Get this fixed asap. I beg you.

Depipped after that too, please BHVR. This ain't something minor.
U want a fix? drop and get her up again.
Hope you also noticed how she wiggled off and your stun took just 1 seconds
7 -
I think dropping them and picking them back up fixes it, at least until BHVR gets to it.
1 -
HOW DID HOOKING GET BROKEN!? Its a simple button press for the hooking animation so how come I have to spam it to get it to work....This is something that needs to be hotfixed because its making core gameplay mechanics unusable.
25 -
Dunno why you guys are being so aggressive toward a guy who has a valid complaint about a bug. Not to mention dropping her that late after she's already wiggled that much may as well have been the same as letting her wiggle off on her own since it adds another 25% on drop and she gets let go right away.
34 -
@missing_toe i opened a bug in that board yesterday, 8 views
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may I know how my comment is aggresive?
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Check her ping dude. I've had this happen to me multiple times. It's always just one person but the others are unaffected. Their ping spikes to over 1k when you're hooking but in chase, their ping is fine.
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Usually when it happens to one person it happens to the rest too. Or it's just certain hooks or certain angles that don't work.
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I think it has to do with BHVR trying to smooth out animations rather than having to snap to them. That plus lag means the game freaks out. I've been lucky enough to have spamming space work, but it is really ######### that it doesn't.
Also the autoaim on Kate thru the window just made the clip.
0 -
This happened to me a lot of times after the update. This is a terrible bug, that prevents the killer from doing what they need to do to have a chance of getting kills. Had one match where it happened to me 4 times.
2 -
The language alongside the punctuation you used sounded very dismissive of the issue he was reporting.
"U want a fix? drop and get her up again. (God he's so stupid for not knowing this!)"
On top of that instead of acknowledging this was an issue that needed to be fixed asap you shifted focus to
"Hope you also noticed how she wiggled off and your stun took just 1 seconds (so stop freakin complaining idiot)"
12 -
There's nothing alongside you just asumed it out of nowhere without any sense jesus
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I've had this since the update on PS4. Sometims it lets me instant hook, others it acts like someones lagging on me. I've even had SWF teams take advantage of it and sabo the hook in my face knowing I couldn't get someone on the hook. Don't you just love DbD?
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PH: unable to see perks
midchap: hill stuck
Blight: unable to hook.
midchap: Who can guess whats the next big bug here?
4 -
That's like saying "DS is bugged. To fix it, stop using it"
10 -
Me and 15 other people (as of writing) disagree. If you didn't want to be called out I suggest taking a second look at how you write and phrase things before posting them. I stand by my original statement and the inference (not assumption) I made therein.
Also this:
4 -
Facing it directly and pressing the button once works for me, gotta face is straight on tho
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until bhvr gets around to fixing it - the way I fix it is dropping the survivor and picking them up again. I’m able to hook them after that. but this would be a problem if you’re barely making it to a hook in the first place, since they get wiggle progression lol
it’s just a bad situation for killers. I hope it gets hotfixed, why is hooking broken in the first place?
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This happened to me too, I'm not sure if this is something survivors are abusing or if it is just a prettygoodjobsofar. I fully expect them to fix it quickly though, I'm thinking a year and a half.
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its been added to the bug report already BHVR are on it hopefully its fixed in the next hotfix
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15 other people? just because 15 other people post in the same thread as you doesn't automaticly mean they agree with you. Litteraly only one other person said something to Angelicus
I suggest not reading stuff that isn't writen. Nothing what they said as agressive in any way shape or form. You're just making stuff up.
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*25 people now
I suggest taking a real long hard thought as to what I mean. Because you clearly didn't understand the first time
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Survivors: A totem is blocked in midwich so we can't cleanse it.
You: Just don't go to midwich 5head.
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And yet DBD is suffering from years-old bugs. Perhaps a simple bug report isn't sufficient.
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The larger the outcry, the quicker the response. Sad, but true. There are a lot of Game-breaking bugs that still exist, to this day, with very little coverage and zero fixes.
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Aah you mean the number of likes your comment got. You should watch out how much value you put in that. Lot's of people agreeing on something doesn't mean it's right.
Also notice that the problem post where you make up a bunch of agressive stuff has as of writing 9 upvotes. Another showcase that you shouldn't put so much weight in that
Sounds to me that the upvotes in your first post were mostly about how dropping her isn't a perfect solution rather then the comments being "agressive"
You don't know why they upvoted it. Another reason to not put much value into those things
I'm sorry but i see zero agression in the mentioned post. One said what happened in clip the op posted to save people's time and the other actual offered a work around to it
Both infinitive more helpfull then your made up accusation
1 -
*31 now
Lot's of people agreeing with me doesn't necessarily make it wrong either, it just means it's an opinion which is justified enough that people can agree with it or at the very least understand it. It is possible that they were agreeing with the latter half statement rather than the entirety, but I don't doubt that at least some of the 30+ people who decided to upvote that first comment agreed with it in the entirety.
A perfect example of that is the comment you just cited, my second on this thread which elaborated only on what I read and interpreted, which 9 people did upvote, so clearly they also saw the same thing I did even if you don't. Unlike the first comment there's no room to mix-up what they're agreeing with since there's no mention of anything else except what I interpreted as aggressive behavior.
Sorry that Dead By Daylight isn't known for it's non-toxic community? Or would you like to argue against that as well?
I'm sorry we don't see eye to eye, but I'll still have to disagree with you. I've already explained what I read and how I interpreted it and felt the language and punctuation was clear enough to be called out on, if there was even slightly more doubt I would not have written about it. But I did.
Personally I believe OP's thread is infinitely (infinitively isn't a word) more helpful than either of those comments. Instead of just describing the bug he took the time to record, edit, and upload footage of the actual bug itself and posted it onto the forums asking for a fix.
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Yup, this is a pretty bad bug. If it helps, it seems to be the "swivel hooks" that are doing it. I've started taking wide, exaggerated routes to the hooks so that I'm hooking right at the front. Seems to help but I might just be getting lucky.
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Not going to argue against that dbd is toxic. It simply is, as are many online games.
Just be aware that you don't start seeing toxicity were there isn't any.
Do want to praise you for being civil in this discussion.
And sorry for any other spelling mistakes i made. English isn't my first language.
Hell, could be a factor why i can't see anything wrong with the first 2 post
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Glad that even though we may not agree we can still wrap up a conversation about it peaceably.
Your english is pretty good, and I think you had a valid reason for questioning what I had brought up, though I still feel there was enough of reasonable doubt to support and warrant what I did say.