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Animations are broken
When you take an item on Felix in the lobby, Felix freezes
Generator animations are broken, for example: wires out of sync for males, strange hand movement when the survivor starts picking up something (where is the wires animation)
The Blight can sometimes just freeze in the animation and it will remain until it starts any other animation.
For males survivors, when opening the chest, the hand goes through the textures.
Sometimes the animation of the generator repair on the side where the levers break and the second animation of switching two levers at once may not occur.
When the animation of switching two levers at once, the levers themselves are not animated.
I noticed the one for Felix when doing his adept. It was actually kind of creepy how he stood there motionless just staring.
He went into Michael Myers mode!
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He knows people want him shirtless. He knows your darkest secrets. He knows... he knooooowwwwwssss.
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For the chest animation do you mean the chest texture or the junk inside the chest? If it's the stuff inside the chest then I think that should be permanent.
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I meant the animation when ripping off the lock, the hand of the survivor males goes a little through the chest itself, females don't seem to have this
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There's a lock now? Did they change every animation?
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They changed the animations of repairing generators and opening chests and now survivors turn their heads in the direction you look while you open the exit gates.
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Do survs finally turn their heads on gens again?