Killers shouldn't be"Dependent" on add-ons?

You would think add-ons would just reinforce a specific play style or create new ones but instead they act as a crutch on some killers because they "need" them. Some power role if you ask me.
It's very hard to balance, but ideally ALL killers should either be dependent on add-ons to perform best, or none at all. Right now, you have some who basically need add-ons to even have a good shot at killing even 1 good survivor... and others who you can 4k with ease while going "lolol whats an addon?"
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Many of Piggy's add-ons either hurt or barely help her, so I have a hard time calling her dependant on them.
By the Entity she needs an add-on pass thingy...
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To add to this I think Ultra Rare addons should kinda debuff and make the killer more challenging to use with those addons
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I believe killers should be at least decent at base, and add-ons give them a good boost in a specific area or change how they play. Having killers that pretty much need add-ons just to be decent is a bad design imo, the same way having add-ons that make a killer busted is.
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I have played Trapper, Wraith, Billy, Hag, Leatherface (pre-change), Nurse, Deathslinger, PH, Oni, Legion, and Blight without addons. Out of those, only 4-5 killers are what I would consider good without addons. It really shouldn't be like that. Every killer should have a chance without addons, yet only 5 could have a real chance.
And most of that playtime was before cross-play was added. Now there is a disparity between killers due to the mechanical limitations between Xbox (my platform) and PC... which probably limits it down to 2, if we are being honest.
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Spend 7k bp to be worse off, that sounds just wrong
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I wouldn't say any of the killer's besides maybe trapper and wraith depend on addons, if you want to beat sweaty swf you may need good addons for those rare cases.
Killers like Ghostface probably need to meet in the middle with his cd addons because the addons make his 30s shroud cd like 12 which is crazy, I'd suggest his base CD to be like 20s instead and nerf the addons to compensate.
Killers like Demogorgon, Pyramidhead and Legion while fine without addons need better than what they have and probably make some of them base like Rat liver for Demogorgon for example.
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Some Reds are like that but what you're talking about are Brown Bp increasing meme addons that nobody uses.
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I think ppl should leave killers alone. Should just Nerf survivors.
Cuz u know ... Survivors shouldn't be dependent on items like keys/med kits/ flashlight, etc.
Really ppl? Bunch of entitled survivors... Smh
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these why I wish there was a way sell thing in this game tho add on way useless.
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What even is this comment? I don't understand at all what you're saying, no one has made any comments about what survivors should or shouldn't have but you.
But here you go:
I used to be a red rank killer and I'm a red rank survivor. I don't use add-ons or offerings in 90% of my games for either role. I think add-ons for both role are stupid and I hate having to play around them on either side.
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There's no rational reason not to use brown or yellow add-ons every game other than to brag that you can win without them. Brown and yellow add-ons are dirt cheap and obviously the devs intend the characters to be played with at least easy to get add-ons and offerings since they make them so easy to acquire.
Now if you mean a killer shouldn't be "green/purple/red" dependent then I'd agree but I don't think there are any killers currently who fall in that category.
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One point im trying to make is that add-ons can make a big difference or a very small one and that is categorized as Good/green-pink and Meh/brown yellow. With exceptions of the demo gorgon playing with white or yellow make very little difference in anything, Im looking to have fun not get ez wins. The pig has fun addons for example, maybe not amazing but they change how the games play out which is good.
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So spend 7k BP to nerf yourself? We already have common add-ons for that and we don’t need Ultra Rares becoming that bad. Nobody would use them.
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Ok, it sounds like you are saying that some green, purple and red add-ons or combos are a bit overpowered and that’s true. Huntress’ Iri Head plus the purple which gives two extra hatchets is a popular example. Or with Blight there’s a consensus his Green aura add-on that shows auras on a Slam might be a little too powerful, especially for a Green. That’s not to say these killers “depend” on these to win, they can win without them, but the add-ons will tend to get overused because they’re so effective compared to the other choices.
And I agree that the most interesting add-ons are the ones that shake up the killer’s playstyle. Things like Freddy’s fake pallets or Michaels Scratch Mirror come to mind. In comparison add-ons which just give a straight buff are a little less interesting. And some add-ons seems oddly pretty useless, like Hillbilly’s add-on that increases his chainsaw recharge speed while someone is shining a flashlight on him.
The devs do seem to be in the process of slowly reviewing old add-ons and perks, as they did with Billy and they mention Clown and Huntress in this week’s Q&A, so hopefully some of these over- and under-used add-ons will get tweaks to make them a little more balanced and interesting.
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It really doesnt matter. If that's how u want to play, than so be it. Can't change how other ppl want to play.
