The game is competitive and here the reason why

Every time someone in this forum say how I can I apply pressure or how I can counter this as the killer the answer will always be play the X killer with those perks and you should be ok after Y time you spend to learn this killer. If the game was casual then every killer cloud apply the same pressure they can't.

Now I know it's human nature to try to find the more optimal way to do stuff but this doesn't apply here. Because when I casual play ask you how I can be better in this game and how I can counter this BS your answer will always be play the top killer with the top perk and you should be ok.


  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    The answer is not "play the right killer and perk", the honest answer would be "play better".

    And of course the game is competetive, every game can be competetive if you and others want it to be. And this community is definitly dedicated enough. Alone the debate here shows that it has a competetive invoroment.

  • GoodLookinCookin
    GoodLookinCookin Member Posts: 341

    I dont mind that dbd can be competitive, I do mind though that you cant play it without being competitive. Dbd is not about having a good scare and having fun its about "winning" sadly.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    " your answer will always be play the top killer with the top perk and you should be ok." Literally who has ever said this. Playing the best Killer or using the best perks aren't going to matter if you aren't playing well. Everything takes time a practice. The more you play, the better you'll get.

  • GhostyyBoi
    GhostyyBoi Member Posts: 416

    Ding dong, your opinion is wrong

  • KingOfGhost
    KingOfGhost Member Posts: 236

    @xEa @GodDamn_Angela

    Here the thing every single killer have a skill cap that you can't pass when you reach it not matter how good you become ( and for most killer this cap is way lower of that of the survivors) . So what you will do when you reach that point and you killer can't deal with thoes BS? Then you are force to learn a beeter killer that can deal with this BS and use the best perks other wise the game stop been fun.

    Every time a killer ask for help in order to combat anything survivors do the answerd is " git gud" follow by end chesies fast ( even tho only few killer can do that) and petrol the gen ( and again few killer can do that and only the top killer can do both).

    In the end after you reacth a X lvl as killer and rank you are force to be competitive in oder to have same fun or go survivor and don't care about anything other than how you can have fun.

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    Everyone has a different opinion on what fun is.

    Some people like to play competitive even if its a casual game or the other way around.

    And tbh I like a challenge in this game.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Or, or, you can change how you see yourself playing the game 'casually'.

    If you play the game casually and expect a 4k as killer every game, or you expect to escape every game as survivor, or you expect to pip every game, then yes, you do need to either practice more to get better at the game, or you need to play an easier killer with a really good build. (Let's be real, it's easier to play someone like Freddy then Clown, or Hag over Trapper.)

    But if you go in not expecting those things and just have fun with it, even a death can be a win, or a 2k can be a win. Really just depends on a game-by-game basis, and what you want your win condition to be sometimes.

    If it's a great SWF team? A 2k or 3k is a total win.

    Playing Survivor, and you died but the rest of the team escaped? That's a win in my book.

    Really, I think a win is whatever you decide for it to be in this game. At least with the current system- because as a Survivor, a death can still mean a net gain for your team, and as a killer, a 3k can be just as good as a 4k.

  • Slashstreetboy
    Slashstreetboy Member Posts: 1,811

    It is competitive by design - two sides compete for the victory, with the survivors being able to still win individually if other parts of their side fails.

    If it wasn´t competitive it would be a coop game with AI opponents, but it´s not, it´s PVP.