
So stupid, once you get someone hooked in basement if you proxy and the survivors dont have bt then they're pretty much screwed. And if you get 2 in basement the games over pretty much. Seriously the amount of games I've lost due to basement is ridiculous, it enables camping for killers and is overall just pretty unfair for survivors.
You are clearly new, and that is fine. The basement is the Killer's home turf, probably their strongest part of the map. It is even worse when there is a great 3-Gen around it. Is it broken or OP? No. I assure you that Survivors get people out of the Basement all the time. But if you are having a problem with the basement, the first key is to stay away from it. Identify where the basement is early, and if you can get the Gen near it at the start (the Killer will have spawned on the opposite side). Then you don't have any reason to go over there at all, ever. Do you follow? Basements are opportunities too. There is a chest down there. It can be a great place to hide and heal since the Killer doesn't often go down there without a reason. Some Survivors see someone being downed "near" the basement and get down there first and go into a locker. The second the Killer is out they are making the save.
Yes, multiple Survivors on hooks in the basement at the same time is a terrible thing, but people play through it every day. You will too.
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Not really that new and okay maybe it isn't OP but even a lot of people agree that it enables bad play style and toxic ######### like camping and a lot of the time on certain killers getting people out of the basement is way ######### harder than it should be, and you can't argue that.
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Level 77 (not that new) and rank 3 survivor btw
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It’s not toxic.
Survivors need to ensure theyre aware of the basement location, and not lead a chase near it.
There are new offerings now to help avoid the basement
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Basement itself is not toxic, but it enables toxic play styles like camping, sometimes you can't avoid chasing near it. There's just nothing fun about basement what so ever.
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Camping isn’t toxic. It’s within the game rules. There’s nothing in the game rules that explicitly states a killer must give survivors 2 hook escapes.
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The basement is supposed to be in the killers favor, thats the whole point. It is possible to escape but its certainly not esy. If the killer is camping it start rushing gens if you don't feel like you can get the unhook. What some people don't seem to realize about camping is that the entire other part of the map is unpressured and wide open.
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Well yeah no ######### but at that point the killer gets a free kill or at least someone into 2nd stage. I know that basement is supposed to be in the killers favor but it just isn't fun at all, in my opinion for killers and survivors. I just don't see the fun of getting easy wins because you can put someone in basement and sit there or proxy for free kills if the survivors don't have bt and play it perfectly.
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But on the same token, I'm sure you believe that perks that enable survivors to work around camping killers are unfair, thus making the game survivor-sided.
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Then rush gens. If they're camping it rush the gens because the killer left them wide open. Its nowhere near a free win. Especially if the basement is in shack.
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Like the only perk, bt? That's the only perk that I can think of that could stop camping. Which I do not think bt makes the game survivor-sided.
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DS, the most popular perk in the game is widely regarded as the best anti-camp perk.
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Ok, that's only if the killer picks you up and doesn't kill the person that unhooked first. That person would still just go back on the hook you just got off and rinse and repeat.
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And if survivors run perks like BT and DS, there are ways to counter those too. Why do we always have to listen to one side complain like there's no way to work around certain perks and play-styles, but survivors, who, by the way, ALSO have the task of competing against their fellow survivors, are somehow expected to all play like they're full SWF? Y'all need to get over yourselves. This game isn't even remotely competitive, yet you act like it's the next League of Legends. The entire ranking system is stupid and useless in a game that literally revolves around survivors getting out alive, and the killers preventing it.
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To start, BT does nothing for the unhooker, it only helps the unhooked. If the killer goes for the unhooker that is your moment to escape, it is literally as simple as holding W to escape a killer that is not chasing you. As for the pickup, that essentially guarantees the killer is wasting they're time. If a killer is honestly gonna a wait an entire minute over your slugged body to wait for a perk that you may or may not have there is no way a gen doesn't get popped.
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KereDog, you need to work on your people skills. Hell, I need to do that too. :) A Survivor of your Rank already knows the advice I gave. And if you got to where you are now, you also know that camping is just part of the game. Nothing inside the game, within the rules, is so-called Toxic. Survivors want to survive. Killers want to kill. I've gotten a whole group down in the basement with a Spooky Myers before. Altruistic bunch... and they would see me leave... and assume I wasn't camping the basement because I was a good ways away. Spooky can see them. I can time my descent so that I can grab them out of the unhook. I did that three times in a row. It is just how the game is played. What they should have done is gotten me into a chase (Spooky is slow) and made SURE I was further away.
