a better definition for basic attack

If the attack uses the killer's main weapon and is capable of downing an injured survivor in one hit, then it is a basic attack.
Blight's lethal rush isn't basic attack...or is it?
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It is not, though it must be.
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currently i dont think it is. but with this definition, it would.
so would demo, and pig
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Ahh..so you're redefining. I thought you were telling us what a basic attack means.
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Any attack that only inflict a single health state of damage without any additional effect should be a basic attack.
Just slap Deep Wound on Pig's Ambush and Demogorgon's Shred. Fixed.
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I'd like something extra, but not deep wound since it gives me a headache.
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so a huntress hatchet should be classed as a basic attack? also, deathslinger hitting someone after having speared them applies deep wound and yet still is classed as a basic attack.
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An attack that uses M1 without ever using M2.
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Ok, you got me. So any basic weapon attack that inflict a single health state of damage then. And yeah I know about Deathslinger, but the idea in his case is that its a bonus effect of hitting a reeled in survivor with his basic attack.
Really this whole nonsense came about when the devs decided to make the Legion's Feral Frenzy attacks no longer count as basic, which wasn't a major issue at all. And then they kept going for "consistency" and made Pig's Ambush not a basic attack too. And now they rework old perks and make new ones with basic attack requirement all over the place. Even killer powers, such as Demo's Shred and Blight Lethal Rush get to be classified as non basic for no clear reason when they have the same effect.
This create the problem of killers being discouraged of using their special attacks because they take more risk to land than basic M1 hit, but have the exact same benefit. And in fact if you run any basic attack perks, your basic M1 hit are more desirable than your special attack.
Meanwhile killers of older design don't have that issue at all. They get to use all the perks they want along with their powers. Where is the "consistency" here ?
Rant over.
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simple basic attacks are m1...