Killers: Time to be Honest

Do you camp?

Whether it be for strategy or just to facecamp for fun or anything of the sort. No judgment, I'm just curious how many killers do consciously camp.


    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Generally no, Its not very fun. But lets say I've hooked someone and a survivor jumps into a locker with DS or Head On. I'm probably gonna wait about a half minute to keep up pressure.

  • ringwinning
    ringwinning Member Posts: 552

    Can you explain at what time it would be necessary as a strat? Do you mean like during endgame?

  • Lofepramine
    Lofepramine Member Posts: 174

    I only camped 2 times, when I was still new and got annoyed by 2 cocky clicky-clicky survivors.

    I don't care about having kills, I want to enjoy the game. There's nothing fun about camping.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    II never camp during my matches, I just don't feel it's needed. If I'm going to lose, then I'll accept it. The only time I did was when a Nea t-bagged EVERY pallet she dropped against me as GF, so I facecamp T-Bagged her for the remainder of her life. Looking back, it was pretty low of me to do and I do regret doing it, but it was kind of a heat of the moment thing.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited September 2020

    depends on the scenario.

    if i feel like camping will be the most profitable action, i'll do it.

    they didnt unhook till like 3 seconds before the guy hit stage 2 / 3 (and im somewhat near)? might aswell secure that stage 2 / kill.

    the gates are powered and i struggle at getting a kill? might aswell secure the one kill i can get.

    they were extremely toxic? yeah why do i gotta be nice towards them?

    stuff like that. very much dependend on the situation we're in.

    in general however, i do not.

    those scenarios are present in a vast minority of my games.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Only during endgame collapse! Endgame collapse is The Purge no rules! Reason being is because endgame is when survivors truly try to help each other, and I'm trying to drain the clock and waste their time

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    Short answer: Yes, with an if...

    Long answer: Not as a rule, no. I'll only camp a hooked/downed survivor if:

    • There is an obvious and massive skill delta between me and the survivors. As in, yeah, you guys are obviously 10 ranks above me and in a group together, so I'm going to have to play dirty.
    • Tactically, against an SWF group. See above.
    • I've yet to secure a kill and the gates are opening.
    • You have a barcode for a name.
    • You teabag or taunt me during the game - you bet that you are now going to be the focus of my attention until you are dead.
  • JimPickens666
    JimPickens666 Member Posts: 326

    Wow......that's only happened to you once!?

    Also you're in a really good mindset, remember killers are here for our entertainment. Idc how many times i t bag and point and send you toxic messages after the game telling you you suck, if you camp (or hit me any sooner than 3 minutes after i've been unhooked) you are effecting MY enjoyment and are the scum of the earth, its too far! I will STILL send you toxic messages AND report you!!!!1!!!1!!

    On topic no one "camps" camping is when baby wraiths stand in front of you first hook. Unless everyone just decides to not do gens and stare at you hoping he'll leave at least 4 gens will pop by the time you die. In the EGC or when a SWF group is standing around waiting for the killer to chase one person isn't camping its guarding because as long as the SWF is standing there waving and pointing they're not doing gens and the killer is making the best move possible

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    I generally don't have a need to camp because I main Pig so my traps keep the survivors busy while I go find other survivors. On the off chance it gets really far into the game and no one is dead I will camp, but I generally have enough pressure and distracted survivors so I don't need to camp to gain kills. Also, people have like forgotten how to face Pig lately so I definitely don't need to camp. I'm getting 1-3 trap kills a game.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Mostly no unless they're toxic.

    However I've started a bit on specific maps. Rotten fields and midwich mostly. Diabolical maps I don't want to play. rotten fields especially is so frustrating as I can't see anyone. There's no point me chasing anyone in the corn because its so easy to lose survivors. Not sure if my colourblindness makes it worse but laurie in a bright blue shirt for example isn't too bad but nea in her default cosmeticic or a blendette and they're almost invisible from a few metres away.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    No, i find it boring to stand still.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I've always been honest. I will camp, tunnel, slug, or Mori if the tactic is called for in a match. They are tools in the toolbox. Sometimes they are the right tool, but more often not. I don't see a problem with it.