Bad behavior is salt before and after a game. It is calling people stupid because they disagree with you. You are passionate about the subject. Everyone is passionate about their personal pet peeve. Humble in victory, gracious in defeat. These are words to live by. Stay away the basement. Problem solved.
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This feels largely unrelated to my comment. You started out by saying they can be played around, which is true. You mentioned that survivors compete over each other, isn't doing the objective competing against them since your leaving them to die? You don't need to be in a SWF to realize the better option is to get on gens rather than go directly to the killer. You then pop into this competitive speal that is another post entirely.
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The point of the video game is supposed to be fun, complaining about people being competitive is kinda stupid, as that's just how video games and people are.
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Yes, bt is a great perk for countering camping, the only one. I'm saying if you don't run bt.
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Yes, camping is a part of the game, but it is unfun, unskillful, and toxic. Sure, I called you stupid, because I think your opinion that it is not toxic is stupid. Just being honest :)
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It is yeah, absolutely. But DS has gotten my dwight ass out of more basement situations than I can count lmao.
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Yeah I think DS is obviously good too, but half the time it does nothing for the unhooker. And just putting this out there, idk about my opinions on DS, whether its op or not. I think that I could agree that its op. But the reason why I love it even though i dont have it and i wish i did is because it can get you out of being tunneled.
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Oh you're not even the loser that said he'd report me for calling him a loser, thought you were. But the point still stands
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I beg to differ. This is a full contact sport, albeit virtually. You play HARD. The fun is in the competition, giving it all you got. Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes he eats you. You didn't call "me" stupid by the way; that was the other guy. Or had you intended to and forgot? If you can't handle the heat, get out of the fire. To quote Roadhouse, "there is always Barber College." Killers do camp, from the best to the worst. Camping successfully, so that you don't give away the game does take Skill. I'll have you know that Basement Party ended with no Salt from them. We all said good game, and exchanged the odd compliment. If they can take that in good grace, so can you. Earlier today I played Infinite Tier-3 Myers using Undying, Ruin, Thrill of the Hunt and Bitter Murmur. I got a 3K in a very long, hard fought game. One guy took the hatch. All of us took it in good grace. I just lost with Spooky Myers (only got one kill but didn't lose a pip) fighting at the Temple of Purge... and they curb stomped me good. I learned a lot. I didn't complain about the tricksy Head On stuff they were doing in excellent, coordinated team play. Why would I? I've heard people say that is toxic too. Me, I thought it was brilliant. Are you feeling me yet?
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Thats fair, but there aren't any perks that benefit the unhooker to my knowledge, unless I'm missing a super obscure perk nobody runs. I normally only run DS to stop getting tunneled.
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Sure its a competition and you want to win, but there should be absolutely no satisfaction or pride in winning by camping, that's just sad.
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This forum really needs to stop speculating on what other people think, and stop putting words in other people’s mouths.
Unless I say I do those things, or say I feel that way, don’t comment.
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Well said
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######### are you slandering people? They are giving their opinion, so either agree or disagree. This behavior is that of a 6 year old. No one will take you seriously if you act like this.
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And I did say I thought you were the other guy, and I was wrong. But if you agree that camping isn't toxic then I would also call you stupid.
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I did say that I thought the other guy was you, but if you also agree camping isn't toxic then I would also say that you are mentally subpar.
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You're just wrong dude, and that's it. Camping being toxic has nothing to do with the rules, something that's toxic doesn't have to be against the rules. And if you honestly think that it's not boring or not toxic to camp then I'm sorry for you.
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To join the club I would say camping in general is not toxic but always boring. You have to differentiate. 5 gen first down face camping is most definitely more prone to be called toxic but hard camping multiple people in the basement or a hooked survivor during egc is simply efficiency towards the secondary killer objective and not toxic.
Toxicity is always an intention independent to the gameplay. Killer smacking survivor continuesly on hook or letting all 4 bleed out on the floor, survivor teabagging and flashlight clicking in the exit, bodyblocking and so on are toxic. They are done with an intention that isn't progressing the gameplay but are simply done to taunt or insult the opposition.
You mentioned league of legends. Dying many times in a match there is also not toxic but running down mid INTENTIONALLY dying aka feeding is toxic. Just like toxic chat, rage quitting or trolling.
That is my opinion and feel free to call me what you like. For me you are just a faceless name I will probably never encounter closer than right this moment and forget by tomorrow.
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Dude I called him a loser its not that ######### deep lmao
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You've already embarrassed yourself dawg just get off this forum
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Toxic no matter how you do it, and also for sure boring. Just ruins the game for survivors and killers tbh, like as a killer I go out of my way to avoid tunneling and camping or being an ######### because I understand how annoying that ######### is.
