There needs to be a hint to where survivors spawn or the first generator they tap

adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,078
edited September 2020 in General Discussions

Here's what the toxic swfs do. 3-4 survivors hide and do not work on any generators at all until they see the killer or their terror radius appear. 10 seconds after the killer leaves, they start working on the generator because the killer has to leave to check other generators since there were no indicators of any survivors there. The problem with this is the killer usually won't find any survivors until the first gen is completed, the killer has essentially done nothing and are basically playing with a 4 gen start. This problem is most noticable on killers with no stealth, mobility, set-up, and detection, e.g. Clown, Cannibal, Legion, and Pyramid Head, and especially on maps with generators that are difficult to patrol, e.g. Ormond and Haddonfield. Asides from running Discordance, there is 0 counterplay to this strategy on the killers I mentioned. At the start of the game, the killer cannot waste time thoroughly searching a generator with 0 indicators of a survivor there because there are 6 other generators survivors can be on. The most the killer can do is glimpse at the generator and leave. Once the killer leaves, 3-4 survivors start working on that generator and the killer won't find survivors at any of the other generators they check.

