Found a possible fix for lower FPS on PC

So I don't know if this happened to you guys too but on the old maps (Crotus, Macmillan, Etc) ever since the update I was getting around 60-70 Fps which was way lower than before patch (125-140 FPS), well i've finally found the problem.
It's the post processing, I used to be able to run it on ULTRA (which is 3 in the INI file) but now if i lower it to Medium (1 in the INI file) i get my fps back to 123 on menu (from 70 with it at 3 and used to be 133) .
Also there is no notable difference in image quality here if anyone can spot a difference please let me know.
ULTRA Post-processing :
MEDIUM Post-Processing :
Everything is set to ultra except game effect which is set to high.
As you can see it's almost a 40 FPS difference for almost no visual gain if any, it's wasn't like that before this patch but if you are experiencing lower fps than usual and are using higher than medium Post-Processing that may be the culprit.
I will give it a try :D
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Let me know if it does something.