As a Killer, I want to ask survivors

First, this is my first time posting on here. Second, I played both survivor and killer (though I love killer a bit more). I've wanted to ask survivor mains for a bit of a favor. When the killer is playing the best they can but not doing well and they didn't camp or tunnel, what's the point of Tbagging them in the end. Even worse, sending them nasty messages. I don't want to sound sensitive, but I've had to get off because it was too much several times. You don't know what someone is going through that day. I really just to ask everyone to be supportive and play the game fairly.


  • Allivath_Chaos
    Allivath_Chaos Member Posts: 41

    Sadly that type of thing isn't unique to dbd. You'll encounter it everywhere in the gaming world. I'm sorry you've had to deal with that. Try not to let it get to you. Unfortunately it's something we have to deal with.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,188

    As I play both sides, I have the following opinions:

    Survivor - Unless the Killer has been an A**hole I'll stay as long as I can to make sure as many escape as possible without risking myself, but I'd never taunt or teabag the Killer. If I did do that, it's because I've seen the Killer properly face camp, or basically single out and bully a specific survivor. That is a very rare occurance.

    Killer - I change my perception and think of horror movies. Sometimes, whilst being chased the person may shout abuse at the killer to taunt them. I treat teabagging as survivors shouting in anger. Takes away the lack of realism teabagging does. Either that, or just imagine them as the 10 year olds they probably are and laugh back.

    Effectively, it's just someone pressing a button.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Trolling is its own reward, people will infuriate others for the sake of it, this applies to both sides and to pretty much every game in existence.

  • FrootLoops
    FrootLoops Member Posts: 376

    sorry to see that survivor toxicity has gotten to you. I second what LordRegal said. Better to avoid the gates during EGC and ignore the vault spamming unless you are a stealthy boi and NOED is up.

    Unfortunately most players are just having fun and celebrating their win, not really meaning to cause harm and so aren't aware of how they may be hurting others. For what its worth the only time I hang around the exit gate is to give the killer time to find and close hatch before I leave. Once I see the icon disappear I'm out

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    I have the exact same opinion. I play mostly survivor, but also play killer and seeing others just t-bagging the poor killer that didn't even do anything that would be considered toxic, is just stupid. When I play killer, there's always someone that is found, drops a pallet and t-bags. Why? Also, I have blocked messages, because people can just be nasty because they want to. Instead of something like "GG. This game didn't go so well for you, but next time will be better" is always something like "Too easy, you suck" or "You are a garbage killer, EZ."

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681
  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    The post game chat should be avoided when playing killer. Much easier these days with crossplay, but if not already just close it after your first match. Treat them like NPC's in a single player game and just try to enjoy yourself.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    I full heartily agree, I mean I play mostly killer and I have to deal with this ######### so much it actually hurts at times. When I started this game months ago it really brought a lot of my positivity down quite a bit about the game, now a days it doesn't bug me as much as it used too. However there are days when it really gets to me, and its just so sad it happens. I just wish survivors could understand that I'm trying my best and T-bagging, and sending rude massages isn't helping.

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    You could try it but I'm sure they don't. Because... reasons I guess

  • Viceus
    Viceus Member Posts: 145

    because they are kids...tea-bagging at exit gate...

    post in game chat also says " ez killer / nub killer/ pota killer/ etc"

    win in game but losers in real life [ FACT]

  • Psychobeastz
    Psychobeastz Member Posts: 164

    All I can really say is either let them be because it happens or just avoid them. Meaning don't give them the satisfaction they want if they are those types. In this game its common for both killer and survivor, although personally I had more survivors then killers who would do it.

  • leatherfav88
    leatherfav88 Member Posts: 209

    Honestly when tbagging at the gate i do it for two reasons

    1. If they tunneld or camped me

    2. They did nothing wrong im just doing it for light hearted fun nothing serious

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Yes, you're technically correct.

