What about DBD always brings you guys back for more?

A lot of people like to focus on the negatives of this game, I'd like to talk about some of the things that make this game great


  • animalmak
    animalmak Member Posts: 399

    I never know what to expect! Each game is a different, so there's always something new I'm learning or something new that makes me jump.

    It's also super easy to use as a mind break from something else because I can say "okay, two or three trials, depending on queue and game time" if I just need a quick break, and I can easily do that, whereas if I get into a more story-based game, it's harder to find a stopping point sometimes.

    I like the challenges in the game - dailies and archives. They give it a little bit of purpose without being some impossible task.

    And lastly, especially in COVID times, it's an easy way for me to socialize. I let my friends know I'm hopping on, and they can join me if they're free.

    Also some of the sound effects are just really pleasing. Love that sound when I break a pallet tbh.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    It's hard to say it without dipping a toe into the negativity, so I'll keep it as shallow a dip as possible: I forget what it's like. I play DBD for a while, I have fun because it's a fun game and as much as I complain I do love it. I do wierd survivor builds, I go back to old ones and see if they're still good, I constantly cycle out perks to try new things. But then I have a really, really bad experience that taints it for a while and I have to stop.

    But then the bad experience goes away and I return to this game that I love and have spent way too many hours on. The new/reworked content is a huge bonus (especially reworks). Plus, now I have Blight, a killer whose playstyle just fits with my head. I've always mained killers because I suck at them and want to get better, but now I have a killer I'm just having so much fun with and not getting steamrolled constantly.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Honestly? It's non committal.

    I can sit down, open up Dead by Daylight and have a 20 minute play session and then log back off. That may sound weird but when you're time limited and your choices are a 2 hour movie, a long game with few save points or this one, Dead by Daylight just works with my schedule.

    Plus it doesn't demand your time. There's dailies but it's just bloodpoints. There is rifts but you can still get the rewards later. If there's an outfit you must have you can just buy it.

    It also helps that I'm good enough at it I can play it to relax and don't feel competitive playing it.

  • malatruse
    malatruse Member Posts: 784

    I just think it's neat!

    Plus there are constant daily rituals/tome challenges/new builds to do.

  • fordragos
    fordragos Member Posts: 20

    I just love farming bloodpoints and items! That and thankfully there not being a competetive mode makes them less sweatier than other games so for me it's a fun game to play with a friend since we always do BUT getting new players into this game is a pain because of horrible matchmaking and perks like NOED which feel incredibly bad for new players.

  • Kobeskillz
    Kobeskillz Member Posts: 80

    being able to hear the killers heart beat. Oh wait.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    I thoroughly enjoy the animations of the characters, the music and the graphics.

    All the sfx are extremely appealing, imo. Bloodweb effects, sfx of equipping/ unequipping items & addons, the sounds of purchasing new outfits in the store or perks in the SoS.

    I especially love all the voice work: the survivor’s falling sounds (especially Nea’s an Kate’s), Nurse’s “oooooh” an woosh effect as she blinks, Huntress freaking out over pallet stuns, things like that. So much detail added to accentuate each character’s personality.

    I LOVE the maps. My all-time favorite part of gaming is the different environments. I have so much fun jus roaming around in games that have large scale territories, enjoying the scenery and detail (even tho I can’t take the time to do all that in DBD due to the intensity of the matches)... that’s one of the reasons why (as survivor) the first approximately 30sec to 2min before all the killing begins are my favorite, jus doing objectives an enjoying the ambience.

    Also love all the cosmetics; mixing and matching skins.

    The thrill of the chases an in-game action gets the heart racing with excitement!

    Even the tally screen is familiarly satisfying.

    Everything about this game is completely appealing until the unbalance tries everything in its power to take away from all the beautiful, comforting coziness that wraps its DBD arms around and lovingly, invitingly hugs us into coming back for more!

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    When they change perk or bring new perk. So for me a weekly update could help me play the game more but instead im playing only when im tired of tft so i mostly play when a set is almost over.

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    Not sure. I love the gameplay and the concept but hate the community and developers. I tend to play a lot during a week or two, then burn out and take a few weeks to a month or two of breaks.