Game Connectivity

What is going on with the servers? It seems like for the last two days straight, there is a 50/50 chance I can even get into a game, either by someone disconnecting trying to load into the game, or I get a "connection with the host could not be established" error code and have to restart my game. In addition to this, every time I finish a game as killer, I immediately get the "connection with the host could not be established" error and can not join a game until I restart my client. I am having to restart my client 2-3 times per game.

This is absolutely unacceptable. I get its the free weekend and the servers are overloading, but this is 5:00AM eastern, the server load should be barren. I was actually going to buy this game for a bunch of my friends since it is on sale right now

, but if these issues are going to persist, I don't think I can personally recommend this experience to them.


  • lunumbra
    lunumbra Member Posts: 23

    Update: Just tried relaunching and trying to join a game 3 times in a row now. Are the servers down?