    But there is a point where the "just a game" excuse just doesn't work. Where the insults just go too far. We both know where the line is drawn, and I hope no one willingly crosses it.

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    I agree and yes I'm sure we both know were the line is and I'm sure no of us two will crosses it ever.

  • Jukenobi
    Jukenobi Member Posts: 301

    You sound pretty sensitive. It's a game, people are ######### on the internet, it affects your life in no way. carry on.

  • Entity_Lich94
    Entity_Lich94 Member Posts: 320

    I can relate buddy, I've grown a thicker skin over time because of this game but when I started on both pc and ps4 I almost quit because of all the toxicity from you would get from playing killer.

    People are unfortunately dicks and they feel more empowered to do so by the anonymity of the internet

  • fordragos
    fordragos Member Posts: 20
    edited September 2020

    To be honest, I don't tbag the killer if hes not using NOED. Even if he did play fairly but used NOED for the end game, you can be damn sure that you are going to get the worst tbagging of your life at the exit gate for using that perk.

    So essentially , conditions for tbagging are NOED, facecamping,tunneling,Moris and huntress Iri heads.

    Escapes during Moris are rare but still if it happens then your end game mental sanity is now my property!

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    I learned this recently, that t-bagging in the end at the gate means the survivors let you have a free hit on them, unless once you approach them, they run off. I forgot the name of the person who told me this, but ever since I knew that information, I never got offended or triggered when they t-bagged at the end.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    It’s not the game that’s the problem here, it’s some of the a-holes playing the game. There’s no way excuse for insulting people in chat for instance, the people who do that are the ones who need to grow up.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    There wont be a serious answer by one of those toxic kids. But you can imagine why they do it. They obviously have minority complex, problems or any other handicap. What other reason should there be? A strong person does not have the need to bm anybody.

  • KasumiFox
    KasumiFox Member Posts: 117

    I had someone feature me in a video on their Youtube channel about harassing killers even though I begged them not to.

  • OtakuFreak
    OtakuFreak Member Posts: 206

    Sometimes though, a particular survivor deserves to be singled out and essentially tunnelled. I've had games where a survivor is tea bagging from the start, clicking their flashlight, getting in your way and generally being disrespectful to all the other players in the match.

    Now that's a survivor who deserves to be face camped, or tunnelled out of the game in my opinion.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    The thing is, both camping and tunneling are sort of tactical here. Generally I won't facecamp unless I'm getting absolutely skunked or someone has taunted me, but I'll certainly patrol past hooked people and if I spot one limping away, I'm going for it (unless they boop the snoot of course). Similarly, if someone has a key or a souped up toolbox, I'm going to eliminate them as fast as possible.

    Originally, I tried to avoid it - but too much BM from survivors when they get all 4 out, especially in postgame chat has made me ornery.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    As someone who was in your exact position a week or two ago, a few things:

    • Turn off postgame chat as soon as possible. Especially as a new killer, people are going to say stuff to you regularly that would hurt a rhinoceroses feelings.
    • Don't be afraid of 'camping' or 'tunneling'. 99% of the time these are nonsense terms that basically mean 'hey, you killed me and I didn't like it'. You are going to get accused of it *constantly* anyway, so if a move makes tactical sense, the other side can write a TS note and mail it to the chaplain. Especially if you find yourself playing a low mobility killer on a large map vs. a team with multiple toolboxes - chuck someone in the basement and get ready for visitors. Let them be as cross as they want.
    • You can always be charitable towards survivors once you are winning. I promise you right now that they will never extend you the same courtesy. Keep in mind that for every duo that wants you to let them farm, there is another that will report you for 'taking the game hostage' and not ending it immediately.
    • Remember that 'good' for a killer is dispatching 2 out of 4 survivors. As long as you chase, get a few additional hits off and play the game, you'll rank up.
    • The easiest way to stop the enemy teabagging or torchspamming in the exit is to rush them down the second they star. It seldom works, but if you can down a spammer just before they exit and hang them, you'll feel like a million bucks.
    • The real BM to be afraid of is a duo/trio of survivors who will refuse to end a game and will just roam the map, hiding and sneaking. Good luck finding them, even with Whispers. I had a nearly 2 hour game once thanks to people like this.
  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,188

    I do get that. There's no right or wrong way, but ignoring those who try it (to me) upsets them more, because what I'm saying effectively is: "You're not important". That's more upsetting to them, as they waste time trying to get attention, thereby wasting time when they could do gens, and will make them make mistakes.

