Terror Radius Bug

At first I thought it was just Blight, but I've encountered a Doctor with 0 terror Radius the entire game, but had chase music.

Can we just go back to the old version? This one has way too many bugs.


  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    When I played against a blight today and he did have TR. He was chasing another survivor so I'm pretty confident. But I can't tell if its his TR or a chase music because it reminded me of his chase music.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited September 2020

    By TR I think they are mainly referring to the Heartbeat which is bugged and either nonexistent or REALLY quiet. This makes some Killers, like the Blight, harder to track by sound alone because his non-chase Music is so quiet.

  • fr3sh
    fr3sh Member Posts: 4

    I've went against a Doctor and Blight with 0 terror radius. I recorded it on my Xbox so I know 100% there is actually 0 terror radius.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Can confirm that, in my one game against the blight he also didn't have a heartbeat.

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    Thats what I was talking about. There was heartbeat when I played against him. I recall hearing it and I'm pretty confident. I play on PC steam. Is it 100% reproducable? He was around 16-24m in front of me and he had heartbeat. It reminded me of his chase music is where I'm getting at.

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    Went against a huntress, a wraith and a F. Spirit (thank you satan) with 0 heartbeat. Pretty good job so far.

  • MeneLaw
    MeneLaw Member Posts: 341

    For blight check after game if he has the addon that modify the tr on other killer prob bug

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Is it also a bug that killers can't hear gens through walls and floors now?

    Is it also a bug that you literally need to face check every gen because they removed the sound of gens being worked on by a survivor?

  • Terr0rwrist
    Terr0rwrist Member Posts: 67

    Yeah it's a sound bug, killers having absolutely no terror radius.

  • VSchmitt
    VSchmitt Member Posts: 571

    That's been here for a long time... Killers have been hadicaped on sounds for a while now...

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    I just faced a Blight and found that I could hear the Heartbeat while wearing my headset. I'm not sure what's going on because this is the only match I've had today where I could hear it. Just went against a Nurse before it and no Terror Radius. The new maps might have something to do with it maybe.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    The heartbeat was non existent in my games last night. This was another awful patch.

  • Kobeskillz
    Kobeskillz Member Posts: 80

    They completely messed up the sound. Generators, crows and heart beats you can’t hear. The mixing is soooo off. How can they screw up something that wasn’t messed up before? God I hope they fix this soon cause it’s ruining the games.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    Faced an Oni and a Meyers that both had no terror radius last night, also while not running Quick and Quiet I was making no sound while fast pallet vaulting, at least on my end. Playing on PC, btw.

  • fr3sh
    fr3sh Member Posts: 4

    They messed up hooking too. Why would they release this patch with so many bugs? I just lost three hooks because it wouldn't hook. Survivor there's no heartbeat, Killer you got to mash the button to hook.

  • fr3sh
    fr3sh Member Posts: 4

    Was using Calm Spirit in Lyrys and it disturbed crows anyways.

  • Strongblade
    Strongblade Member Posts: 5

    I have played a half-dozen matches (I’m on PS4, btw) and none of the killers had a terror radius. Oni, Spirit, the Blight (3 times) , and now I’m in a match with The Gunslinger and still no terror radius.

    This definitely sounds like a bug. Or an intentional nerf to all survivors to make the game even more unfair than it already is...

  • IronWill
    IronWill Member Posts: 244

    Had a Hag with no terror radius who was proxy camping - was an AWESOME game that lasted like 5 minutes.

    FIX THIS!!!

  • Strongblade
    Strongblade Member Posts: 5

    Well, 5 days in to the issue and still no terror radius. I’m done playing until this gets fixed.