hope the next chapter before Christmas will be really great and bring something new to the game

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    The music is enjoyable. The esthetics of it all is nice. I haven’t messed with the survivor. The killer seems like he will need a lot of learning on console and it’s just not worth the aggravation. Played a few games with him and every survivor just turned left or right against his rush and totally dodged. Not really impressed overall.

  • wisdomwielder
    wisdomwielder Member Posts: 348

    It actually makes me nauseous trying to play as him, what with the low camera angle and fast uncontrollable movement that forces you into the scenery... It's not fun. Nurse is way more bearable than this.

    Also I'm still salty that his power thematically makes no sense.

  • cenoflame
    cenoflame Member Posts: 320

    I'm sure lots of people still bought the killer despite the warning signs. I predict they'll buff him soon and make him overpowered.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    wait it doesn't give a scream indicator like Infectious Fright? It says it's supposed to in the description

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    As a survivor going against the Blight he's just a boring m1 killer. I don't worry about him finding me and getting into a chase. His power isn't anything special. Legion atleast can fast vault and get nearby survivor locations while in frenzy. This guy can bounce off things then shoot up? For a new killer I only had a handful of matches against him yesterday, usually I get nonstop matches against a new killer for several days after a release. I did see alot of Felix though, one every other match.

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    YES I also HATE that they built up the lore around the alchemist and his serum and he ends up just smacking into a wall before he hits someone. He's a offshoot of legion when he should be an offshoot of plague, I hate how short he is but I saw monto play a game where he used this green add ons that lets you see auras when you smack into walls which really fixes the issue......so maybe it should be base kit.

    You're right but I think Silent Hill and Stranger Things are still leagues ahead of the other chapters even if you don't know anything about the properties. The killers are fun to play, the maps are extremely detailed (I actually love midwich on both sides even though people on both sides seem to think its in favor of the other side lol) and even though I think its a little unfair to compare the survivors seem to stand out more. Yui has grown on me but in my opinion Zarina and Flex are kind of boring....even though Felix had a day one Billy Ray Cyrus lookin ass outfit that would have made him stand out a lot more if it was his alternative default outfit instead of just a brown jacket. Its betters than Zarina's alt scarf at least. I just feel like they put more love and time into the licensed chapters then they do to their own #########. They didn't even change the chapter trailer for this one, paulie seems to think its because they're going to announce a Scream chapter (and if they add miss Prescott all sins are forgiven) but still, unless its coming out like this week it just adds to the underwhelmingness of it all.

  • kucerka
    kucerka Member Posts: 186

    And I actually enjoy playing Zarina! 😁. But yeah, she had kinda meh outfits at release and I also don't find Felix that appealing, maybe future cosmetics will be nice but I dunno, I won't be playing as him anyway.

    I'm glad you also noticed they didn't even try to change the chapter trailer...But I think the reason isn't a Scream chapter - they either forgot to add this trailer to the new patch OR they'll add something when Halloween event will start like they did last year...Maybe there's more yet to come, maybe even new map since it would fit to the Blight event and to this new killer

  • Alphaphalt
    Alphaphalt Member Posts: 259

    Everyone's like "please stop adding new stuff and fix the old stuff" and they rework two maps instead of adding a new one and people really out here complaining.


  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    I doubt its a new scream chapter too but here's hoping, something for Ghostface that we don't know about is definitely coming by halloween. Its more than likely halloween related like you said but it's something because McLean said there was a reason it wasn't changed he just couldn't tell us.......or he's lying and they really did just forget lol

  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    "everyone" is a really dumb term to use about any community but particularly this one where at least half the people who play only care about the enjoyment of one role lol.

    Also they didn't "fix" those maps, I don't think anyone complains about Badham anymore and def not Yamaoka, they updated them visually. When people say "stop adding new stuff" they're talking about cosmetics and when they say "fix the old stuff" they're talking about DS, Moris, Gen speeds and to an extent keys....which they buffed with a new offering. You know you can criticize something and still like it right? This is the only game where I buy every DLC that comes out even when i know I don't really like whats in it (Twice with this game actually) I'd even say I LOVE this DBD. And because I love it I want it to get better. If you love something you SHOULD want it to get better and not just be a yes man