Unsafe Hook Removals Should Not Be Rewarded
The points system for survivors currently rewards unsafe hook removals. For an action that takes a very short time to complete you get 1000 points plus you likely get away without even taking a hit. It doesn't matter that you willingly threw another survivor under the bus. If they happen to go a few seconds without getting hit you even get rewarded with another 500 points.
Hook removals should get less points. I would say 500. A safe hook removal should get the extra 1000. I would even go so far as to say that an unsafe hook removal should receive a 250 point penalty. If survivors only got 250 points for an unsafe hook removal it would make hook removal something that is looked at strategically instead of an easy point grab that screws over the person you are unhooking.
So buff camping? Got it.
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Unsafe hooks aren't rewarded though.... you lose points toward your emblem for it...
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You think they care about the emblems? These guys are just doing it for that sweet 1000 bp.
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The only time I go for aggressive unhooks is when I'm running BT and WGLF because it's the easiest way to ensure you get more than 0-1 stack of WGLF a match.
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Yeah, unsafe unhooks should be1,500 to the hooked guy. People won't go rushing in to farm if they will be giving their precious BP away...
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He never said anything about buffing camping.
Bloodpoint gains/losses/whatever are balance neutral.
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Ok but then we are rewarding the Survivor for being downed.
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Unsafe unhooks are punished. The game waits to register it safe before awarding you the safe unhook bloodpoints.
I do think you should still get BP for at least attempting an unhook with camping killers...
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I care about emblems...
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Did you even read the OP? Take a second and think about what their proposed changes would mean and how it would potentially shift killer motivations. Or not. You seem like a post farmer.
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Are you hook bombing for unsafe unhooks?
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Nope. I wait till the killer leaves. Or if I have to because the killer camps them, I body block which gives more points
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Not one bit. Killer BP isn't being affected here, let alone the actual pros and cons of camping.
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If anything it would DIScourage camping.
Less unsafe hook BP = less unsafe hooks
Less unsafe hooks = less Survivors feeding campers
Less Survivors feeding campers = less kills for Killers that camp
Less kills for Killers that camp = camping isn't as effective
Camping isn't as effective = Camping is nerfed
Thus less unsafe hook BP = Camping is nerfed
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I think there should be a scoring event for “unsafe rescue” that starts at zero. As the unhooked survivor increases distance from the killer, the scoring event ticks higher per meter of distance gained within, say, a 7 second period. There would be a maximum of course 750? 1000?
If the poor guy gets tunneled, then the scoring event will be abysmal since distance never increases much. Conversely, if gates are open and the team is swapping hits to rescue from a camper, this score could end up being pretty rewarding!
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It is an interesting notion, but it is kind of already covered. I think you only get points/credit if it is a "safe rescue," i.e. they have to not be downed again within a certain amount of time. I would go further to say you shouldn't get points/credit unless neither the hooked or the unhooker is downed within said amount of time.
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Some killers just blatantly ignore you to tunnel the hooked guy. I don't know what you're supposed to do in that situation. They clearly walked around me to get you, I can only do so much.
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I do agree that a Safe Unhook should be worth more than the Unhook itself. Right now the only penalties are emblem loss, which people are not always going to care about, and failure to activate certain perks or challenges, which the Unsafe Unhooker may not have in the first place.
If your primary goal is bloodpoints, then you have no reason in the world not to farm unhooks, especially if you know the Killer will just tunnel the unhooked. You'll get 1,000 points just for the unhook and the extra 500 for a Safe Unhook, should the Survivor get lucky or you at least had the decency to have Borrowed Time before you hook farmed, is a bonus.
Simplest thing to me would be just flip the numbers. 500 got the initial Unhook, 1,000 for the Safe Unhook.
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Sometimes an unsafe hook is the only option, so you can't punish another survivor for trying. They can just let you die on hook if you prefer?
Sure, there's that person who knowingly has the killer on them and goes for the unhook while being chased... in other scenarios, the killer is simply camping in any of its forms (proxy, face, etc.).
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I agree with some folks above: we don't need any additional incentives for people to not help folks on hooks. That could break the game in the meta.
The in-game result, after enough times, teaches most people that unsafe hooks can take a normal situation and snowball it directly to a loss. If the killer is camping or playing close, sucks, but just do gens. 3 gens pop while Wraith is facecamping, he either has to accept a 1 death loss or do something about it, giving you a chance.
But hitting their overall points for it - we might as well penalize bad skill checks or the killer anytime they swing and miss. This game is already fairly punishing on newer, less experienced players... this would just make it even harder for them to get blood points.
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Until killers learn to stop face camping, it's fine how it is. (If you don't face camp, this doesn't apply to you.) If a killer wants to sit there and stare point blank, you HAVE to do an unsafe unhook and hopefully take a hit to get them away. What really needs to be fixed is a bigger penalty for face camping. That would give some incentive for killers to actually play the game, leaving survivors a chance to rescue people on the hook. Proxy camping is different: annoying as it may be, patrolling the area is a solid tactic. But face? That's just a weak "strategy" for people who don't want to work for their points.
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I think you are absolutely right. It's one of the main reasons I want to see it changed. One of the reasons camping is such a good strategy is because so many survivors will run up and perform unsafe hook rescues. Remove the points incentive and the unsafe hook removals go way down. The moment that happens camping won't be nearly as effective as killers that do so will be wasting their time. As it stands at the moment camping is definitely not a waste of time because when you gauge the risk/benefit of unsafe hook removals they are worth it if a survivors objective is points.
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That would definitely be a step in the right direction.
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I guess for me the whole not being unhooked thing is rarely an issue for me. I constantly have people rushing to unhook me the moment the killer puts me on the hook. Perhaps if it was the other way I would see it differently. On those rare occasions where the other survivors just leave me on the hook to die I actually find myself saying "At least they didn't pull me off the hook with the standing there"
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I would add giving BT a timer of like 20-30 seconds of the killer being near the hook before it can activate, and changing DS. A lot of survivors just pull you off because "oh I have BT whatever" or "oh you might have DS whatever". Safe unhooks are very much a symptom of second chance shenanigans as well as general potatoism.
All for changing the system to discourage unsafe unhooks, very frustrating as survivor.
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That would require players to ACTUALLY read directions and attempt to grasp how points are awarded. There's players that do, but many just jump right in without a plan to optimize the award system.
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I play Killer/Survivor about 50/50... and yeah, the easiest thing to do is to give the impression hooks are safe when they aren't. I had one completely whacky game where I hooked someone at the end of the map and all 3 survivors came for him. I swear for the next 3-4 minutes, I could run the Benny Hill theme over the footage as they literally didn't even give me a chance to NOT camp, as I'd turn to go, see one, chase one, see another go for the unhook, knock one down.
In the end I had 3 downed bodies next to 1 hooked and I was left scratching my head. I had to even let one wiggle free because I couldn't reach a 3rd hook after sacrificing 2. lol
Some people just don't understand how to unhook successfully.
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You are so correct in that. It's both comical and frustrating.