    Even if they're tunnelled and face-camped, they still may not care as they have the attention. No attention upsets them more, I believe.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,188

    Yeah, and different tactics work for different people. I'm aggressive as a Killer, so if someone is unhooked in front of me I shall down the hooked one, but leave them to pursue the other. Make sure I keep survivors doing anything other than gens.

    I think I've only ever been rattled once in post game chat, and that was because of so many bugs messing my game up after the recent patch. But I can see how - after many post-match comments - how it would make someone ornery.

    Just to be clear, I'd never say anyone is wrong for doing what they choose to (heck, you paid for the game!). I just believe ignoring them is effectively p*****g on them as if they're nothing, which upsets them more as they feel ignored.

  • Xbob42
    Xbob42 Member Posts: 1,117

    I mean if someone spits in your face after a friendly game of football, do you not get mad because it's "just a game?" The game isn't the issue. The issue is being an #########. If BHVR gave a ######### about the quality and health of their community, they'd systematically purge bad actors. And I'm not talking about teabagging or flashlight clickers, those are mildly annoying (to moderately annoying if you're having a rough series of matches) but whatever, it's just silly game animations. It's the vile, putrid BS that some people try to say in the post-game chat that's the issue.

    It's pretty rare, and I almost never see it, but when I do, it's rough knowing there's a lot of people out there with thinner skin than me absorbing this kind of pointless abuse for no reason with BHVR not doing a damn thing about it.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Unfortunately this game is full of idiots. It's extremely annoying but unfortunately there's nothing that can be done to stop them. Same can happen on both sides.

    Had a Hag on Hawkins last night. She has Ruin, Devour Hope, Undying and Corrupt Intervention. She was also using an ebony mori and mint rag. She immediately moris someone shortly after they got unhooked and I killed myself on hook with 1 gen left because she was camping me and the other 2 were doing nothing.

    Unfortunately one of these 2 was a mate of mine who I'm trying to get into this game. The Hag had both people upstairs and proceeded to down them, then let them live to only down them again. After finally killing my mate she let the last survivor crawl to the hatch and close it in his face.

    He had Adrenaline and ran to the door. She pretended to farm with him again but once he got the door 90% she grabbed him off it. She waited till the EGC timer was about to run out before moring him. I was struggling that whole time to explain to my mate what exactly she was doing and why he couldn't just dc.

    This game can be so ######### if either side decides to be an ass about it.

  • LittilAvindar
    LittilAvindar Member Posts: 255

    At the end of the day, both sides have it out for each other. Killer mains are tired of survivors who get salty, no matter what they do, so many of them have decided to literally show zero mercy, even to the point of straight up campign and tunneling. Survivors are tired of killers that face camp and tunnel right off the hook, so they are in the same boat for killers. When it comes to camping/tunneling, killers will generally argue tactical/strategy, even if it's right out the gate, instead of at the EGC, where I can understand doing that.

