Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Cant hook survivors bug?

Are any other killers struggling to put survivors on hooks? Like the action not happening even though the prompt is there?

Every game I've played since the update, theres been at least one survivor wiggle out because it straight up wont let me hook them. One game I couldnt hook a single person despite numerous downs.


  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,895

    Its not happened to me personally but I've seen it happen to a few killers on stream. Its definitely an issue.

  • Kira15233
    Kira15233 Member Posts: 473

    It happened to me

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    Yeah it happens to me every game. Luckily i've gotten it to allow me to hook before anyone has wiggled free but it is annoying and detrimental obviously. I'm assuming there will be a hot fix for this very quickly.

  • antifreedomring
    antifreedomring Member Posts: 24

    Saw it happen to a nurse on me. Stayed there so could redown me and worked on the next hook over. Seems like its certain hooks. This was a corn map with slaughterhouse btw

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Laggy and VPN survivors can't be hooked easily. Is that the issue or is it an actual bug.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    I had this happen on coal tower when I was nurse yesterday I ended up slugging everyone and just not picking them up, I got some pretty bad messages in the chat but I mean what else can you do? I tried the drop and pick back up and it still didnt work, thankfully it's not a every time I play type thing and it only happens if say every 4-5 matches, if I were playing a lower tier killer it would've been unwinnable and survivors who realize it will take advantage of it

  • taishieikoku
    taishieikoku Member Posts: 2

    Yup this has happened to me every game I've played today. Not on every survivor but every game. Particularly happens when you try and hook someone on the same hook someone else was just hooked on. Really need to sort it

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I had it happen on three different games. One I was able to get to a different hook. Another I just kept tapping the hook button and it finally went through. The last the survivor had given up and I hooked in the basement.

  • wormhorse
    wormhorse Member Posts: 4

    Happens to me on PS4 just about every match, some rounds are worse than others. To be completely honest, I thought the survivors had some kind of special perk to make hooking difficult

  • Caz2018
    Caz2018 Member Posts: 193

    I started encountering this bug this morning (I'm on PS4). If you can't hook, drop the survivor on the floor and pick them up again, you should be able to hook them now.

  • TheMonkey5508
    TheMonkey5508 Member Posts: 16

    Was trying to hook a survivor in basement and the survivor still had 5 seconds left to wiggle out and I couldn't hook

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I have had it happen multiple games now on ps4. Seems random, 4 or so hooks will go smooth then the next one or two will give me problems.

  • Ancille
    Ancille Member Posts: 37
    edited September 2020

    I've prompt danced through it or had it work first try, but when someone took a hit or two for them they got off. This was with Spirit, Bubba, Legion and Freddy, so I doubt its a killer specific issue. I don't recall it happening on basement hooks. I noticed it most on on hooks that are on a 45 degree angle from the tile that they're in and/or are tucked into a loop tile that caused the most issues.

    One match a Cheryl was abusing me getting stuck prompt dancing and started trying to blind me as I'm struggling with these shenanigans.

    I ensured she was swiftly removed from the game after not only that, but she started clicking behind me when I somehow evaded her blind, which is a large no no.

    Edit: just realized that Breakout and MoM suddenly became S++++ tier until they fix this bug though lol

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    Easiest workaround (as long as you have time) is drop them and pick them back up and hook them. Worked for me every time so far.

  • IIITweedleIII
    IIITweedleIII Member Posts: 953

    Is it a bug or exploit? It's been happening to me. I didnt take it as a bug because it felt convenient that I'm as a killer I suddenly not allowed to hook a survivor. But the rest of the game goes without an issue? Smashing the button to hook because I AM at the hook and prompted To Hook. It didnt feel like it's a simple as a bug. Didnt feel like lag. Because it only happens when I'm about to hook. When carrying them it's all fine. Get to the hook. It's Smash Button

  • Jareth
    Jareth Member Posts: 112

    Had this happen for the first time recently. I was able to drop them then pick them back up and then it worked.

  • Joshtron
    Joshtron Member Posts: 18

    This has happened to me very frequently on the Switch. Pretty much every game. I down a survivor, take them to a hook, doesn't work, they get away. This has cost me so many kills for people dead on hook and it basically ruins any chance of getting a kill during the endgame collapse. A hotfix is most certainly needed. Hopefully we'll see one soon enough.

  • wraith_nea
    wraith_nea Member Posts: 54

    Been loosing hooks a lot tonight cause of this. Its like the prompt to hook dissapears when youre not stationary as the survs wiggle.

  • Buttercake
    Buttercake Member Posts: 1,652

    It happened to me on The Game map. I was Doctor.

  • JudgeRuled
    JudgeRuled Member Posts: 1

    Happening to me EVERY GAME on PS4. Haven't noticed it being better/worse with different killers.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    This also happens with lockers as well, which is quite the pain when I'm sitting at locker for 5+ seconds just yo get hatchets.

  • huebz
    huebz Member Posts: 12

    Ive had it happen every match since 4.2.0 dropped. Sometimes its a minor inconvenience, its a close hook, I drop them, pick them back up and it works. But if theres no hooks nearby and I have to travel and the bug happens when I get there, if I drop them and pick them up they struggle out and I lose a ton of pressure.

    I had a legion game basically won (2 on hook, 1 on the ground) im carrying 4th guy to hook, bug happens and he struggles out, rescues a hooked survivor, they rescue the slug who rescues the fourth and undo the entire play.

