Cross play suggestion

Decided to get back into the game again. My first game was 4 console survivors vs PC killer. I think if the survivors are all on the same platform the killer should be from the same platform. You may ask how you know it is a pc user, well it is all in the movement. An option to disable cross play with PC players, but keep the other consoles would be great. PC players generally have the advantage in games.


  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    My suggestion would be to remove it altogether. But at the very least you can disable cross play. Which I would recommend. The queue times are about the same anyway. But since they went through all the effort of enabling crossplay it is likely here to stay. I rarely play crossplay but one thing I'd like to see is which platform players from other systems are using next to the globe icon. I would also like the ability to customize which platforms I'd be willing to play with. I wouldn't mind crossplay if I could just exclude PC from my game searches.