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... Did you played the pleage (don't know how to wrote the name) without add ons/only Brown, terrible right?
And now play her with Green or better add ons. Wow I got my First ezay 4K with pleage o_o
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I think they largely help people learn to play by easing some of the difficulties of a killer. I used to never play without add ons cos I felt like they were the difference between winning and losing. These days on the three killers I play the most, Pig, Deathslinger and Plague, I don't use add ons at all unless I'm doing a challenge where I think they'll help significantly.
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Basically nurse
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I have said this many times, Add-ons are fundamentally a flaw in this games design, there is no arguing against it.
Either the devs have balanced a killer, this speed, this range, this time it takes, this effect, etc etc etc which then gets boosted beyond balance (in the killers favor) by add ons.
OR the devs balanced the killers, then nerfed them to be weaker then they should be for a balanced match, only for players to fix that imbalance by requiring the use of add ons, aka needless busywork.
(I would like to add that I dont join in this nonsense and never equipe any add ons myself).
What SHOULD be done is that all add ons are removed, killers rebalanced so they are balanced stock, then add ons need to be added back in but all they do is CHANGE the way the power works, give and take, not just boosting.
So for example the Nurse can blinkd further, but her cooldown takes a bit longer, or vice versa, so people can still customise the killer a bit to suit their desired playstyles.
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Yeah about 90% of my Plague games are with no add ons, and I 4k pretty consistently as her at rank 1.
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Oh, are you this one guy who Play Clown without any add ons or pearks and got a 50 4K streak in Rank one O_O
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No, Clown is garbage.
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You mean this guy?
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Does He need add ons to have a chance against survivor?
If yes then I'm right with my First post
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When you make killers dependent on add-ons, they will play for points so they can get add-ons. That means farming games. That means Doctors just shocking people over and over, without any intention of killing them. That means slugging. Is that what you want? And if you make killers dependent on add-ons while banning people who actually play to acquire the necessary add-ons, you'll end up with much longer queues - if you can get into a trial at all.
IMO, add-ons should modulate the killer's power, not serve as temporary boosts to give them a chance at winning. Freddy is a good example of this. Snares and pallets aren't better or worse than each other, they're just different and need to be played in different ways. While I believe he should be able to swap between them without add-ons, the basic idea that his add-ons change his power so that it requires a different playstyle is one I can get behind.
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There are already a few add-on dependent killers though? Trapper, Wraith, and Clown suffer heavily without them. But you don't see anyone doing farming games because let's be real; add-ons are cheap enough they can be run every game. Any seasoned killer will have BBQ, and with BBQ you can be running purples/greens constantly; while piling up hundreds of browns and yellows on the side.
Also, I would argue to death that snares are better than pallets.
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GF is also horrible without addons / Demogorgon needs Rat Liver / Doctor without addons also bad
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I never play any killer without any add ons, that would be silly. 🙂 I usually play killers with at a minimum two yellow add-ons, worst case a yellow and brown. I can’t ever remember not being able to use at least one yellow.
As far as Plague goes, she’s ok, not my favorite killer personally. I don’t really have a strong opinion on how good or bad she is in general other than she has a snowball potential kind of like Oni but lacks his map mobility so it’s a little harder for her to capitalize on being charged up I think. (I’m also a terrible shot with ranged attacks in general in this game so her, Huntress and Deathslinger are among my worst killers.)
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I do want to chime in on this and say it feels really bad to be playing a handful of killers without addons. The fact that I have to keep dumping blood points into them for one time use consumables to make them not feel like garbage is stupid quite frankly. At least the lowest version of the below addons should be base kit with the higher ranks making them better (Ex: brown trapper bag baseline. Yellow still exists).
Wraith - Windstorm
Trapper - Bags
Demogorgon - Rat liver
I hear from people that Ghost Face and Doctor both don't feel good without addons but I can't comment on them as I haven't gotten around to playing them much.
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That’s an awful idea
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Spirit's Mother-Daughter Ring is practically a debuff because it hides fresh scratch marks forcing her to depend and on sound. (Ring without father's glasses)
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I think the difference between the Killers is too big. I play Oni and Myers pretty much always without addons but I´d never try that with Trapper or GF since they´d be hindered way too much without them.
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While you're not wrong, I don't think Doctor is one you can really fix due to the nature of his addons
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Have you ever played spirit? Scratch marks are useless. It’s literally her best add on
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Some Killer Red add-on are so strong that they have down side to make it up.
Myer Red tombstone is an example. 1 hit whole game in exchange of take alot of time to reach to Tier3
Mother Daughter ring gives Spirit ability to cross the map in 5sec. Down side is a must