Nerf Ruin pls



  • bubbabrotha
    bubbabrotha Member Posts: 1,138

    Listen. You probably wont, but I'll try. Go find lit bones. Don't rely on your team to do them. That's on you. Bring small game or a map and go totem hunting if it's a problem. Please, just do it for one game.

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    This is a issue for solo survivor + Ruin.

    And not swf who "gen rush" every game.

    I never saw solo survivor who "gen rush"

  • ILoveDemo
    ILoveDemo Member Posts: 681

    I will and do. But it will be better If you have something in the hub that tells you how much totems are still in the game.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    @BabyDweetMain You say this like it’s a good thing but most killers will be trying to “killrush” during this time. They’ll hard tunnel a survivor out for try to end the game at 5 gens. Survivors being slower on generators does not mean the other side isnt trying to end the game as quickly as possible.

    @bubbabrotha Everyone keeps saying bring a map but that’s not viable at all. I have survivors I grinded to all perks, mostly done before you got 2 perks per bloodweb too so thats like a bajillion bloodwebs I’ve been through and I probably only have like 15 maps. You can not reasonably go into every trial with a map, not even close.

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    Ruin is one of the little Perk's Killer have where they don't have to do something besides to chase you off the Generator and Ruin can be cleansed.In the meanwhile tell me how to counter Survivor combo Perk's please.

  • Kumnut768
    Kumnut768 Member Posts: 789

    ok so lets say im versing sentient survivors and i down someone hook them and then on bbq and chili i see someone on a gen and i go over there quickly down them the other guy gets unhooked and now has ds active, i see no one on bbq so i begin patrolling gens and find the guy with ds active while he is on a gen, i down him and get hit with ds, but im not tunnelling and thats the issue with ds, people are fine with the actual anti tunnel aspect of it, if you complain about that your just a bit of a ######### killer imo and people just want it solidified as an anti tunnel perk

  • Golden_spider
    Golden_spider Member Posts: 587

    Bring Detective's Hunch and M1 your generator, then you get to typically see where 2 totems are after finishing it to go do.

    Don't have Tapp or Shrine Of Secrets being trash as usual? Small Game cuts down on search time by quickly sweeping each tile with your camera.

    Don't have the perk slots to spare? Bring a Rainbow Map.

    Don't have a Rainbow Map? Bring a Map with Red Twine.

    Don't have a Map? Learn the typical spots totems spawn.

    Been doing totems but other Survivors aren't helping with totems? Yell at them to do totems.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,476

    Ah yes kindred the only perk in the item slot I knew it all along

  • ChiSoxFan11
    ChiSoxFan11 Member Posts: 1,093

    Ruin before Undying was introduced was becoming borderline unplayable. It was either game-changing in the killer's favor (if it spawned somewhere super-difficult to find, i.e. some of the Hawkins spawns, Midwich spawns, etc.) or completely useless and gone in 60 seconds or less (the majority of the maps, particularly the older ones, where totems spawn literally in the wide-open). The problem was that, due to most totem spawn locations being so open, that ratio (at least in my games) tended to be 90% worthless, 10% stupidly good, and nothing in between. It was a complete hit-and-miss, but with way too many "misses", even for a Hex perk (which is supposed to be a high risk/reward perk, but not the equivalent of hitting a lottery ticket).

    Since Undying, Ruin is at least serviceable again (though at the cost of two perk slots). As has been pointed out already, if the killer isn't pushing people off of generators, it won't matter. I've had plenty of survivor matches, both before Undying came out and since, where I've sat on a gen and completed it easily, even with Ruin up, because the killer never disturbed me/us. If the killer can't down anyone, or keeps getting caught up in long chases, it's easily possible to finish all 5 gens with Ruin staying up the entire game. I've done that as a survivor (and even as a solo).

    I had a stretch a while back where I played Ruin and lost it under 60 seconds in ten straight matches in a row (one in 27 seconds! I was timing it with the stopwatch on my phone). Today I played a match where both Ruin AND Undying were gone in barely a minute (while I was in the middle of hooking a survivor). I had another match today where, immediately after spawning in, I headed to the far side of the map (where I had a totem) and got there just in time to watch the survivor break it in my face (it was Ruin, which thankfully respawned due to Undying), meaning that in that match, it was actually impossible for me to have done anything to protect my perk no matter what I did if Undying wasn't in play. I've also had matches where Ruin has stayed up the entire match, simply because survivors wouldn't cleanse a somewhat obvious lit totem a few meters away from a generator they refused to give up trying to finish (spoiler: they all died, lol).

    The fact that Ruin can be worked through (if you're efficient), can still be broken early (even with Undying), and only works if the killer is applying pressure somewhere, means that there's nothing broken at all about it currently. As someone who plays 50/50, I have no problem going against it in its current state, and I think it's finally workable enough to use on killer builds again.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    You mean with Hex: Undying?

    Anyway no, ruin doesn't need a nerf. If the killer doesn't pressure gens than this perk is already useless for him/her in the entire match.

    Also Hex: Undying doesn't need nerf anyway. Killer is sacrificing the two perk slots for that combo that is already luck dependent and can be strong if the survivors are really unlucky with cleansing the hex totems.

  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    ^^ What this guy said. Killers only get value out of Ruin if they're playing well and pressuring survivors off of gens. If the killer never gives you a reason to let go of M1 then Ruin will delay the gen by a total of 0 seconds.

    I've gone against plenty of Blights qith the new Ruin/Undying combo and it's totally beatable by solo survivors even if you don't find the totems.

    At the same time I've been playing Blight with that combo and have seen survivors leave their entire team to die because they're afraid to let go of M1 and let a gen regress.

    Play smart and you'll be fine. You won't survive every match, but you're not supposed to. Say GG to the killer and move on.

  • BabyDweetMain
    BabyDweetMain Member Posts: 434

    Ive been solo survivor for 4 years. It happens. A lot actually. Ruin isn't even hard to play against. If you think ruin is so bad it needs a nerf, you're bad.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Imagine if it was old ruin, you would be crying with undying.

    SCP_FOR_DBD Member Posts: 2,416

    Hard disagree, the combo should be strong since it takes up half your perk slots. Not to mention that Maps and Detectives Hunch do wonders for countering it.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Nerfing Ruin to 100% would make it useless on its own. I really don't think that combo is op, but it's certainly a nice meta build. More meta perks are always welcome.

    If they need to nerf anything, they should maybe limit the amount of times a Hex totem can be transferred with Undying to 2, but I hope they won't do anything else.

    But good survivor teams can still deal with Ruin and Undying combo, don't forget that the killer is giving up two perk slots just for the effect of Ruin, but with the advantage that Ruin lasts longer on average.

    One change that this game so desperately needs though is a totem counter, so solo survivors can also keep track of how many totems are still left.