  • Mercês
    Mercês Member Posts: 376

    I'm mostly playing later in the night not on weekends, 3am-6am, so I go against only PC players 9/10 of my matches, with 19/20 of them with thousand of hours, and being currently on rank 1 just makes that harder, because I do play on SA servers and we have a lot of local DbD competitions here with very good players, so as you can see, most of the time I'm playing against tryhards. That being said, I always run infectious fright to get some slugging value, but if nobody is close, I will absolutely hook and proxy camp. It's the optimal playstyle as you can see on competitive matches...

  • There's only two scenarios when I camp (I am rank 3 atm, I main spirit and meme buba/myers)

    1) It's a confirmed toxic SWF and I manage to get one in the basement. It's sadistic joy watching a SWF move heaven and earth trying to save their friend in the basement. It almost becomes an entirely different game. This is rare and happens less than 10% of my games.

    2) I have zero kills and the gates are powered: If I down one, obviously I am going to camp. At that point it's the most logical thing to do. If you don't, what are you going to do? Take a coin toss and hope you run into someone else or go to the right gate? I don't ever use NOED btw

    That doesn't mean I can't patrol hooks but I won't just randomly face camp. That's how you lose the game.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 700

    Depends on what you consider camping.

    I say that because I have been called a disgusting camper when Survivors three genned themselves and I didn't leave the three gen area. I was running pop so I'd down a Survivor, hook em close by, and than kick a gen. Took a bit since I didn't commit to chases, but turned what would have been a complete loss into a 2 K.

    Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

  • Two Scenarios really wjhere I will camp (I ram rank 3 on both roles)

    1) In the basement and its a toxic SWF. It's funny watching them move heaven and earth trying to save their friend. Sometimes the SWF's greatest strength is their weakness. They won't let someone go

    2) I have zero kills and the gates are powered. It's the logical thing to do. The survivors have every option to just leave and give me one kill and take their win. 90% of the time they won't and will try to save someone. I've turned this into a 4K once. I got flamed but again, you can take your 3Survivor Win or try. If you fail, it's really not my fault....

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    No, I don't facecamp unless I've got to punish Gens Before Friends. That's not to say I give easy unhooks for the sake of "playing fair" - I'm not going to run away from a patrol route just because a survivor suddenly appeared on a hook, not unless I have another chase readily available.

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    I hate camping as a survivor, so I don't do it as a killer. Only exception is the gates are powered and/or open, and I've just hooked someone (especially if it's near an open exit gate). At that point, I really don't have any place else better to be, especially if it's a coordinated group I'm facing. I will at least stay in the general area on occasion when that happens -- facecamping, though, I won't do.

    Example as why NOT to camp during EGC? I played a game last night as Wraith against a 4-man SWF. Had one dead, downed someone just as the last generator popped. Hooked that survivor halfway between the two exit gates (it was on Haddonfield). Instead of camping, I patrolled the wall between the two gates and found one of the remaining two survivors partly opening a gate. Chased, downed, and hooked them as the fourth survivor was making the rescue. Caught the other two healing at the other exit gate (which they had 99'ed -- or close to it, but not opened). Downed the unhooked person, and nailed the last survivor just before they could get the gate open, securing a 4K. I would have likely walked out with a 2K instead if I had camped that hook when the gates were powered.

    Example as why TO camp during EGC? Played a frustrating match on one of the corn/farm maps as The Shape. Couldn't level up for the longest, chased an Ace who teabagged and pointed it seemed at every pallet he dropped, watched generators popping, Finally stopped chasing and stood at an exit gate near the killer shack with 2 gens left and pretty much gave up. The Ace kept teabagging and dancing around in front of me. I kept leveling up until I was close to Tier 3. Last gen popped, I opened the gates myself and kept standing still. The Ace came right up to me, teabagging, etc. I hit it, he still didn't leave, so I hit him again and downed him. Carried him as far into the corn near the Pig Tree as I could and hooked him, then just stood there. One Claudette tried to make a save, I popped Tier 3, then downed her. Left her slugged and waited by the Ace on the hook. Another Claudette tried to sneak up, I chased her quickly and downed her. Saw the last survivor (a David) approaching, chased him, and downed him. Game went from me inviting the survivors to just leave to a 4K because the Ace wanted to teabag and be toxic. Might be the most satisfying end to a match I've ever had, lol.

