Good chapter imo, but the Blight's turning cap needs to be removed


It's just way too easy to dodge and he's been out for a day. Anyone with more than 100 hours can very easily just do the "zigzag" and easily escape. I don't think I've been hit by a rushing Blight once in 15 - 20 games as surv.

Loving Felix though, Desperate Measures is amazing. It's very quickly become a must have in my builds. Built to Last is fun with Streetwise too, so I appreciate they giving us an opportunity to synergise with less than optimal perks.

Finally I'm not rly bothered that we didn't get a new map, people have been asking for a health update and a visual overhaul is the closest we've gotten to that. Plus the maps look beautiful so I'll take one of those any day before another buggy/boring/half assed map.


  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,347

    I'm personally not sure yet. I feel like there might be a way to get a guaranteed hit even against a dodging survivor, but not sure. Maybe not lunging but just hitting when you are right at the survivor is the way to go.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    That would be OP. His power is hard to use at jungle gyms, but out in the open it's super strong from what I have experienced.

    There's tons of cases where you are chasing a survivor and can do an almost instant bounce off a nearby object to lethal rush at them from mid-range; giving you almost a ranged attack. If you never missed that attack because you could follow them like Oni?

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,097

    Absolutely need to increase the lunge flick. Basically what we all said from the PTB.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    that is the one thing his power can almost always give you the hit but you have to be pretty close to the survivor, you know who else is better at this? demogorgon.

    if the survivor is not in 2 seconds of being hit after you start lethal rush or maybe even shorter if they are watching you or have good reactions all they have to do is take a hard left or right or get behind something so you cant hit them.

    you say he gets hits in the open? against good survivors if he rushes you from a decent distance they just keep going behind objects until he gets stunned and some survivors i have versed just run perpendicular to you after they see what direction you go and you cant hit them unless your running high af speed addons or your planning on hitting them after you recover.

    if he had more turning during his lunge he could get a lot of these hits he SHOULD be able to get. i can't tell you how many times i barely missed because of the 30 degree cone of a lunge he has and a survivor just went a little too far left even tho i got a perfect prediction on their position when using his power.

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    He doesn't need turning buffs, he needs his PoV to be higher.

  • Hektic3000
    Hektic3000 Member Posts: 674
    edited September 2020

    He needs both to be honest. If they had to increase his turning from PTB to live, and he even has add-ons that help him turn, he needs his base turning increased. I should not have to use add-ons to make the base killer playable.

  • DaKnight
    DaKnight Member Posts: 720

    The blight dash lasts significantly longer than demo shred. I would guess it's maybe double the distance off a single bounce, before add-ons are considered?

    I have been using the yellow turning add-ons and it feels like a pretty fair amount of control for the speed he gets, and the very low requirements to obtain that speed.

    It is relatively easy to angle a bounce off a nearby object in a way that launches you towards the survivor you are chasing. If every time you did that it was a hit, the killer would be extremely simple to play.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited September 2020

    my point on demo was not distance it was how much easier it is to land a shred than a lethal rush. if a survivor goes into a spot they can't dodge and you foresee it thats a free hit. at roughly the same distance you would try to use blights power to land a hit as you said in your first post and it has a high chance to miss against an aware survivor and has a higher recovery and possibly can be more punishing. shred also has a faster activation, WAY less time to react to it, and pressures pallets. with demo you also dont have to worry too much about survivors trying to juke shred since you can zone with it and if need be cancel to m1.

    even with turning addons it can be juked, again survivors that pay attention can see the direction you going and run perpendicular to it or move toward you as they do it if they have enough distance which makes it even harder to hit them. edit: actually you can juke it by just turning at the last second as well if the killer fails to predict it but thats on the killers reactions.

    slamming into a different object changes nothing unless its right behind the survivor and they dont have enough time, distance to run into you or behind another object, or enough time to juke. Expecting no obstacles or the perfect distance away from the survivor for every time a survivor just runs perpendicular to you and you slam into a object behind them is idealistic and much rarer than a survivor doing what im talking about.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I'm having a bit of trouble with his lunge turn not gonna lie. Having fun though.

  • Milanceee
    Milanceee Member Posts: 161

    It shouldn' be completly removed but they shoud make it so that he can turn more.Maybe 20% more turn rate.Its so easy to just spin left than right and blight cant turn that well.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,432
    edited September 2020

    Just a first impression, but he feels like a bad nurse with a lot more steps.

    Like why would I care about catching up with a rush when I could just blink hit them easier?

    Why run a loop when I can blink over it?

    I get you could apply this to any killer in large view, but his charge for the hits just reminds me of blinking for the hits with way more restrictions and stipulations. I could just get blink hits with way less risk and effort.

    I like the idea of better turning as well though as he seems quite easy to juke with a simple 360 in his charge.

    Like I said though, just first impressions. Feels more negative than positive so far. Will continue to test as I definitely haven't had a good enough sample size for an educated opinion yet.