Suggestion to remove Hex in Hex:Blood Favour

Crackgear Member Posts: 279
edited September 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hex:Blood Favour is a unique and interesting perk introduced to DBD with the Blight. Its ability is to block Survivors from throwing pallets once their hit in a very measly range of 16 metres and has a very long cooldown.

The reason i may like this perk to be not a hex, is because , this perk is like Bamboozle level of support. It only works if you have the proper time and place. Half the time the perk doesnt work because there might be a pallet right next to the blocked one or perhaps as stated its cooldown is too long.

Behaviour ,. Thank you for helping us and hope you are fine but may you please look into this perk's statistics soon? This perk isnt even powerful to begin with and theres no reason for it to be a Hex.

Post edited by Miraak on