  • PatchNoir
    PatchNoir Member Posts: 600

    Well today i had a oni match against a 4 man swf from pc i am from console, they were too bad on looping like every chase was less than 30 seconds, but they gen rushed the ######### out of me, so i camped one after the gates were 99 he died and i got another one and camped him too, the last 2 survs just teabagged at the gate. Well with those ######### gen times we cant do much so i guess its fine to camp after 5 gens.

    match result: 3,3,2,0 (number of hooks, one of them was never found on the match).

  • mintchapstick
    mintchapstick Member Posts: 891

    No. It's boring, I'd rather run off and kick people off gens.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,733

    generally no, but its kinda disgusting how often i cant even walk in a straight line and get the hook out of my TR before someone just yoinks them right off the hook. most of the time they dont even have BT either.

    then those same people claim I camped. lmao

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    In that instance it's not camping if they don't let you leave.

    I don't camp as a rule. My feeling is we're all here to play the game, and if I stay at s hook and camp it, essentially nobody is outside the over-alruistic hook-farmer going for the risky unhook. In that scenario I'm staying by the hook, as is the survivor I've caught and, if the rest are smart, they're focusing on gens to punish the camping.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    I'll proxy camp if the gates are powered. Don't see a reason to leave the hook so :/

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Just standing around doing nothing by a hook midgame is bad strategy. If the survivors aren't coming to you then you need to go to them to keep up the pressure and keep scoring points and getting hits and downs. If you camp and nobody comes to you then you will lose the game with one kill and the lowest score assuming the other survivors worked on gens and opened the doors.

    Now once the doors are open, if you've got someone on a hook then there's not much else for you to do strategically other than try to make sure they don't rescue the hooked victim. If they successfully rescue them then the rescued survivor can score 5000 points and the person who did the rescue gets 1000 points while you maybe trade points with a different survivor in a chase. So if you're playing for scores and kills then guarding a hooked victim once the doors are open is usually the best play. (If the doors aren't open then you may be better off trying to cut the survivors off from opening them, or at the very least you can score 500 points for opening a 99% door yourself which starts the end game collapse and denies the survivors a 1500 point bonus for opening the door themselves.)

  • Parallax
    Parallax Member Posts: 273

    I only ever camp if:

    A: I see a survivor by the hook.

    B: Survivors do gens instead of saving, so I punish that decision by proxying until next hook stage.

    C (If you count this as camping): I'll chase someone if I see them going for the save, and I'm not winning a chase already.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,821

    I'll camp the general hook area during EGC, especially if it's been a rough match and I don't have any kills. Also, one time I face-camped a Jake who trolled me all game, just to make sure he died. Everyone else escaped through the exit ten feet away, and it was worth it.

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    I never camp, and that's for two reasons.

    I have a really short attention span in game and because of the perk discordance, or thrilling tremors if I'm on Deathslinger. I'm also the kind of person that frequently runs Devour Hope.

    The millisecond I hook the survivor I'm gone, but you'd better be ready if you unhook the survivor before I get far enough away because I swear to god I will turn this killer around and make you pay for it.

  • BowlofTofu
    BowlofTofu Member Posts: 45

    I generally don't like to camp. If I got someone on a hook, I'm going to turn around and look for other people and try to push pressure on them.

    But there are times where I have. For instance when I'm playing against SWFs and they are constantly coming to unhook in seconds. It tells me I don't need to go elsewhere, they are coming to me to save their friend. So I stay in the general area but I won't stand in front of the person who was hooked. I try to intercept the people coming to save them.

    Face camping I only do if people have clearly gone out of their way to annoy me. Drop a pallet on me, then blind me multiple times in a row, the run circles around me as I'm carrying someone. Hell there's been times I couldn't move cause they all just body blocked non stop with instant heals. That's when annoyance turns into okay, I can be a dick right back.

  • Khar
    Khar Member Posts: 640

    Absolutely. If it's early or midgame then camping would be bad, but if its late game, gens are just about done or are finished and I had a poor match, then it's time roast some marshmellows over an open fire.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    If the survivors keep coming to me I'll just let them. If they don't then I leave to go find them. Simple asthat.

  • Adriang14
    Adriang14 Member Posts: 257

    I usually only proxy camp if I have a hunch that there’s another survivor near by

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Rarely, but what do you consider camping, because most survivors that I play against tend to not know that a survivor is forcing me to camp because they are right there looping or coming for the unhook instantly when I haven't even left the area.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    Sometimes there’s simply no reason to leave the hook. It’s either endgame, or survivors aren’t on gens and are floating around the hook giving free pressure to the killer.