    Legion Frenzy vault bug is back as well, and ive also had multiple killers bug out when kicking a pallet

  • Adamant_Tepig
    Adamant_Tepig Member Posts: 125

    Fellow Switch player here. Never in my life have I been so frustrated by a bug in my entire life. And I've heard horror stories of SWFs abusing this with the 'Can't Hook Me' builds.

    The only real solution I can think of is slugging and letting them bleed out because it happens so much with me I basically can't play killer unless I want to use Billy, Oni, or Spirit to help with the slugging thing. I have also had survivors BM because they were handed an escape on a silver platter because of a bug.

    I've always been willing to give the devs the benefit of the doubt, because this happens. Bugs slip in through the cracks when developing new content or working on a game. But this? Please, for the love of the Entity, fix this as soon as humanly possible, because I want to play both sides, and I can't do that when this bug pretty much screws me out of having a fair chance as killer.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    So far i've been able to dodge the bullets and still hook them, but it did deny me my input a couple of times with each of a couple of hookings.

    Would like to see this resolved in another hotfix.

  • wettater
    wettater Member Posts: 1

    It’s happened to me the majority of the games I’ve played tonight. It’s really hard for me to buy a battle pass or recommend this game to any friends when I can hardly play it. Also what is going on with the nearly pitch dark screens on Switch? I’ve had to adjust my setting on my TV to begin to play and it’s still nearly impossible to see. I’m really disappointed in this game and designers right now.

  • Quol
    Quol Member Posts: 694

    Its happened to me quite a few times where survivors even wiggled out. You need to find another hook or drop+pick up which will then let you hook.

    There is an exploit where people intentionally massively increase their lag to make them immune to getting hooked. But this is not what you are talking about.

  • dylanetaft
    dylanetaft Member Posts: 4

    Yes. Happens most games if I play killer.

  • mightysenju
    mightysenju Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2020

    This bug happens to me every game. I hate it. Especially when Im being bullied by red rank survivors where every second counts. Dang claudettes flashlight me when im dealing with the bug, not to mention when I pick the survivor back up after dropping them to "deal" with the bug they are that much closer to wiggling out. I even have survivors sabotage hooks taking advantage of this now known bug. I play on console btw. Not sure if its more frequent but please fix, Its been forever.

  • Viciusaurus
    Viciusaurus Member Posts: 407

    Nearly every match I've played as Killer. I've legit had to go full ######### and constantly tunnel and down just to find a hook that works. It's legit guesswork at this point. When I play survivor now I don't even struggle because I know the pain of earning a hook only to he denied.

  • Has happened to me a few times - one during my very first livestream. Infuriating to say the least.

    I did have one good-sport survivor who noticed/acknowledged this and stayed still after he broke free - even though it meant his death (last hook)

  • MrLimonka
    MrLimonka Member Posts: 545

    Here's a fix:

    Drop the survivor and pick them up again. Then you will USUALLY be able to hook them.

  • XombieRocker
    XombieRocker Member Posts: 324

    Doesn't always work though. I've had it not work after dropping and picking up. Also, since dropping a survivor fills 25% of their wiggle meter, you're boned if you have to go far for a hook.

  • FaceCampinBuba
    FaceCampinBuba Member Posts: 50

    Ever since the new update, every game i play as killer i cant hook survivors. The prompt is there and i mash my hook action button but sure as s*** they wiggle free. I'm done playing killer until this bug is fixed. I can't do diddly squat if I can't hook. Please fix devs

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201

    Not sure if this has been said but I am getting around this bug by using iron grasp then dropping them at the hook then hooking them. It wastes time but I'm also using bitter murmur noed to make up for that.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Been happening on Xbox since the Blight.

  • shyguyy
    shyguyy Member Posts: 298

    Are we sure it isn't the hook itself that is getting bugged? I had a game earlier where I was unable to unhook someone - the prompt wasn't showing up at all.

  • beastCookie570
    beastCookie570 Member Posts: 1

    Can confirm glitch is still in the game, literally unplayable at the higher ranks until they fix this rip 🙏

  • jackal470
    jackal470 Member Posts: 122

    It happens every game on ps4 but I've learned to counter it by either dropping and picking back up the survivor or rotate left to right in front of the hook while tapping hook button. Also swinging before hitting the hook prompt helps also....real big issue when the survivor tries to wiggle or survivors body block....huge disadvantage for the killer though, imagine not being able to repair Gens! I've gotten that bug twice as survivor in the past week...while survivor not having any icons or other survivor icons not being present at the bottom of the screen along with no perks visible. Both horrible bugs right now

  • Ignace
    Ignace Member Posts: 1

    This has been happening to me as a killer with pretty much everything. I have to constantly reposition myself to open lockers, break pallets, hook survivors and damage generators.

    In case of hooking survivors dropping and picking them up seem to sometimes fix it.

    It Really breaks the game.

    I'm playing on Switch.

  • arcnkd
    arcnkd Member Posts: 446

    Same here on PS4 - happening pretty frequently, every couple of matches or so; causing me to lose hooks because I either have to drop Survivors and leave them slugged where they can be saved -- or they break free because I hit R1 repeatedly and the unhooking process will never begin and there aren't any hooks nearby.

    Stupid bug and needs to be addressed ASAP along with many of the other issues in this game.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    drop them and pick them up, it's been working for me :)!

  • mamapineapple
    mamapineapple Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2021

    It just happened to me but it felt like it wasn't a simple bug because the claudette i was carrying never tried to struggle at all. Couldn't drop her either or perform any break action so they simply finished all gens, THEN she wriggled out and they all escaped. Made me mad as hell that it wouldn't even let me drop her. Had hooked one first, then I downed claudette and after that nothing worked.

  • Had this happen as well.