    Considering the argument of tactics, survivors were given perks to tactically best killers who choose to exercise their ability to camp/tunnel, and killers call them survivor crutches, despite ignoring the fact that if a killer downs someone and camps them, that's literally game over in the first minute or two of the match for that player, and an immediate de-rank, which isn't fun at all (just like gen-rushing isn't fun for killers), especially with some of the wait times for matches, and the fact that matchmaking in this game is a literal joke. There is no such thing as simply not getting caught, unless you are a literal loop god. Even then, there are only a select number of pallets, and the killers, on top of having an initial speed advantage, also get speed increases every 15 seconds in a chase. This doesn't include many of the built-in abilities that killers get, which further slow survivors, or grant an instant down. Killers like Billy and Bubba get a pretty frequently usable instant down, that has a speed that exceeds Legion's sprint ability, which doesn't instantly down anyone. Experienced killers can avoid common corner jukes, etc, so it's pretty inevitable you're going to get downed. Getting downed once should not be the end of the game, otherwise they'd make 1 hook the kill hook. Again, it isn't fun.

    Understanding that the actual objective is for the survivors to get out, since BHVR pretty much changed the game to personal performance, and not team performance, survivors don't really care about getting out, so much as they care about pipping. It's cool if your team gets out, but if the killer face-camped you, you got nothing and sat there for the duration of a match you didn't get to enjoy. You don't get points for the team's performance; you only get points for your own performance (which is why BHVR needs to pick either the ranking system, or the actual objective system, not both). As far as survivors are concerned, the killer's enjoyment comes from simply upsetting survivors like that, and not in actually winning a match. Many simply want a rise out of people, and they get it when survivors don't get to enjoy a match because they were downed in the first 30 seconds, and had to stare at the killer for 2 minutes before de-ranking and having to wait in another 10 minute queue for the same nonsense. Mind you, this is just the killer's impact. Don't get me started on how other survivors can ruin a match for you. 4 against 1 sounds like an advantage, but pretty much only if you're SWF. Usually, I find that survivors ruin my matches more than a killer does.

    On the opposite end of the spectrum, survivors complain about perks like BBQ, Ruin, NOED, and more recently, Undying, which they also consider to be crutch perks for killers who are performing poorly. Killers have to contend with 4 people, and if they're SWF or split up, it's very difficult to maneuver around that. Thus, sometimes those perks are desperately needed. But perks like NOED, much like DS, are counterable. Pretty much, if it constitutes a meta on either side, the other side will complain about it.

    The difference is that a killer doesn't have to care what survivors think about them. Toxic survivors make me want to kill them even more, regardless of how I choose to go about doing it. Survivors have to take a beating from both sides.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    i hate these threads

  • Richter_Cade
    Richter_Cade Member Posts: 91

    Teabagging at the exit gates can be terribly annoying and even worse when they got there through luck, or you being nice and letting them. There is a counter in the game, though.

    Myers tombstone piece.

    Every now and then I like to run this and when I pop my EW3, I don't kill, I lunge for downs. When the gens are all done I try to have it at 99 again and if somebody is teabagging, instakill. Won't always work but they usually stay till you hit them if they are toxic, and they rarely see it coming. Very satisfying.

    Slightly less satisfying but works on all killers, franklins. I have many screenshots of toolboxes, maps and flashlights left in my games because survivors wanted to get that last bit of bm in and I took their toy away as punishment.

  • KissingxToast
    KissingxToast Member Posts: 30
    edited September 2020

    I have played mostly survivor but I have recently been playing killer to get challenges and daily rituals done.

    Since I have played survivor I know a lot of the toxic things they do.

    I avoid the exit gates when I know they are just standing there looking back waiting to tbag, click flashlights etc. I don't need those last pity hits. I can just do better next game. I walk around setting traps, breaking pallets and whatnot.

    The one survivor that's practically throwing themselves at me, I completely ignore. They are a distraction and usually the best looper on the team. I'm not going to frustrate myself chasing them.

    As for end game chat, I simply hit continue. Let them be toxic to a killer who isn't even there reading it lol.

    My games as killer have been more fun just doing these few things.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    As a survivor main, I ask myself the same question.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    The thing is - it does build up.

    I was the most friendly killer when I started. Now...yeah. Teabag me, flash me, deadhard me, DS me - now it's a grudge match, and no tactic will be avoided or quarter given.