  • iTsJustTooEasy
    iTsJustTooEasy Member Posts: 10

    its already too easy for killers. When there is a problem with them camping that is how you know it’s true. Don’t even have to try and they still get ez kills.

  • thelittlemonsters
    thelittlemonsters Member Posts: 97
    edited September 2020

    I’ll camp if it gives me more pressure than any other option.

    I’m aware I could camp every game and win every game because survivors always play into it, but I don’t unless it’s clearly beneficial because it’s not fun for anyone.


    EGC and I’m one kill away from a safety pip.

    A super altruistic team with at least one survivor nearby including slugs.

    I’m losing and have someone on hook with another survivor nearby -including a slug- to confirm second hook stage before hooking the slug.

  • DrJohn
    DrJohn Member Posts: 223

    Depends. If I know there are other survivors in the area I'm not going to let them get the unhook for free, or if I've lost all generators. Other than that no. I dislike camping in general.

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Define your idea of what camping is.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited September 2020

    I camp when it's advantageous to me, like if I know the Survivors are there, I have multiple Survivors hooked close to each other, or if my hook is in the middle of my 3 gen. I'll also camp after the gates are powered because there's nothing else to do at that point. The gates open too fast and can't be regressed. It's quite funny when you get salt messages from entitled Survivors that expect me to follow the rulebook. I'm not leaving this hook when you keep swarming it while injured. I'm not giving you any extra chances to win lol. You guys are making mistakes and it's your fault.

    I won't just stand there in front the Survivor, that's boring. I'll be moving around the hook and checking any possible hiding spots nearby.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    The only time I will ever camp is against a survivor with OoO, because I don't just want them dead, I want them to depip.

    Other than that, no. Even in the endgame I'll usually just lose with some dignity.

  • Caz2018
    Caz2018 Member Posts: 193

    No, i don't usually camp; it's a bad and boring strategy for both sides and I'd rather go back to putting pressure on the gens. There are a few exceptions.

    1 If survivors insist on hanging around near the hook, or following me to the hook, I'll stay there too. Give me time to move out of the area and you get a safe unhook.

    2 If the survivor has been particularly toxic to me or the other survivors, they get camped. Had this in one match where 2 survivors were doing everything they could to prevent me from patrolling gens or chasing anyone else; repeating clicking flashlights, blocking me/hooks, running round and round me. Basically they were everywhere I was - turned out to be high rank players against a low rank killer. I did manage to down the worst one and closed camped. Her partner in crime tried for a save and got a whollop (wasn't as good as the first troublemaker). Once the first died, the second soon followed and the last two 3 gen'd themselves. After about 30 minutes of them hiding for ages after I woul break their gens, I managed to catch one and took her to a gen, hit it and left the area. They got the message and finished off the gens so we could all leave the match.

    3 If it's end game and I catch you, I might camp - for example, had a match the other day where the survivors could have left but decided to stay around and teabag me in the entrance. When I advanced, intending to chase them out (I'd already opened the door), one decided to run around me, despite being injured. Could have left, got flattened and hooked. There was only one survivor left and she ran off after I hit her when she went for the save - she left her team mate to die.

    4 If I know I have an ultra-altruistic team who plan to hook dive or come en-mass without coordinating themselves, I will camp/roxy the area - come on guys, don't make it so easy for killers, or they'll take advantage of the situation. Wait out of sight for the killer to leave, or coordinate for someone to keep the killer busy. Rushing in gets you downed.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    I dont go into a match planning to camp, but if you want to sit your happy ass on gens, waiting until the last second to unhook, I will for sure punish that.

    If I need someone gone to win, i will camp.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    @iTsJustTooEasy Op asking Killer players when they camp, not asking Survivor main

    Op: camp in endgame is necessary

    other times is when I have something to do, I hook them and just go afk. I also see it as a challenge if others dare to unhook.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I do it very rarely. Most times it's a combination of many frustrating matches and a general bad mood. Most times i just do bootie things tho.

  • zoozoom6
    zoozoom6 Member Posts: 825

    depends how badly im losing like if i cant hear the sound of my first hook over the exit gate sirens ill do it just to see how good they are at something other that triple stunning or staying hidden