How do 5 powered generators fix 2 broken generators?

Generators provide energy. I understand that 5 powered generators can provide the energy needed to open the gate, but I don't understand how such a form of energy can just fix 2 broken generators.
You can see in the game that the generators need to be repaired by hand. It doesn't make sense that the electricity of 5 generators can just repair the 2 broken generators that would otherwise need to be repaired by hand.
Can someone explain this concept to me?? How does the science behind it explain it??
The Entity probably just disables the exit gate switches until all five gens are done.
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You misunderstand. My wquestion is why do the last two gens start working when the gate is powered? I would understand it if the gate was powered and the last 2 gens remained broken (so 5 gens are required to power the gate), but as it is now the last to broken gens are magically fixed by "electricity."
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But that doesn't explain how 5 fixed gens fix the last 2 broken gens by themselves. It would make sense if 5 gens powered the gate and didn't fix the last two gens, but as it is now the 5 gens magically fix the last to gens somehow.
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If this is some lore question, please do remember that nothing in the Entities realm functions as intended. The generators also magically have fuel, in case you have forgotten.
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The fuel could be explained though. They could already be filled up before you enter.
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And the fact that they aren't connected to an electrical grid? Or that it's a lovecraftian monster controlling every little environmental detail and it is literally in the lore that it doesn't get anything right?
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The electrical grid can be underground.
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And yet it isnt.
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There's no way to know that.
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The five generators could be providing enough power to light the other two unfinished generators.
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...actually thought this was the beginning of some Generic joke or sth😄
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this video game.
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The generators are broken, not just unpowered.
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Because the Entity
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The gene lights aren't broken, since you see them blinking, they could be connected to the power grid as well.
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Yes, it actually does. Do you know anything about the Entity at all? It does things because it wants to. It is a supernatural spider god that takes things from different points in time and puts them in its own crazy world. It doesn’t care if things make sense or not. If the Entity wanted everyone to come out with eight heads, no arms, and one small leg, it would do so.
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The best I can offer is that the light produced by the generators is intended to function as a way to renew the hope of escape of the survivors. Remember that the Entity feeds off of that hope. It ideally wants survivors to make it to the cusp of escape and then be sacrificed by the killer.
Gameplay-wise, the extra gens turn on as an additional signal to nearby survivors that its time to drop what you were doing and get out of the trial.
For a reason more routed in "science", they could always just be charging other powered objects (gates, doors, lights, other gens, etc) through wireless charging. Finishing 5 gens would then create enough of a wireless charge to automatically power the gates and remaining gens. Maybe the Entity is just a really big fan of Nikola Tesla's research?
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The Entity instantly fixes 2 gens once 5 gens have been started. I believe she does this so the killer wont know the last gen that went off to give survivours a chace to move away.
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to quote Monokuma for DR3 "because it's a game!" :)
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The Entity's trials don't occur in a physical space.
In the lore of the game it's established that everything is more or less just an abstraction: like a dream.
There are no broken generators, wooden pallets, corn fields, killer shacks, old boats, or anything else; it's all part of a sort of abstract dream world that the Survivors and Killers share.
Nothing has physicality; there is no ground to send wires through. Everything is created by the Entity to provide detail and believability to the dream.
This is also the same reason why Survivors can't talk, why Killers have weapon cooldown, why David can't fight back, why perks are needed to do stuff like pick up pallets, and how the Survivors and Killers can perform various supernatural feats.
Imagine what it's like when you dream. You see things, do things, think things even though your physical body is at rest in bed.
It's more or less the same in DbD: none of it is real, it's just a shared dream that the Entity controls to make the participants feel specific emotions.
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Not the lights, the generators themselves.
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It still has to conform to science.
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No it doesn't have to conform science. You know why? Because it is something that is outside of it. The entity chooses everything how it wants, in any way it wants. Again, its like a dream (like the other guy said) except its real. It's in your mind, but physically as well. You are stuck in an area next to a campfire. The entity is real but doesn't care about what is and what isn't. It's all an illusion but still real. It does what it wants. Science doesn't matter in this place. Or so, it doesn't matter in the entity. It does whatever it wants. Simple as that.
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The Entity did it.
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No really, this isn't a joke meme, this is a truth meme.
Because Entity can do whatever the ######### it wants.
5 Generators repaired?
Okay, then i'll power these last 2 as well and make the Exit Gates available.
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Back in 2016 when 5 gens were done the other 2 could still be fixed for additional points and survivors often tended to stick around wasting killer's time by fixing them. So it was changed that ater 5 gens are done the remaining too get automatically fixed as well.
That's the reason gameplay-wise.
Lore-wise there isn't one.
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There is an underground network of wires, and once five are powered, all power is restored and electricity goes back along the wires to jump start the other two gens.
It was done to prevent survivors from point farming off of the last two, unrepaired gens.