I hate the dead zones...

Still learning Nurse and attempting to "git gud" sitting at Rank 4 but man what I've noticed thus far as playing her there be a lot of walls I can't teleport threw or they make me blink so slowly and it's pretty frustrating at times. Now with that said I do hope some of this stuff gets fixed because it kinda shows how... well the maps aren't the best.


  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    To be honest as a Nurse Main, I'm glad that  some structures you aren't  able to Phase through. It helps the Lore and it helps with blalance wise.

    With the Nurse you can cut the distance in half on any map and blink just about anywhere

    it would be unfair for survivors 
  • feffrey
    feffrey Member Posts: 886
    however I would love to see a new Addon or perk for the Nurse ,named after her husband or one of the ambulance drivers. The addon/perk would completely negate her fatigue and give her a extra bit of energy . 
    But in doing so the next  time you blink after completing your chain blink 
     you would go into a fatigue effect for double the time and bloodlust would be reset