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why does he need to get good you cant even save somebody that's in the basement
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There is nothing I (or anyone else) can say that makes you look any worse than you do yourself. Again, you need to work on your people skills. There is no emblem to be earned here for being a Troll.
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The basement is balanced because usually that's where a strong loop is for a survivor 90% of the time , you can waste alot of time by running these tiles but you risk going to basement if you get too greedy and stay there too long , it's a give and take situation you're committing to a safe loop that gives the risk of going to the most unsafe place in the map if you go down costing your team more time to get you or force switching out in some cases
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You can't argue about the "way harder" thing, but you can argue about the "than it should be". Survivors have pretty strong loops, just the saloon as an example, where they can always decide to rush at and waste a lot of time of the killer. So it is just fair if the killer has such an area as well. You know, variations. Safe spots, dead zones, threat zones etc. I prefer that over 9 TL walls across the map.
The main reason why it is so strong is that people tend to throw games to get someone out of there, like trying a solo safe while injured. Just do a team safe. For example Hag basement escape is pretty impossible. You need the whole team to do the safe, one triggers all the traps and most likely takes a hit, others safe and bodyblock. But not many people play like that. And many people don't like to change their behaviour, they are more like "basement vs hag? Sorry bro but rip, I'm gonna stay away from there"
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easy way to get anyone out of basement
Requirements 2 survivors with bt and ds
survivor a is unhooked by survivor b
survivor b goes down and is hooked
survivor a comes back after they heal and go for the save
the killer has 2 options, both that end in getting stabbed in the neck
or just don't go near basement
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It’s one game, Chief. You got a bad break being hooked in the basement.
There’s always another game. There’s no need to get so bent out of shape about it. Everyone has gotten camped in a basement. 9/10 games you won’t. Why get so upset over that 1/10?
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Good point, but that's the issue especially when you solo q or even duo
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This has happened to me a lot more than you'd think over the past couple days, at least for me maybe I'm unlucky, but ever since crossplay has been added camping has become much more prevalent in my games, and basement just ######### me over if im not in a full swf and my teammates might not be the best and the killer will never leave the area.
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You haven't been very civil to anyone in this thread, so I'm probably hitting my head against a brick wall here in trying. You said it yourself: "This has happened to ME a lot more than you'd think" and "maybe I'm unlucky." Even your own choice of language indicates that on some level you know this is an aberration, a statistical outlier. In my most recent grind to a million points, I recall being in the basement maybe a couple of times? I didn't die in any of them. So yes, I think you had some bad luck. You've told us you are a Red Rank Survivor. You didn't get there without having resolved your basement issues long ago. Remind yourself of that, and accept that it is what you think, i.e. you have just been unlucky.
You also indicate that you are used to playing with a SWF part of the time, and yeah you are going to have a lot fewer problems taking on a Basement Killer with that kind of supernatural coordination. So perhaps you are just adapting to the culture shock of playing more solo again? Who knows? I think your anger and passion over this issue is clouding your judgement and affecting your manners. I strongly suggest you take a step back and reflect a bit more. At the very least, you should have enough self awareness to understand how you are coming across to everyone who is reading this thread, and that it is damaging your credibility.
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That's not the problem of simply solo q. It is the players behavior. If you need to gather for a team save, solos can do that as well. And I bet you can't call yourself guiltfree, getting out of your comfy zone and equip the perks like Bond or Kindred that you need for solo, right?
The problem is, if you do, you can be sure that at least 2 of the other 3 still don't. And make team effort wasted. I was not red rank back in the days, but when ranks actually meant something, the playstyle was way more team oriented in red ranks. Teamplay nowadays is more like dumb and worthless protection hits and insta unhooks.
But I highly would disagree to adjust basement to the current state of player behavior. Because that would actually imbalance the game and make it impossible for killer to get anything done when once in a while teams gather that actually know how to play the game. I rather like to see those people get their booties smacked hard
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The dude literally threatened to report me because I called him a loser, I cannot make that ######### up, that's seriously so sad.
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I mean for the past couple weeks even the amount of times basement is being proxyed or camped for me is a lot, I'm saying it could possibly be me being incredibly incredibly like 5% chance unlucky. And I seriously do not give a ######### about my reputation where nobody knows me on a video game forum.
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I do that too to avoid making a game, where I don't care about the outcome anymore (I don't care about kills but bp), unfun for the other party.
But I don't judge other people for doing it in the scenarios I mentioned because it can make sense there. Just as a comment on your handling on opinions that don't follow your own.